An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

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  • #17
But you're not accepted yet until you check out rule #7.

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  • #19
Some say I'm vain.

You're in.
Name: Samlin
Species of Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Samlin is small, a few inches bigger all around than a newborn baby. He has a flame on his back that extends about 4-5 inches out, and an average snout. He stands on 2 legs, and has two small arms.

Samlin has always been a nice kid. He grew up with his parents and has never had a problem with his life. As he grew older, his parents (2 Typhlosion, Male and Female) informed him of their lives. They had spent the past years of their lives fighting Alakazam. They have began to realize age is catching up to them, and they want him to follow in their steps. While he wants to help the cause, he is skeptical of the idea of “rebel groups” and other things of the sort. He agreed to take on his parent’s legacy, and obtained all of the materials his parent’s materials for fighting Alakazam. He still isn’t even enthusiastic, but as most Pokémon his age, he is ready to get out of the house. Samlin is still uneasy about the journey, but he’s giving it a try all the same.

Other: N/A

I shall say no such thing :p
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  • #21

I'm curious to see if his parents will play a part in the story.

And you've changed, altered, if you will, rule #7. I guess I'll let it slide...

I am not denying you are an RP god, because in all senses you probably are, but I just couldn't write it.
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  • #24
I'm for starting now.

All who agree, type "Aye!"
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  • #26

Let's compromise and say Saturday night. :p I'm gonna be away Wednesday-Saturday, so I wanna get this on the road.
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  • #30
Alright. It's not like you'll miss a ton in a day and a half, right?


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