What are some of your favorite Pokemon?

Zoroark just because it is epic :p

Golduck because he is just so chillax and super cool

Snorlax my fluffy man :p

Gliscor I mean look at him how awesome can you possibly get :p

Floarzel he is just soooooooo nice
I like almost all of the pokemon! Also... What kind of picture is that???
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  • #322
Honedge and Malamar will almost certainly soar to the top of my list. Vivillon has a chance, but it'll most likely end up somewhere below them. Aside from that, there's no guarantees for anything we know about yet.

I'm so excited to recompile my top 100 list when Gen VI comes out. ;w;
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  • #325
Updated my top 100, copypasta from Bulbagarden. Accidentally ended up being 109.

Mainly remaking it so I can include Kalos Pokemon, but there are other changes too. I'll be separating Pokemon into tiers again, and aside from Sableye, Sharpedo, Stunfisk, and Swalot, who are #1, #2, #3, and #4, respectively, assume I like everything in a tier roughly the same amount.

Well, um, this was supposed to be top 100, but after I typed everything out, I discovered that I had made a mistake. Indeed, I have 109 Pokemon listed, assuming I counted everything right. I didn't see a point in getting rid of the extras, so yeah.

Generally I'll only list one Pokemon from an evolutionary line (aside from megas), but if I like two or more members roughly the same amount I'll mention both (in the same bracket). Something like Gallade will be listed separate than Gardevoir, though.

Two particular Pokemon I feel I should point out are Pinsir and Banette. While both of them made the list, they only made it because of their new mega forms. Both of them would have probably not got on otherwise. Well, maybe Banette.

Tier 1 (#1-6):

Tier 2 (#7-16):

Tier 3 (#17-24):

Tier 4 (#25-34):

Tier 5 (#35-39):

Tier 6 (#40-44):

Tier 7 (#45-53):

Tier 8 (#54-72):

Tier 9 (#73-84):

Tier 10 (#85-95):

Tier 11 (#96-109):

There are more Pokemon I like that are not on this list, but the list has most of them. There were some other candidates for the last 13 slots, but I decided on the ones you see there. 9 of those extra 13 slots wouldn't exist if I hadn't miscounted, remember...

Hope I didn't leave anything important out. Pretty damn sure I didn't, though. I also don't believe there are any repeats
Mewtwo aaaaand all Ghost Types. Especially Haunter and Gengar.
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  • #327
Ghooooost-types <3

My signature goblin isn't the only reason Will-o-wisp is my favorite move.
It's funny that you love Ghost types too cause your fc gives Ghost types in Friend Safari lol
Better yet, Nick's friend safari distributes Spiritomb, his most favorite Ghost-type evar.

Despite the fact Gen 6 brought the smallest amount of new species yet, I favor a decent amount of their designs. In fact, this is actually the first Generation I like two or more starters, as I quite like Frogadier 'n Greninja and love (Braixen <) Delphox's evolution line as a whole.

Naturally, the new Eeveelution and Aegislash in particular make it incredibly high on my favorites list. Other new species I'm quite fond of are Pangoro, Tyrantrum, and both genders of Meowstic.

Y'all might think that's a small list, but that's how I've been every generation. As the post at the top'a the page says, I'm indifferent t' most Pokes, whether I can appreciate their design or not. That, and I like a good few mega evolutions as well.

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