An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

well, i was thinking due to his nature, he would shift sides now and again depending on which is more accepting of him...

id rather wait for someone else to go first. thanks
I thought you wanted to be a Bulbasaur? We can have more than one of a species, you know.

yeah but it might get confusing so instead, i picked someone else. i'll make his sign-up later cause i'm posting in between eating dinner.
I'll do a Haunter sign-up later. Way to tired right now. Long day.
Alright, so to kill time until this starts, I decided to archive the icons of all the characters so you don't have to go looking for them.





Twilight Hero:


Inugami God:





These will be archived on the front page of the thread, and I'll be sure to update them when your Pokemon evolve (They'll probably just be in a line though, without username heading).

EDIT: Imma make the thread now, and I'll be instating that rule. ;)
Haunter icon?
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  • #81
You haven't signed up yet, so you don't have an icon yet.
Name: Takai wmbq is an RP god and an egomaniac
Appearance: Normal colors but is taller than the average Absol. His claws also shine brightly.

Age: 20 years

History: Takai had always wandered around, hated due to the belief that Absol bring calamity and misfortune. When the wise Alakazam turned evil, Takai was partly blamed because he had asked for advice a few days before. Angered, he spurned any attempts to be friendly. He now serves the evil pokemon because he is accepted by the Alakazam.

Other: Takai is fast and can predict dark events occasionally.
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  • #84
Hmmm, a Zigaram minion. I'd like the count of these to remain small, but you're accepted. Nice twist on the history ;D
[strike]i'm considering a second but i probably won't do it.[/strike]

changed my mind. heres my second character:

Name: Kensei

Appearence: A little smaller than the average Elekid, but his arms are a bit bigger. the thunder bolt on his chest is blue instead of black.

History: Elekid has always wanted power and to evolve into the strongest ever. When the wise Alakazam turned evil, Kensei saw his chance to get more. By pledging to serve the evil pokemon, he hoped that he'd be given even greater strength. Thats when he met Takai the Absol. Now both serve together and plan on fufilling their masters goals.

Other: Kensei is blunt and to-the-point. He's good friends with Takai. His electric attacks are a bright blue instead of yellow.
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  • #86
I like this character. It fits the Pokemon Elekid, despite it being a baby Pokemon.


OH and by the way, sign-ups are officially closed. If a member resigns/goes inactive, they will open up again.

Those who have joined and still only have one character are free to get another, though.
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Name: Rockywmbq is THE god

Species of Pokemon: Sandshrew

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Rocky is a bit bigger then an average Sandshrew and has a bulky built to him. He wears a bandana on his head that he can use to cover his face in a sandstorm.

History: Rocky was born into a small pack of Sandshrews and Sandslashes in the desert. He learned to hunt at a young age, and quickly became a master in stealth and close fighting. He left the pack to try and start his own family when he was chased by a large Onix. Now he is try to lore the Onix out of the desert and into a lake covered area where he can gain an advantage.

Other: Rocky lived out of Zigaram's rule for his entire life, and is very defensive in nature.
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  • #88
Accepted. This character will be interesting; I can't wait to see how he ties into the plot. By the history, I assume he isn't in the rebel group yet, right? It would be great if he wasn't at the rebel group yet, because that simply woulddn't make sense.

For those viewing, this is his 2nd character-- he already signed up with one character before I closed the sign-ups.
Yeah, he's going to start off playing cat and mouse with the Onix for a while. I don't know what I'll do with him after that.
So before I start, I'm thinking of implying the 7-post-a-day rule, just to be safe, so that this isn't an MJ12 take 1 repeat. (7 posts a day being the maximum, not minimum. Implied to stop rapidfire posting.)

The firs three people who reply with definite answers will make my decision.

E.g, if two people say yes, and one person says no, it will be instated. Majority rules. Also, if I don't have 3 responses after an hour, I'll take the majority, the, too. :p
I might not be able to post 7 times a day on somedays, since every other weekend or so, I am at my mom's and she has no internet.

Anwyays, off I go to the RP.

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