An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

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  • #46
Alright, but now it makes no sense...

He's part of the rebel movement, but he supports Alakazam?
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  • #48
Interesting idea.

I'll accept you.
This is my reserved character. I spoke to Phil about it previously.

Name: Raine
Species of Pokemon: Slowpoke
Age: 6
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Large for his size, Raine is a bulky slowpoke. He is not overly-big, and is still a general younger slowpoke. His tail ends in a sharper spike than most slowpokes, but other than that, he looks like a regular, strong slowpoke.

He is still a young child and although he has had to take on many responsibilities for someone so young, he is still juvenile and impressionable. He was taken from his parents as a child, and was kept at the Celadon Game Corner as a prize for 5 years. One fateful day, he escaped with a band of other Game Corner Prize Pokemon. While some were captured and brought back, others were able to reach freedom. Raine continues to wander, residing at the rebel camp, but more because he is younger and needs the companionship, rather than caring about the cause. He is always looking for someone who can understand him. He dislikes Alakazam's rule, but has not taken any kind of decisive action against him.

Other: Has a Chip-on-his-Shoulder attitude based on his not-so-great past.
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lbu: Decent sign-up. Your name doesn't have to make too much sense... I'm Tyre the Rhyhorn. :p No idea how I came up with that.
I came up with Forma by using Google translator and typing "polygon" in several languages.

And about the start-time. I don't mind if you guys start on Sat. night, but I won't be able to post then unless my mom fixes her computer.
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  • #51
This is my reserved character. I spoke to Phil about it previously.

Name: Raine
Species of Pokemon: Slowpoke
Age: 6
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Large for his size, Raine is a bulky slowpoke. He is not overly-big, and is still a general younger slowpoke. His tail ends in a sharper spike than most slowpokes, but other than that, he looks like a regular, strong slowpoke.

He is still a young child and although he has had to take on many responsibilities for someone so young, he is still juvenile and impressionable. He was taken from his parents as a child, and was kept at the Celadon Game Corner as a prize for 5 years. One fateful day, he escaped with a band of other Game Corner Prize Pokemon. While some were captured and brought back, others were able to reach freedom. Raine continues to wander, looking for someone who can understand him. He dislikes Alakazam's rule, but has not taken any kind of decisive action against him.

Other: Has a Chip-on-his-Shoulder attitude based on his not-so-great past.

Nice, but I assume this Game Corner is run by black-market Pokemon, like Houndoom, or something? I'd prefer if the RP was completely human-free.

I came up with Forma by using Google translator and typing "polygon" in several languages.

And about the start-time. I don't mind if you guys start on Sat. night, but I won't be able to post then unless my mom fixes her computer.

I like the name Forma. :)

When will you be able to start?

Also, in other news, this has become pretty active, so I'm very weary of this becoming a repeat of Majestic 12 Take 1... If I see any overactivity and weak posts, I won't hesitate to kick people out of the RP.

The nest solution to this is to always make your posts a 4-line minimum, unless you're in a conversation. But even then, I'd like to see what your character is thinking via italics, and you could also describe the scenery of the area.

In battles, don't type "Dewgong used Ice Beam", but rather, make it more interesting, like "Dewgong curled backwards, focused his eyes, and began charging a bright, cold orb at his mouth, which sent out in a straight line, knocking the enemy Oddish down. When he looked at it again, it was shivering from the cold of the attack, on the verge of fainting from the super-effective hit." (That's mild bunnying,so it's technically against the rules, but this is assuming the Oddish is free for anyone to use as it's an NPC.)
hmmm this does look interesting.
I might join if i can find me a bad ass pokemon.
Or i will join for laughs and be magicarp.
Oh the choices.
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  • #53

Bayne, help me preach anti-Majestic 12-first-attempt words. It cannot happen again or I shall be sad.
I have been asked to preach so i shall.
The Majestic 12 attempt 1 was failure because one there were two many people
2 there were two many different plots going on
3 Some of the people who were posting were well..... really bad.
If you were one of the people kicked of i alpolgise for my insults but you seriously did suck.
Okay i apologise for that one as well.
WMBQ most the people here I recognise part from 1 and there all good plotters. This could turn on very well just don't go all plotter ape on them if they screw up once I'm sure they will pull it back together.
If they screw up twice however.
I'l help you dig the grave.
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  • #55
Bayne, if rep existed on this new WiiChat, I would give it to you right now.

So, do you plan on joining?


So, to avoid confusion, when you're RPing certain character, I'd like you to include an icon of your Pokemon, as well as their name in bold.



The clouds cleared over the sky, and the ground had a funny, metallic smell from the recent rain. Tyre walked over to Dayna. "Hey, are you ready to get out of here? We should go to..."
(Blah blah blah continue post)

Or, if both of your characters are involved in the post...

-Samlin and Raine-

Samlin walked over to Raine, and said, "Don't you think CJ is god?"
Continue post.

See what I mean?

Here's the link to those icons:

Please use them. To get them animated, just place them as image tags like you would any other picture (IMG tags in the toolbar-- represented by this icon:
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Yer I plan on joining just can't decide who I'm gonna be yet. Its either going to be a emo pokemon, a bad ass pokemon or a funny one. Can't decide yet.
I know its a double post but with out further ado I give you my sign up.

Name: Zilpher WMBQ can kiss my ass
Species of Pokemon: Luxio

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
Zilpher is well built Luxio who’s tail has a 6 point star on the end instead of the normal 4. Covering his entire body are lightning scars of past experiments. He also has a large Forked lightning tattoo covering his right eye which helps identify who he is with in the Pokemon community.
Zilpher is known by many as the electric magician. From a very young age Zilpher became obsessed with his electric abilities. He began to study them to extreme lengths and found that his level of intelligence was far higher than the ones around him. At the age of 13 he had already evolved form a Shinx to a Luxio. The first in history to evolve at such a young age. Soon he had learnt almost every electric move there was to know. He had even mastered the powerful thunder attack. Zilpher then set about creating his own techniques. Not only hand Zilpher mastered all known lighting techniques but he had also learnt amazing ways of integrating electric power into technology. He had discovered a way of making a piece of metal float in midair when the right voltage was applied. The voltage had to remain constant however. So only a true master could use this technique. Zilpher’s experiments soon came under the attention of Zigaram. Zigaram feared Zilpher’s new technology and abilities and ordered Zilpher’s capture and that his lab should be destroyed. Zilpher however saw this coming and had already disappeared before any one could get to him. Latter they found that his house had already been destroyed. Zilpher’s ware bouts are know unknown.
Other: Zilpher know a large range of Electric attacks and also has made some of his own.
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Name: JetWMBQ is a ***** haha

Species of Pokemon: Squirtle

Age: 15

Gender: male

Physical Description: Jet is a more muscular Squirtle with longer arms then usual, who wears a green headband and black aviator sunglasses.

History: Jet was born and raised by his huge family in a small peaceful village full of water type pokemon. One day a group of crazed pokemon controled by Zigaram came wondering into his seaside village. They began stealing and even attacking the citizens of the village. On a dark summer night, Jet's parents a blasdose( and a wartortle sent him away into the wild. There he wondered around before meeting up with a group of other young pokemon who oppose Zigaram. He wishes to overthrow Zigaram and free his families village.

Other: Jet is young and naive. He always trys to have fun and keep an upbeat attitude.


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