What's your pokemon team?

Ok, I'll admit, not broken, but in my experience, almost over powered. There was a period of time were every match was against a spirtomb/Garchomp combo, and when done right, well, was rather mean, and on the tough side to break, sad thing is, tomb combines well with alot of teams, and sortof turns into "that missing man", to the pro and con of ones synergy and lack their of
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Garchomp/Spiritomb..? Eh, never heard of the combination.. I can imagine him causing havoc for certain pokes made specifically to kill 'Chomp with Ice Beam though. I'm sure Spiritomb would rofl at Ice Shard too. Anyways, onto the next team analysis..

In the new platinum, im gona get:

Before I begin this analysis, I'd like to know what pokemon you'd use besides Giratina. If I had to base your team on uber tier, you'd be slaughtered by my rant, trust me. XD
i cant wait to get my criticism. Do your worst CK! (anticipation, eg croagunk. lol)
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  • #65
i cant wait to get my criticism. Do your worst CK! (anticipation, eg croagunk. lol)

Oh, you want a team analysis? Didn't think you wanted one, thought I did one long ago. I'll get to it soon. :thumbsup:

Yo CK, Who should I switch out from my team?

..I don't know. >.>;; A few recomendations are something like Azelf or Gengar, they pair nicely with Spiritomb IMO and have a ground immunity. They're also very nice fast and powerful sweepers, especially Azelf with explosion/nasty plot. Gengar gets explosion too, and gets Hypnosis and amazing type coverage.

They certainly aren't the only options though. Another wall like Bronzong with Levitate would give you a second steel type and many more resists, as well as a second wall. While you'd have a second fire weakness, you've got Dragonite and Spiritomb to soak up the hits. Fire is a rare attack type anyways, just be careful if you choose Bronzong - but trust me, he's an absolutely great wall/supporter.

Gyarados would be yet another poweful sweeper to add to the list, or even a tank/a bander. He also has a ground resist and only a rock and electric weakness. You've got a 4x rock resist with Lucario, and a 2x with Nidoking. Switching in Electivire to take an electric hit and then speed up for a sweep is a classic strategy to pull off too.

There's a ton of options for a ground immunity/resist, I can't name them all. Don't let me tell you how to make a team, just take my advice on what to consider for making a team! :thumbsup: I don't want to force someone to use something they don't like/don't care for, after all.
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Well I just need a suggestion.

Just gave you a few. :p

i cant wait to get my criticism. Do your worst CK! (anticipation, eg croagunk. lol)

Alright, I'm starting the analysis now.

DD Raging Dragonite:
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch

Status Slap Slaking:
Sleep Talk

One Hit Heracross:
Brick Break

Krushing Kingdra
Dragon Dance
Rain Dance

Terror Typhlosion:
Flame Wheel
Bulk Up

Shifty Scizor:
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Night Slash


EDIT: CK helped with DNight and Kingdra, also giving his approval of Slaking. :thumbsup:

Ah yes, the first moveset and all team to analyze. Awesomeness. Let's start with typing!

First of all, you have a small amount of 2x weaknesses and a few 4x weaknesses, but Ice is the only common 4x. And with only 1 weakness and 2 resists, you're all good. You also have 2 fire weakness(one is 4x), but with 3 resists you're safe too.

However, your 2x weaknesses to Dragon and Rock leave me pondering.. You don't have a single rock resist, and two of your pokes are weak. While most sweepers that use rock aren't fast, this could cause some problems against things like Tyranitar. Luckily though, the rest of your team not weak against rock is suprisingly bulky, and you've got a few counters to Ttar even. So, while it's a nuisance to have no resists, you're fine without it.

This is similar for Dragon. You've only got 1 resists, and all attacking dragons carry a fire move, making Scizor a deep fried bug, extra crispy. You don't have any general dragon counters either, especially for Salamence.. This puts you in a very scary situation. If you don't handle this dragon weakness better, a sweep could easily end you.

However, aside from that, you have a healthy amount of resists on your team, meaning sweeping dragons are the worst, and virtually only, concern. The types you use are also quite varied, giving you a large movepool of attack types to choose from. Overall, pretty good, just tackle that dragon weakness.

Now for offense.. Typhlosion is your only reliable sp. attacker, but he doesn't have a scarf, meaning he's not that strong even. With overheat being his only move, it's useful for bulk up, but you're easily walled by a pair of physical walls. Luckily for you, your combination of types give you a reliable way to end all common physical walls(Skarmory, Cresselia, etc.). Just make sure you conserve your pokes and minimize sacrifices.

Dragonite is an excellent sweeper, there's no need to go in detail with how awesome he is. As long as he isn't taken out in dragon v. dragon crossfire, he's a very reliable and strong sweeper. Kingdra definatly isn't on par, and is pretty... meh. Rain dance just hurts your Typhlosion's capabilities, but atleast it pumps up Waterfall hugely along with dragon dance, and weaknes Scizor's(vital)and Heracross' fire weakness.

He isn't a good sweeper mid game though, I assume Kingdra can only sweep very late game when the team is very weakened, and/or Dragonite is KO'd.

Early game, you've got Slaking, Heracross, and Scizor smashing things while remaining sturdy with their high attack power, as well as Scizor's SD priority combo. Scizor w/ bullet punch, SD, and technician scares the **** out of me, seriously.

Typhlosion also hits hard with overheat, but bulk up is pretty useless since many physical moves score physical hits and come from STAB, i.e. ground, rock, etc. I'd say Typhlosion and Kingdra's potential aren't realized, and are the weakest offenses on your team.. Especially Typhlo'. It sort of kills a bit of your power, and can make you predictable. You still have a ton of type coverage though, letting you hit hard on the physical side.

However, again, you lack special moves, which can often be problematic to a good sweep. I highly recommend giving Kingdra a specs and Typhlosion a scarf to give them a much better realization of their potential, as well as much needed power(Typhlo now has great access to better special moves like Eruption due to his speed, and Kingdra has the power to flat out attack and has the most sp. atk it can ever get this way). All in all, your offenses are good physically, but are nonexistant specially. Average really, maybe just slightly below.

Defensively, you've got a ton of resistances, and your pokes and in general very bulky, and can hit back hard at the same time. You also never have a 3x weakness, and while rock and dragon trouble you, you should be able to handle anything else early and mid game unless a disaster strikes. Your defensive game needs little explanation - even without tanks or walls, you're doing pretty good.

Overall, your team is very balanced. Good types, good defenses, but average offenses. For a non-defensive team, this is a really weird set up, but it's an above average team. Definatly a good team, but I'd probably feel akward using it.. You've got a very unique team, props to you Storm. Best of all, while retaining style you still have strength. :thumbsup:
Thanks CK. Ill change up Typhlo an Kings moves an let you know the new sets.

One question, whats your analysis of my Slaking?
Shadow*91 said:
I know its a pain CK but would you give me all the info on the pokes again? i remember the team but not all the EV and Move stuff.

the team was:

just a reminder for when you get the time.
i've been doing my best to remember and managed to remember the empoleon was for sp. atk and the zapdos was meant as a wall
i also have another team, some repetitions.


i can put in the moves later, i just want opinions based on the pkmn themselves for now...
Palkia, 100
Moves: Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Spacial Rend

Garchomp, 100
Moves: Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Stone Edge

Mewtwo, 100
Moves: Psychic, Recover, Aura Sphere, Fire Blast

Salamence, 100
Moves: Dragon Claw, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Fire Blast

Dragonite, 100
Moves: Giga Impact, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Outrage

Porygon-Z, 100
Moves: Tri-Attack, Hyper Beam, Recover, Ice Beam

I know I have a HUGE in advantage verses, Ice type Attacks.
But besides that any other pointers?:idea:
Can't really analyze the team without knowing what they'll be doing but at least there's some walls in there.

@Luigi-You're going to get raped by ice.
3 4X ice weakness, no walls, and Mewtwo w/recover is going to get you killed in ubers. You also have 4 pokes with Dragon weakness, very little resitsance, and sub-par movesets.
Dragonite can't function with giga impact and 2 differant physical dragon moves.
Mix mence kinda fails a bit. Should be DD mance or specs.
Mewtwo can't really use recover in ubers well. Being an unstopable special killing machine is what he's best at and psychic needs to skidadle.
Chomp needs fire fang and Palkia needs to loose draco meteor.
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what do you guys think of this new team ive assembled?

Drapion; Poison/Dark; Sniper; Wall
Yanmega; Bug/Flying; Tinted Lens; Special Sweeper
Gliscor; Ground/Flying; Hyper Cutter; Attack Sweeper/Wall
Typhlosion;Fire; Blaze; Special Sweeper
Scizor; Bug/Steel; Technician; Attack Sweeper
Milotic; Water; Marvel Scale; Special Sweeper/Wall

How i see it, i think its a good setup...i only recently came up with this team, which is why im asking for an evaluation. ill post the moves shortly
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I could see it working if you droped Drapion.

TIP!: Never attempt a sweep with Gliscore. He's a physical wall and that's about it.

Drapion can make way for Metagross or more likely Spiritomb/Gengar.
At least ice beam gets shut down with this team. Yanmega only fears CS Weavile in terms of ice (As well as priority) and of course Gliscore fears ice.
I see EQs becoming a problem so having Spiritomb would help a lot.

I can give you spreads for each if you like this team.

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