What's your pokemon team?

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  • #16
My Lg team:

Espeon Lv 79
Flareon Lv 78
Kingdra Lv 79
Magneton Lv 78
Dragonite Lv 78
Rhydon Lv 78

Please rate CK kthnxbye

Well, I'm late, but...

First, typing. Your team has a LOT of resistances, and I mean a lot. However, you also have a ton of weaknesses, many that are 4x or 2+ of the same type. The worst possible thing is your triple weakness to ground, one being a 4x(Magneton), with only ONE immunity - most ground moves are also paired with rock, which crushes your ground-immune Dragonite. Anything that is fast and can use earthquake easily sweeps your team, i.e. agiligross.

Aside from that, you've got a 4x and 2x weakness to Ice - with two resists. Not bad, but Rhydon and Dragonite get murdered by any Ice moves(or atleast, special Ice moves Rhydon does, which are most common). A sweeper like Weavile can destroy your team with dark moves to kill Espeon and hit your other pokes, Brick break to kill Magneton, and Ice to destroy the rest. After a swords dance from Weavile, you literally lose the game if stealth rock is up.

Another big problem is your 2x Dragon weakness. You have a single resist, Magneton, which is 4x weak to ground, which dragon types always have when physically sweeping. In other words, after 1 or 2 Dragon dances, an enemy Dragonite or Salamence wins. Game over. Weavile and Dragon sweepers are your bane.

Aside from that, there's little typing problems, you've got a wide range of resistances so you just need to be wary of certain threats. On the offensives. Espeon, Dragonite, Rhydon, and Magneton hit very hard on their respective offensive types. So you've already got a balanced way of hitting hard for special and physical, meaning you've got a good offensive team. Kingdra is also a mixed attacker, making him a great wall breaker. Flareon is... meh.

You've also got a large range of offensive typed moves to pick from, notably Dragon. This should let you sweep relatively easy, making your team quite fast paced. You can also cause damage very hard and fast with all your powerful pokes.

On a defensive spectrum, you've got again, large weaknesses to Ground and Dragon(good thing Garchomp doesn't exist in generation 3, lol). You also have quite a few weaknesses, a lot which are doubled over. This can make you struggle quite a bit if you need to go on the defensive, the best thing you can do is come in on resistances and attack as fast as possible. You're a fast paced team though, so defense isn't too much of a problem.

When it comes to speed, your team is definatly lacking. Your fastest is Espeon, with a fast but not amazing 350 max speed. Everything else on your team is either slow, or in the middle, which gives you a very large problem in countering fast enemies. Once they set up, you're probably doomed unless Espeon counters them, and is faster. The only thing you can do is set up a sweep first, and if you fail the sweep, you're most likely to lose.

As I've mentioned time and again, your team has very little defensive possibilities, but very high offensive abilities. This makes you a high risk, high return styled battler. Against a defensive team, you've got an advantage, but against an offensive team, it'l all come down to prediction. Since your team is basically an offensive gamble, the slightest difference of skill or a single misthought move can cost the game. In short, your team needs to play carefully, but gamble a bit at the same time.

It's a good team, but it has a few huge but unlikely weaknesses you should tackle ASAP in order to make the team even better.
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  • #18
Uh.. I don't know anything about the GSC metagame.. I can't really rate the team accurately. I can still do it if you don't care though, just asking first.
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Unfortunatly, I can't help in a competitive manor.. DX I honestly don't think I can rate anything based on 2nd generation and back, I never played that generation competitively and I literally have, no knowledge of it.. I'm about as savvy to GSC as you. Sorry..
I'm now realizing my Dragon weakness...

Should I replace my Flareon? It has naturally high attack (like, 29 EVs and a positive nature), which is why I'm hanging onto it. Hyper Beam has OHKOed a Golem 20 levels lower.

I'm considering switching it for a faster fire Pokemon, maybe Arcanine? Arcanine has great stats, but I don't know about the movepool.

I also might switch Kingdra for something. I had a Gyarados, but I couldn't work with its special attack. ;_; Thinking of Tentecruel, but that's yet another Ground weakness... augh. Help me CK.
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  • #23
hey ck what about this team.

6. syther

this was my team on silver.

..Lol, no. Scyther is far too weak, so is Polywrath, Arcanine isn't reliable, Rhyperior is too slow considering the rest of your team is really sluggish, Gyarados shares 2 electric weaknesses with your other pokes, and Dragonite shares an Ice weakness for 3 of your team mates, and a rock weakness with 4. The team is also incredibly slow. Half the team is too weak anyways, it'd be useless in gen 3 or 4.

EDIT: Ahh, didn't see you WMBQ.. sorry, someone post so I can post again! DX
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  • #25
I'm now realizing my Dragon weakness...

Should I replace my Flareon? It has naturally high attack (like, 29 EVs and a positive nature), which is why I'm hanging onto it. Hyper Beam has OHKOed a Golem 20 levels lower.

I'm considering switching it for a faster fire Pokemon, maybe Arcanine? Arcanine has great stats, but I don't know about the movepool.

I also might switch Kingdra for something. I had a Gyarados, but I couldn't work with its special attack. ;_; Thinking of Tentecruel, but that's yet another Ground weakness... augh. Help me CK.

Yes, you should certainly replace the very replacable Flareon. Arcanine is a much better fire poke than Flareon, definatly. As you said, while it's movepool isn't the best, it's a lot better than Flareon's. It can also be physical or special, even mixed if you think you could pull it off(but I don't recommend it unless you're playing DPP).

However, Blaziken is by far the best fire type in OU. It has a great Sp. atk stat and Atk stat as well, good speed, and a great move pool. If you can get your hands on it, I highly recommend it. You also get a fighting type out of it. You only gain 2 weaknesses in Flying and Psychic, which are both rare attacking types and the rest of your team resists it. You also make your rock weakness nuetral.

If you can't get ahold of Blaziken and you want a special fire type, Moltres would be the best to go with. Since it has huge Sp. atk(almost as much as Flareon's atk) as well as a passable movepool, it'd be better than Flareon atleast. It's also got good speed.

Oh and about hyper beam OHKOing Golem, wouldn't you rather OHKO with a STAB fighting move against a Golem that's the same level as you? :lol:

If you want a water type to take advantage of special attack rather than Kingdra's terrible movepool, Vaporeon(I can tell you like Eeveelutions, right?)or Starmie would be great additions to your team. Starmie has more type coverage, but it doubles up on your Espeon's weaknesses. Starmie has blazing speed though, and can kill a lot of it's counters.

Vaporeon is a bit bulky, but it isn't as good at special attacking since it has a bad movepool. It's better as a wall, but you won't double up on weaknesses. If you want a supporting water type, take Vaporeon. But if you want an offensive water type, definatly pick Starmie, Starmie doesn't have to worry about Pursuit and such in the 3rd generation.
Thanks for the help ;D

I do love Eeveelutions, except for Umbreon... blagh, you suck, Umbreon...

I think I'll go with Blaziken and Vaporeon. I need a good wall, and Vaporeon has attractive Special Attack to go with HP, along with Surf, Ice Beam, and Shadow Ball. I don't think it learns any recovery moves, though. I just know those off the top of my head... what about Reflect and Light Screen? Does Vaporeon get those?

As for Blaziken, I think I'll go with a mixed Sp Atk/Atk with Flamethrower, Sky Uppercut, maybe Aerial Ace, and... and... hmm. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Maybe Rock Slide/Earthquake?
^my god what happened to just buying the cards and rating them on who looks the coolest. :lol:

I haven't really played alot of pokemon, but i'm thinking about getting into it. When does the next game come out?
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  • #28
The next game comes out March 22nd, lbu. Platinum is the name, and it's going to kick arse. :D

Nooo, Umbreon is awesome! DX

Vaporeon doesn't have any instant recovery moves, but it can learn Wish as an Eevee. Wish is extremely helpful on Vaporeon since you can switch out to a weaker poke or something that lost HP(as long as it survives the incoming attack, if any), and heal it at the same time. Vaporeon does not get the screens, btw.

Aerial ace on Blaziken? Eh.. I honestly don't recommend that. Anyways, if you're going for a mixed attacker, I highly recommend having just Overheat as the single attack. You can pump out massive damage on something that switches in using overheat, then pummel it with physical attacks, being uneffected by the Sp. atk drop. Trust me, the extra damage helps when you don't focus on one stat. Fire Blast is a lot better if you need to get in two hits though, and 85% accuracy is still great. But hey, if you're picky about accuracy you can still pick flamethrower.

Anyways, Rock slide over Earthquake, trust me. As for a forth moveslot, there's quite a few options. But if you havn't used the move tutor on seven island for swords dance, you may want to teach your Blaziken that. Otherwise, just slap on an attack move besides Earthquake/Aerial Ace(unless you really hate Heracross).
Nah, I'm just an accuracy nut.

So, I like the sound of Wish. I'd forgotten about it, I think I'll use that.


Rock Slide
Sky Uppercut
Swords Dance

Luckily I do have the tutor. Not actually sure about the Rock Slide one though...

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball?

Not too sure about EVs either. I'm thinking max Sp Atk on Vaporeon and split HP and Speed?

As for Blaziken, I'm absolutely clueless. :/
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  • #30
I ran off to Smogon real quick to get a good Blaziken spread, and here it is. 80 HP / 232 Atk / 196 Spe. The Sp. atk EVs aren't important since flamethrower is mainly to be used against really high defense and low sp. def enemys(Skamory?). Overheat would be highly favored for that spread though, and Overheat has a really good 90% accuracy anyways. I don't think flamethrower can OHKO things like Heracross either, Overheat is probably necesarry for that. Just a recomendation. Also, those speed EVs are all you'll need for outrunning what you need too, best of all without a speed + nature.

Do NOT use Shadow Ball on Vaporeon, just an important warning. Believe it or not, ghost moves are all physical in generation 3(the only reason Medicham uses Shadow Ball, really). Replace it with something like Haze/Roar to stop anyone setting up, or Protect so you can heal yourself reliably with Wish(be careful with this though, they could predict protect and switch to a counter, you'd still get the heal ofcourse). Protect is good for scouting enemy choice banders anyways.

I honestly can't think of any type of set where Vaporeon needs speed EVs in gen 3.. Mainly because I've never heard of an offensive Vaporeon, that'l suprise some people. :lol: I recommend maxing Sp. atk for all that kick and putting a good amount of EVs in HP, especially if you're using Wish. Feel free to max for more durability - just be aware Vaporeon can't take super effective special hits well without Sp. def EVs too. It'l be bulky, but not extremely.

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