What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

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Braixen <3

new Eeveelution



both genders of Meowstic.

I like a good few mega evolutions as well.

MEGA GARDEVOIR definitely made my list
second (ironically, disliked it initially. I like it about as much as normal Gardy, if not a bit more, so yeah)

Klefki, Diggersby, Carbink, MegaMawile, Vivillon, Meowstic, Aegislash, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Clawitzer, Tyrantrum, Sylveon, Sliggoo, Trevanent, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Mega Mawile, Mega Pinsir, Mega Aggron, and Mega Banette for me. To a lesser extent Mega Gyarados, Pyroar, and Dedenne I guess. It's likely that others will grow on me later.
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MEGA GARDEVOIR definitely made my list

Doesn't make mine. I hate MGardevoir with a passion.

... But only outta spite since it's bloody unfair Gallade got no love what-so-ever. ;_____;

Klefki, Diggersby, Carbink, MegaMawile, Vivillon, Meowstic, Aegislash, Slurpuff, Malamar, Barbaracle, Clawitzer, Tyrantrum, Sylveon, Sliggoo, Trevanent, Gourgeist, Avalugg, Mega Mawile, Mega Pinsir, Mega Aggron, and Mega Banette for me. To a lesser extent Mega Gyarados, Pyroar, and Dedenne I guess. It's likely that others will grow on me later.

... A large list for someone who likes large lists.

I'm the opposite. After the first day I evolved my Honedge, and the hype for said evolution settled down, I felt like Doublade's design was lacking. Unfinished. I would've been thoroughly disappointed if Honedge's final evolution was just a color change and splittin' in two. Doublade is essentially Gen 6's Magneton.

... But then a certain fish told me that it has another evolution. And oh the hype, once I saw it's aesthetics: a complete departure from previous forms, in the most pleasant way possible. I loved Honedge's design, and absolutely adore Aegislash's. It's one'a my favorite Pokes of all time. Don't know how high on the list it is exactly, but it's really up there.

For good reason too, as it's not just it's appearance that're 'Karptastic. I think it's visual design is great, but IMO the design choices behind it's battle style and two forms is where it really shines. It's battle style literally mirrors the rock-paper-scissors mentality of swordplay. Like proper swordplay, Aegislash can do a lot of damage: one slash can end a match decisively. But if it strikes and doesn't finish the job, be it from a miss (ohai Protect) or simply not bein' a killing blow, it's defenses are quite literally left wide open. It can try to quickly strike again to maintain offensive momentum (Shadow Sneak), or it can defend itself (King's Shield) against a counterattack, but it's in no position to do yet another strong attack... just like if you're put off-balance in a fencing match. Against another Aegislash, it's literally mindgames on mindgames on mindgames. Truly fencing incarnate... well, if things were turn-based.

Naturally, Aegislash can play defensively as well, remaining on the defensive 'til it finds the perfect time to strike (either after lowering a foe's attack via King's Shield, or usin' Swords Dance). Aegislash's ability, forms, and how you switch between them is a carbon copy of IRL swordplay metagame. All of it perfectly melds with it's aesthetics t' boot. It's ****in' beautiful, and is a testament to Ken Sugimori's winnage. Whomever at Game Freak decided how it'd work in-game is also genius.

Oh, and Aegislash's Ghost-typing is a literal analogy that swords > fists. so clever lawl

Why the hate? Mega Gardevoir is classy.

outta spite since it's bloody unfair Gallade got no love what-so-ever. ;_____;

Troll Freak playin' favorites aside, (M)Gardevoir is good 'n all, but it's no MLucario.
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Discounting the Typing and Movepool but not ignorant to it, I just like Doublade's design more.

Pen > Sword > Fisticuffs
... I thought Nick was the one who loved fabulous colors?

When Sugimori inevitably designs a Penmon, my Aegislash will destroy your glorified writing utensil.

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