An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

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  • #91
I might not be able to post 7 times a day on somedays, since every other weekend or so, I am at my mom's and she has no internet.

Anwyays, off I go to the RP.

No, the rule means that your maximum amount of posts is 7 a day, so the RP isn't clogged with new posts every time you log on. You can make anywhere from 0-7 a day, but not over that. Obviously, 0 posts a day is much less than preferable.
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  • #94
Here's my 2nd SU:

Eterna WMBQ is an RP god

Species of Pokemon:



Physical Description:
She looks just like a normal Eevee: a catlike, mixed brown, small Pokemon with long, pointed ears.

Eterna has a strange ability: every once in a while, she goes into feverish trances in which she seems to be able to talk to one of the long-lost Legendary Pokemon: specifically Celebi. Because of this, she's had a tough life, staying away from Zigaram, for if she were to be found, he would certainly kill her at once. Her parents sent her to a forest nearby a large lake, and she lives with several Oddish. Though she's lived in fear and developed a timid nature, she does desperately want to stop Zigaram, and she heard of a Rebel Group camping at a beach, and so she wants to check it out.


Nice sign-up, WMBQ. Accepted.
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  • #96
I am a hypocrite!

*Bathes self in narcissism*

Okay, now I'm accepted.
Can i make a second sign up? specifically, and ancient pokemon? eg: aerodactyl, cranidos, kabuto, etc.
Can i make a second sign up? specifically, and ancient pokemon? eg: aerodactyl, cranidos, kabuto, etc.
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  • #99

Go ahead. I assume the DP was a mistake?
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Name: Vladmir [WMBQ is an RP God]

Species: Aerodactyl

Gender: Male

Appearance: Much larger than the average Aerodactyl, 1.5 times average size to be exact, also has an extra row of teeth on the roof of his mouth.

Age: unknown

History: Vladmir has long traversed the lands, being around since ancient Pokemon times. Having skipped fossilization by mere luck,he slept in a crater for many hundreds of years, until some wandering Pokemon disturbed his slumber. He quickly made them his snack, thus giving birth to his fiercely hot attitude. Though his temper is fierce, though his knowledge very old. He has never needed to know obediance, being a lone wolf, he is at the top of his food chain.

Catching young unsuspecting Pokemon in his grasp, Vladmir is a carnivore, and does not distinguish innocent from dinner. He has needed no friends, though he is familiar with Storm, the Slakoth, having nearly eaten him once but stopped because the color made him hesitate. Time and time again, Vladmir drops in on Storm to check on his progress. Its a mystery how there friendship formed.

Vicious as he is, he is knowledgable enough to have heard of Zigarams conversion. Excited by the chance for new prey and to get stronger, he eagerly tracks Zigaram's movements. He recently had been following some Raticate, Zigzagoon, and a small group of Scyther.

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  • #101
Good; I just need to know how he got resurrected and why. Good sign-up otherwise. Remeber, there are no humans in this world.
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  • #103
Death is allowed, as is blood, but don't be so graphic it's gross.
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  • #105
Yes, he's accepted. Am I mistaken by saying that I already approved you?

EDIT: Nope, I didn't, but I meant to. I'm sorry.
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