An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Just to be safe, here's my Charmander's bio:
Name: Hako
Species of Pokemon: Charmander
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Hako is unique in that he is a Charmander with a blue flame on his tail rather than a red one. He wears a small blue band on his left claw. Other than that, he looks like a normal Charmander.
History: Hako was born in a small group of Charmeleons and Charmanders that lived on Cinnibar Island. When he was born, he was shunned by everyone in the community except his parents for his unique blue flames rather than the normal red ones. He grew up in relative peace until Zigaram's mind control turned even his own parents against him, although Hako was not affected. He fled Cinnabar Island and is now the newest member of the rebels, trying to find a way to turn his parents back to normal.
Other: Hako's blue fire powers up his fire attacks when compared to other Pokemon, though not by much.
WMBQ is an RP god
NameMaxis WMBQ is an RP god

Physical Description He has a Stout body, his colors are normal blue with white instead of black and his eyes are red, average height, he's faster and stronger than a normal Riolu, he can use aura as well as a Lucario, he is extreamly athlectic, and he's able to shatter boulders with ease with either hands or legs.
HistoryHe has lived a lonley life since his parents died when he was little and other pokemon wont except him, stumbles upon the rebels decides to help out to earn the respect of the other pokemon, and since they are the first to except him.
OtherCan use Aura Shpere and is an extreamly loyal friend.
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  • #34

1) Check rule #7.
2) Make your sign-up in a less note-taken format. It should be written out with proper grammar and punctuation.

Pending for now.
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  • #36
Sorry, Gigs, it's late, and I forgot to evaluate it. -_-

Accepted, but I'm just wondering: How did he get off Cinnabar Island? Fire types can't really swim...

Alright, MangaGamer (can't be arsed to type out your new name), your sign-up is close to satisfactory, so I'm gonna say Pending Accepted. This means that you ARE accepted, but you're also expected to put more effort into your regular posts than you did your SU.
i'm having a hard time deciding between squirtel, sandshrew, or the thing that evolves into hitmonchan. Any suggestions? I'm kinda leaning towards squirtle, but sandslash is soo cool looking its hard to pass up.
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  • #39
Squirtle- We'd have all 3 Kanto starters and that would be epic.

Sandshrew- Is just cooler than Squirtle.

EDIT: Rebels are people (in this case, Pokemon) who are against the government (in this case, Zigaram the Alakazam) and try to bring it down.
i'll start with squirtle and then reserve sandshrew for later.

Name: TBD

Species of Pokemon: Squirtle

Age: 16(I dunno whats old for a pokemon)

Gender: male

Physical Description: (insert name here) is an average sized squirtle who wears a green headband and black aviator sunglasses.

History: (insert name here) was born and raised by his huge family in a small peaceful village full of water type pokemon. One day a group of crazed pokemon controled by Zigaram came wondering into his seaside village. They began stealing and even attacking the citizens of the village. On a dark summer night, (.....)'s parents a blasdose( and a wartortle sent him away into the wild. There he wondered around before meeting up with a group of other young pokemon who oppose Zigaram. He wishes to overthrow Zigaram and free his families village.

Other: (Insert name here) is young an naive. He always trys to have fun and keep an upbeat attitude.
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i'll start with squirtle and then reserve sandshrew for later.

Name: TBD

Species of Pokemon: Squirtle

Age: 16(I dunno whats old for a pokemon)

Gender: male

Physical Description: (insert name here) is an average sized squirtle who wears a green headband and black aviator sunglasses.

History: (insert name here) was born and raised by his huge family in a small peaceful village full of water type pokemon. One day a group of crazed pokemon controled by Zigaram came wondering into his seaside village. They began stealing and even attacking the citizens of the village. On a dark summer night, (.....)'s parents a blasdose( and a wartortle sent him away into the wild. There he wondered around before meeting up with a group of other young pokemon who oppose Zigaram. He wishes to overthrow Zigaram and free his families village.

Other: (Insert name here) is young an naive. He always trys to have fun and keep an upbeat attitude.

edited post...I still have to think of a name and I don't know about age. What would a sandshrew/squirtle fusion look like? I'd sprite it but it would look like ****.
Name: Glio (MWPQ is an RP God)
Species: Gligar

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Description: Glio has a long spiky tail that has a sharp diamond shaped needle at the tip. His wings are smaller than most gligars, but his fangs are slightly larger than others. He is mostly the color purple all over.

History: He lives in caves with his friends and family, and trains a lot at the nearby pokemon gym. He is currently growing up like most other gligars, but is slightly smarter than most of the other students. He becomes part of the rebel movement because most of his friends seem to think its cool. He does support Alakazam in his role as a semi-God
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  • #44
LetItRock: Looking good, but could you add a bit more to the History section? It's a bit short, and doesn't bear a ton of relevance to the plot.

You followed rule #7; props for that. :yesnod: I just need a sentence or two on why he's part of the rebel movement, and you'll be all set.

lbu: Decent sign-up. Your name doesn't have to make too much sense... I'm Tyre the Rhyhorn. :p No idea how I came up with that.

However, I don't see any implication of rule #7 there... :nono:
LetItRock: Looking good, but could you add a bit more to the History section? It's a bit short, and doesn't bear a ton of relevance to the plot.

You followed rule #7; props for that. :yesnod: I just need a sentence or two on why he's part of the rebel movement, and you'll be all set.

lbu: Decent sign-up. Your name doesn't have to make too much sense... I'm Tyre the Rhyhorn. :p No idea how I came up with that.

However, I don't see any implication of rule #7 there... :nono:

I edited the history section

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