What's your pokemon team?

Latias/Mamoswine/Suicune/Tyranitar/Vaporeon/Weavile/Zapdos etc etc etc etc
You have a lot of options because your team is solid so far. You should look through a list or something and just pick someone you like (is what I do)
A tankish wall?

How about a.....

Curse Lax

Calm Mind Jirachi



Hmmm...Whats your sets for Mamoswine, Tyranitar, and Weavile? as you might be able to tell, i dislike using legendaries.

i've been thinking of another team that would use it.


opinions and help?
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Yo, I've arrived.. Seems like Fox is handling the thread really well, yeah? Thanks for covering in my short absence, Fox.

Problem though.. I'm ****ing exhausted today(and yesterday really), lack of sleep is killing my train of thought. I don't think I can be too much help as of now.. I can try to help, not sure if it'l end up good though. Someone bring me up to speed, yeah?

Also, there's no shame in using legends Storm. A lot of legendaries are actually pretty crappy, i.e. Rotom, Entei, etc. There's not really any reason to hate them, just being one of a kind doesn't make them the best pokes possible. There's a reason all legendaries aren't uber, ya know.
just so you know, being legendary has nothing to do with anything.
Clampearl can easily beat Entei.

MY sets for those guys:
IceShard/IceFang/EQ/StoneEdge @ChoiceBand
IceShard/Pursuit/IcePunch/BrickBreak @C.Band/C.Scarf/LifeOrb
D.Dance/Crunch/Pursuit/EQ @Lefties

@CK-Hey mate. sad to hear you're feeling tired.
If you could help out shadow, I got Storm)
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Personaly I band Mamoswine

Ice Shard
Ice Fang/Superpower
Stone Edge

You could always run curse mamoswine

Wevile, is pritty well cut dry
Life orb/Band/Focus Sash
Ice Shard
Brick Break
Ice Punch / Night Slash

As far as legendary goes, realy, just try a good mid range legend.
Entei, Jirachi, Zapdos, and see how your veiw of life just, changes.
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yes, but i just hold a certain discomfort towards legendaries.

hmmm.....im not sure about mamo...i have a pretty good Tyranitar up already, Crunch, EQ, Stone Edge, and Rock Climb...

anyone have a moveset for T-Tar without DDance?
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Keep in mind most people here don't have access to Platinum tutors yet, Strype. ..Even I'm without that. >.>;

Aaaanyways. An orb on a Weavile just piles up SR damage insanely quickly, and without a CB that small loss in power can really make Weavile regret not using a band, losing out on a few OHKOs/2HKOs. Sash on a Weavile is pretty useless unless it's leading, and if you're using Weavile with a sash it definatly shouldn't mimic a CB set like the one you posted, Strype.

The above set should definatly be run with a CB IMO, although there are other sets out there. I occasionally run a sweeping Weavile.

Weavile @ L. Orb

Ice Punch
Brick Break
Night Slash

All about the power in this sets. Maxed out attack and speed, since this thing is a sweeper and needs no HP EVs to switch in on Azelf and pursuit it, it really has no business there. All attacking moves, obviously to use raw power for a sweep rather than priority to counter something like Salamence with Ice Shard.

The maxed out EVs with Jolly also(help)ensure that enemy Weavile can't brick break me first, especially after I'm all set up.

EDIT: TTar's a great DD sweeper, but he's also a great bander.

TTar @ CB
Stone Edge

Very standard TTar set. Pursut is obviously to murder Blissey or any or psychic/ghosts. Crunch and Stone Edge for very necesarry STAB, EQ gets great coverage with Stone Edge and is almost necesarry on a bander like TTar. You've got multiple options for EVs. Some people dumps all of it in Attack and HP with an Adamant nature, gives it huge survivability(which has won me many matches, btw), and ofcourse bone crushing power.

You can also put plenty of EVs in HP, but take some out and put it into speed to give it alittle kick above the rest of the competition. An example standard spread taken right from Smogon would go like this.

176 HP / 252 Atk / 80 Spe
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Or, the ever popular TyranaBoah

TyraniBoah Leftovers Quiet / Brave
Moveset EVs
~ Substitute
~ Focus Punch
~ Dark Pulse / Crunch
~ Ice Beam / Flamethrower / Thunderbolt
252 HP / 52 Atk / 176 SpA / 28 Spe

Boah is still a solid threat, especially to stall teams. Bringing Tyranitar out will often force switches, which gives you the opportunity to set up a Substitute and help lessen the need to predict correctly for your next move. From there, fire off Focus Punch or your Dark STAB move from behind your Substitute. The choice for a 4th move is dependent on your team. Ice Beam is a great choice; with the given EVs it will 2HKO a 252 HP/ 0 SpD Hippowdon, and deal massive damage to Gliscor, Donphan, Salamence, and Breloom. Flamethrower is a good option in order to hit Scizor and Forretress for a OHKO, as well as hitting Skarmory and Metagross for a 2HKO. Thunderbolt hits the aforementioned Skarmory as well, though it will be able to reduce the damage thanks to Roost. However, Thunderbolt is also your best option against Suicune, Milotic, and Gyarados.

Dark Pulse is suggested over Crunch so Boah can preform its wall-breaking duties better. Choosing Dark Pulse gives you a good option against the physical walls you cannot hit super effective with your special move of choice. It also maximizes this EV spread's efficiency as you won't have to split the EVs. Crunch does have the advantage of operating off of Tyranitar's high attacking stat, and it works pretty well when coupled up with Ice Beam. Crunch should also be your STAB attack of choice if you use this version of Tyranitar in Uber battles thanks to most of your foes having much higher Special Defense than Defense.

The Speed EVs above allow you to outspeed Blissey. If you want, you can put a few more EVs into Speed, in case the enemy Blissey also invests in Speed. It can be important to be faster than Blissey so you can Substitute before they get the chance to use Thunder Wave or Toxic on you. Maxing your HP gives you 404 HP, which creates Substitutes that are 101 HP. This means that Blissey's Seismic Toss cannot break your Substitute in one hit, letting you Focus Punch for free on the next turn. The Special Attack EVs put you at 297 Special Attack, which easily allows you to 2HKO 252 HP / 0 SpD Hippowdon with Ice Beam assuming you are running a Quiet nature. If you use Crunch, consider Brave over Quiet (and possibly raise Attack at the expense of Special Attack). Basically, adjust the spread to fit your needs.
(From Smogon)
i like the Crunch/Pursuit/EQ/Stone Edge one, but i dont really like Stone Edge. ideas for a replacement move?
FocusPunch is a decent substitute as well
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  • #104
Tyranitar doesn't really have that many replacements moves on the CB set for a rock move - it absolutely needs STAB, and Stone Edge gets the job done. As Fox mentioned, Rock Slide is possible, but Stone Edge is a lot better.
Thats about it realy.
Rock Slide is for fast pokes.
Stone Edge for every one else.

Rock Wrecker for nut jobs with a ryperior

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