What's your pokemon team?

Well, 110 Sp Atk is not to be trifled with. :O

So a mixed Vaporeon set...

OMG Shadow Ball! That explains why it sucked poop on my ingame Grumpig! I thought it was special! WOW IMA RETARD

Anyways, i meant Sp Def when I said Speed... x.x Brain fart right there.

But come to think of it, Speed could be helpful on a Vaporeon like this.


Definitely maxing out Sp Atk right here.

252 SpAtk/100 HP/92 SpDef/68 Spd

Ehh. I'm sure you could think of something better.
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  • #32
I did some thinking, and Vaporeon doesn't need any speed, trust me. Unless you really want to invest in speed, it's pretty unwise since you'd need Timid to even get anywhere - and that means a very low Sp. atk. Again, if you wanted a speedy Sp. atker, you'd definatly need to go with Starmie. So forget about what I said earlier, drop all speed EVs - Vaporeon's natural low speed already beats things line Tyraniboah, Weezing, and Rhydon. ..And that's about it without huge EV investment.

First of all, invest 252 in Sp. atk, ofcourse. Completely necesarry. Next, shove it all into HP. I highly recommend using wish. Now, the important thing is this - Vaporeon is very bulky this way, but without a ton of defense EVs it won't be taking Choice Banded hits, it's meant as a hit and runner basically, I'd say. It can still take nuetral non-boosted hits and hit back hard this way, which is what you'd want from an offensive Vaporeon.

Next, Sp. def EVs on a Vaporeon is virtually unheard of. All of it's weaknesses are special, so nevermind. Again, without some HP EVs Vaporeon can't take special hits either, which would require splitting your EVs further. And once again, with max HP you're recovering over 250 HP per turn with a wish. Impressive, no?

Sorry for being slow, takes time to analyze all these things for me. :lol:
OH MAN! I just realised the wiichat apocalypse erased the entire team CK worked on for me.

I know its a pain CK but would you give me all the info on the pokes again? i remember the team but not all the EV and Move stuff.

the team was:
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  • #34
..Wait.. what? ......That's right, it did delete all my works............ :shocked::shocked::shocked:

GOD DAMNIT!!!! -.-+:mad5::mad2::mad5::mad2:

All that thinking and work for nothing.. :sick::sick::sick::sick: Arghhhhh.... I'll start working again soon.. Although I doubt I'll be able to remember it all exactly. [/sob]
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i know it sucks. i had the page favorited so that when i get platinum i could just click it and boom! primo team all ready to be made.

but while i was reading this it dawned on me "wait, if CK had to make a new one then what about...OH S***!" my mom screamed at me for cussing when we have little kids over, i clicked the favorited page only to get a message saying the page no longer exists, another loud cussing rant, and a big slap accross my cheek.

so when you get the time and energy, can you give it a go? that was the team list so already got the basic need done
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  • #36
Hahah... It's not the pokemon that's the difficult thing to decide, it's the moveset, the EVs, and the purpose... Deciding pokes is the easiest part of creating a team.. sigh.. I'll remake it soon though, as I said in my last post. I really hate it when my time is wasted like that, though.. Damn you faulty hard drives! -.- Ah well..
this is really a good read, i'm really impressed with your knowledge ck. I don't know what the **** your talking about half the time, but it's interesting.
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  • #38
Hah, thanks lbu. I know what you mean when you're not understanding all the terminology.. Took me a bit to pick all of it up, only after reading a ton of articles ofcourse. I honestly can't see any non-competitive player understanding all of the lingo without paying a lot of attention.

Ofcourse, if you ever want to ask what means what, I'd gladly answer. I want people to completely understand what we're talking about, after all. :lol:
CK is genius at most things for some reason...lol

My team is:

Dragonite (Atk Swp)
Typhlosion (SpAtk Swp)
Porygon Z (SpAtk Swp)
Dusknoir (Stat Tank)
Gyarados (Rage Atk Tank)
Slaking (Atk Swp Super Tank)
yeah i didn't get the lingo either(certain things i still don't get)
but after reading the stuff on here(before the erasing)
i get most of it now(still not all)
In the new platinum, im gona get:

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