An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

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  • #61

I guess I technically COULD kiss your ass, but I shan't, as I am an RP God. Regardless, it looks like you've read the rules, as you've included something along those lines.

That aside, your sign-up looks very nice. Accepted.

WMBQ i swear to put more effort into my post for now on and this looks epic.

Alright, sweet. Remember to capitalize "I". ;)

Name: JetWMBQ is a ***** haha

Species of Pokemon: Squirtle

Age: 15

Gender: male

Physical Description: Jet is a more muscular Squirtle with longer arms then usual, who wears a green headband and black aviator sunglasses.

History: Jet was born and raised by his huge family in a small peaceful village full of water type pokemon. One day a group of crazed pokemon controled by Zigaram came wondering into his seaside village. They began stealing and even attacking the citizens of the village. On a dark summer night, Jet's parents a blasdose( and a wartortle sent him away into the wild. There he wondered around before meeting up with a group of other young pokemon who oppose Zigaram. He wishes to overthrow Zigaram and free his families village.

Other: Jet is young and naive. He always trys to have fun and keep an upbeat attitude.


Excellent. You're in! Wait... no I'm not... :mad:
Thanks for excepting me oh and by the way don't let that ego of yours get too big my friend.
Physical Description: Jet is a more muscular Squirtle with longer arms then usual, who wears a green headband and black aviator sunglasses.
I just had to sprite this:

I know you said headband, but the bandana looks cooler.
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  • #66
So before I start, I'm thinking of implying the 7-post-a-day rule, just to be safe, so that this isn't an MJ12 take 1 repeat. (7 posts a day being the maximum, not minimum. Implied to stop rapidfire posting.)

The firs three people who reply with definite answers will make my decision.

E.g, if two people say yes, and one person says no, it will be instated. Majority rules. Also, if I don't have 3 responses after an hour, I'll take the majority, the, too. :p
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  • #68
Alright, so to kill time until this starts, I decided to archive the icons of all the characters so you don't have to go looking for them.





Twilight Hero:


Inugami God:





These will be archived on the front page of the thread, and I'll be sure to update them when your Pokemon evolve (They'll probably just be in a line though, without username heading).

EDIT: Imma make the thread now, and I'll be instating that rule. ;)
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  • #70
Yes, go ahead. It may be closed soon, though, so you'd better hurry up. ;)

Name: Storm WMBQ is an RP God...Bleh. jk

Species of Pokemon: Slakoth

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Normal looking Slakoth, though cross breeding between species have made his colors change. instead of brown fur, it is green, and instead of dark brown fur on his back and eyes, it is purple.

History: Storm has been shunned by much of his own race due to his outlandish colors. He was exiled, as a freak, to wander alone throughout the world. He has lived a life of pain, always being shunned by other Pokemon, but always seen as the prize for any trainers collection. He has always managed to escape their clutches, however, preferring to live the life of solitude he is used to.
Always able to fend for himself, going for weeks at a time without food if neccessary. Without much insight to the outside world, he has not been involved nor in serious contact with other beings for awhile. Therefore, his hidden power has yet to be awakened.

Other: Due to living the life of a loner, he has had many fights with every species that cross his path.

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  • #75

Interesting character. I once made a character quite similar to that for an RP long ago, only it was a Larvitar.

Rule #7 :D

Alright, accepted! He IS part of the rebel group, right? Go ahead and post an IC in the thread if you wish.

i'm thinking about it. but i'm having trouble picking who i would be if i joined

I thought you wanted to be a Bulbasaur? We can have more than one of a species, you know.

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