Saviors of the Ultimatum: Sign-up and Discussion

Did anyone other than me notice that this RP started dying when it was impressed to stop so many action scenes and actually develop your character? lo. Just a little fun fact. lmao.

Anyways, Im sorry guys, Ive been INCREDIBLY busy along with goin through alot of changes (though my characters did not hold others in limbo, therefore i cant really see if ive been missed lol :D) anyways... I will post, but later. Im at work currently, and I have alot to do (reciets, order forms, customer callings, service requests for organs, making the schedule, calendar, prep for tomorrows concert, etc etc etc)

Anyways, I will post later... Still thinking of a way to drive my characters forward, but i'll figure something out. Anyways, apologies all around.
Did anyone other than me notice that this RP started dying when it was impressed to stop so many action scenes and actually develop your character? lo. Just a little fun fact. lmao.

I think that would point towards a lack of potential from writers to develop characters...or lack of effort xD

I've been slacking, but I've had midterms! D:

I will try to post ASAP.
Sweet C.J., and I know how you feel. Luckily though, my last midterm is tomorrow, so I'll have a three-day weekend with which to post to my heart's content.
This RP is going to run much more smoothly once school is over. That is, if we don't finish it by then.
I haven't been slacking, honestly. :p

But yeah you guys have lives though.
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(OOC: uh WMBQ? Goku took off after Laharl. so he's not there)

This is what is known as a PhilPhail.

Just disregard that bit about Goku.

I'm not going to edit it because it shows weakness to hide shame...

I'll post later if either of my characters are needed.
Being very busy... moving this weekend, so not going to have much time to post... if i can find time tonight, I will, but my characters arent really needed right now... However, i'll gladly stir the pot once I get to posting :D
Ah crap I hate it when this happens. Right when I post for Goku in response to Grunty for what is sure to be quite a comical conversation, Storm logs out. DX
The roleplay is about to die. It's just not as interesting as the Alternate Plot was unless...

I've got an idea. I really crazy idea.

How about Cateraun and the others' major objective is to revive Nefirus or HyperTabuu?

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