What's your pokemon team?

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Accckkk, I'm getting backed up on teams I need to rate! DX

Leafeon sucks. Very boring Pokemon.

..No, Leafeon is awesome. While competitively it's only UU, it does have great stats and is a great pokemon ingame. ..Aside from being grass typed, anyways.

He is the only one im thinkin of ditching, because he is kinda weak

He isn't weak.. DX

False, Aggron in Steel/Rock

Storm is right. Do your homework Elopez. :lol:
DD Raging Dragonite:
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch

Status Slap Slaking:
Sleep Talk

One Hit Heracross:
Brick Break

Krushing Kingdra
Dragon Dance
Rain Dance

Terror Typhlosion:
Flame Wheel
Bulk Up

Shifty Scizor:
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Night Slash


EDIT: CK helped with DNight and Kingdra, also giving his approval of Slaking. :thumbsup:
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  • #52
Yes, yes it was BRizer. Should of remade it yourself. :lol: All credit of this thread's creation goes to you though, for the original idea and for creating it first. ..Damn Wiichat apocolypse.

Sorry for the delay in team ratings. DX Feel free to post your team still, I'll get to it eventually. I'll do one team per post ofcourse, to not make things clutter.

My Diamond team is
Charizard lvl 100
Palkia lvl 100
Garchomp lvl 87
Crobat lvl 85
Salamence lvl 84
Rayquaza lvl 79

Alright.. levels aren't of any concern to me just to say. Onto the analysis!

I see you like Dragons. :lol: Now, first up, the typing evaluation. Dragon is an incredibly useful type, but moderation is always necesarry when building a team. Right off the bat I knew you had a 4x dragon weakness, and without a single resist, any fast dragon poke with good offenses(an enemy Rayquaza, Garchomp, etc.)could absolutely slaughter you. Without a single dragon resist(in other words, no steel types)you could easily be slaughtered by any dragon, especially one that sets up using dragon dance(Salamence, Dragonite, Rayquaza, even Kingdra).

You also have a 4x rock weakness, one of which is 4x(charizard[irony lol]). Your team doesn't have a single rock resist, so something quick like again, Garchomp, can decimate you with stone edge. Tyranitar will also ruin your entire team if it has a scarf or has a chance to dragon dance up.

Next, you have a baffling 4x ice weakness, 3 of which are 4x themselves! This is by far the worst possible situation for weaknesses I've seen in any team I've analyzed. Without a single resist, anything fast with an ice move, i.e. Latios, could sweep you with ice beam. Imagine how scary a Froslass in a hailstorm would be w/ choice specs? A UU pokemon could sweep a team of UBERS. Not a pleasant thought, is it?

Your other weaknesses, psychic(1x) and electric(2x)leave you very vulnerable. Garchomp being part of the group weak to Dragon AND Ice, two terribly common uber attacks, Garchomp dies quickly and your only electric resist(which is an important immunity)dies. A lot of carriers of electric in ubers also carry ice moves, Latios would literally rape your entire team. While your water weakness is easily covered, that's the only weakness you can manage. In short, your team is absolutely terrible when it comes to pokemon typing, sorry to say. You need an entire new team stat.

Onto offenses.. While Charizard, Crobat, and Salamence are all pathetically weak in uber matches(although Salamence isn't that pathetic, just not good), Palkia, Garchomp, and Rayquaza have high stats or a very good movepool(both are the case for 'Quaza and Palkia). However, 3 pokemon on your team that share your biggest weakness, and two of which have a 4x ice weakness, your main offense dies quickly. Your team is incredibly reckless in the offensive department, and a single wrong move in the start of the match will probably make you lose, even.

None the less, all your pokes can cover a large amount of typed moves. Your offensive power is good. It'd be excellent if half your team wasn't dead weight, sadly.

Now for defense. ...Defense? Lol, what defense. All of your pokes, bar Palkia, are incredibly fragile due to both bad weaknesses(4x or just a ton), and/or bad defenses. Palkia is already weak to dragon, your second biggest weakness anyways, meaning it can easily be disposed of if the rest of your team can be fainted by a strong dragon move. Simply put - you can't defend at all. Again, new team, stat.

Speed... Uh, there is no speed on this team. In ubers, your fastest is Crobat, which is pathetic in legendary matches and can't even switch into anything. Garchomp is your next fastest, and has a 4x ice weakness as well as a dragon weakness. It doesn't have any good resistances in ubers besides electric, and anyone would wisely choose ice to sweep instead when paired with electric. Garchomp and Crobat crossed off, you've got Palkia/Charizard.

Palkia is by far your best poke, and even then without rain support Palkia is nothing. Basically, everything that's fast is virtually useless most of the time(fainted or otherwise[even then Garchomp isn't fast at all for uber standards]), and everything slower has a huge slew of weaknesses. Your lack of speed is frighteningly disturbing. New team syndrome..

All in all, your team is... well, crap. Sorry man, it's terribly put together. The only chance you have at winning is setting up Rayquaza with a billion dragon dances right off the bat(or Salamence if Rayquaza fainted, which has a lot less of a chance), or doing some kind of belly drum sweep from Charizard. My guess is you have neither of those options at the ready..

So basically, all your team can beat is either A: someone much worse than you or B: a team that is incredibly, incredibly crappy and/or weak specifically to your team, which would be really rare.. Sorry for such a harsh review, but I don't spare anyone.. Don't take it too seriously man.

..Oh, and btw, I battled a friend about a year ago with one of my outdated teams. All of his team was dragon typed ubers, and was actually better than yours for ubers. I swepts 4 of his pokes right off the bat with my Salamence. Would of been all 6 if his Giratina didn't survive with a mediocre 13 HP(he told me how much). The rest of his team was slaughtered anyways. ..I hope this helps you reconsider a new team, or atleast if you want a better one.
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Well, I haven't played Diamond in over a year. My last team was amazing. But I set them up to be between lvl 50-60. And I just got bored of it.

I think my team before was

Well, I haven't played Diamond in over a year. My last team was amazing. But I set them up to be between lvl 50-60. And I just got bored of it.

I think my team before was


Hmmm...i like it better than your other team...i just dont like Spiritomb.

I like it, not really any common weaknesses, Alakazam and DNight as sweepers i assume...

EDIT: CK, whattya think of my team?
Though its no secret, my most used 6 man team was for a long time.

Venusaur @ Scarf
Hybrid Lucario
Calm Mind Jirachi
Bulky Heatran
DD Dragonite
Water Type (Support Swampert, Starmie, Empoleon)

My recent hiatus might change up my line up...
Im highly concidering...

Your kidding me right?
Spiritomb is freaking retarded, almost over powered, and adds a certain edge to a team that will in fact wreck like a bomb.
I only don't use it out of sake of style, but take something as innocuous as Cynthia's Champion Team, easily one of the best champion teams ever built, spirtomb serves as a brutal wall and disruption machine
I think youd be better off with a different poke. What were you using him as? defense smack?
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Well, I haven't played Diamond in over a year. My last team was amazing. But I set them up to be between lvl 50-60. And I just got bored of it.

I think my team before was


Ah, a respectfully OU team. Time for another analysis!

As always, typing is first. Now, the most flawed typing thing you've got here is the incredibly common ground type in OU. 3x to be exact. You have an immunity and a sturdy spiritomb to take hits, but it's not enough. Many ground moves are paired with rock or dragon, which smash Dragonite. Salamence would be a nice replacement of Dragonite to soften some blows with intimidate, as well as speed things up. ..Aaanyways.

You've got a minor 2x Ice weakness(one of which is 4x), and unfortunatly only one resist. A lot of sweepers that have Ice can pummel Lucario is he switches in too. Luckily, most pokemon with Ice moves don't get STAB, so spiritomb and electivire can probably switch in to take a hit, considering they're bulky.

Aside from the 2x Ice weakness, everything is fine. You've got a bunch of 1x weaknesses, but that doesn't matter too much. A huge improvement from the last team, and I mean huge. Getting another ground immunity/resist while getting rid of one of the weaknesses is a very important thing to do, though.

Onto offensives.. Lucario, Electivire, Dragonite, and Alakazam have impressive attack scores, as well as Lucario and Electivire having massive type coverage possibilities. With Lucario and Electivire, you can easily wall break for Alakazam to set up say, one Calm Mind and sweep, or just let Dragonite D-dance up and easily sweep once walls are gone.

Your offenses are varried and powerful at the same time, having both early game options and late game sweepers. Very good offenses, definatly. Nidoking is.. well, eh. Aside from Earthquake STAB, it's not good, but that doesn't matter. Good offenses, no doubt.

On the defensive side, you have atleast 1 resist to every single type, which is very helpful early on to establish an offensive lead, very good. You have a total of 7 impressive immunities, 5 of which are very useful. This lets switching in(besides against ground moves)relatively easy, especially on electric attacks and Electivire. Spiritomb also provides you 3 resistances, making it the core defensive poke of your team. While you only have one wall/tank pokemon, Spiritomb is still good.

Defensively, I'd say you're fit, besides the ground weakness. Again, patch up the weakness by removing one of the pokes weak as well as gain an extra resist, and you're definatly set.

In terms of speed, you're lacking a bit. Your fastest poke is Alakazam, but he's still very fast. Unfortunatly he's Psychic, giving him a pursuit weakness and terrible defenses, he doesn't last long. Switching him in is tough. Next to that, you don't have any instant speed, which is bad.

Electivire can easily increase speed on the switch if you predict it right, but it's not a reliable boost. It certainly helps sweeping, ofcourse. Dragonite can also get a D-dance boost for a very potent sweep, meaning late game if you have the lead, victory should be yours. All in all however, your speed lacks. Adding a choice scarf to one of your pokes could certainly help this(..not one that's already fast, ofcourse :lol: ).

All in all, your team has powerful offenses, good defenses, but sub par speed. Basically, your team is a bit high risk high return. However, if you start off strong and play it smart, once you get a lead you should keep it relatively easily. Once that lead is good enough, victory is nearly assured since you've got very good wall breaking and sweeping pokes.

However, if the enemy's team is fast and they get the lead, you'll be in trouble the entire match, and your pokes will generally be under pressure. As long as they don't get the chance to set up a sweep, you may have the opportunity to fight back and steal the lead once more. Basically though, whoever sets up a sweep first, will win - unless you didn't break their walls first/weakened them. Since you don't have a utility wall(Spiritomb is good, but doesn't counter much besides ghosts/psychics), the enemy can set up a sweep before you usually, giving them an advantage right off the bat.

All in all, be careful when playing and play aggresively straight off. Use Spiritomb to pick off enemies it can take advantage of, and wall break as soon as you can and sweep. Again, high risk high return. You only have two things to work on - most importantly, the 3x ground weakness. Swaping out a single poke can make a huge difference.

The second problem, speed. If you can switch a ground weak poke for a fast poke with a ground resist/immunity, your team may improve greatly. Before that though, I'll say your team is good. Not great, not average, but good. Loads better than your last one. :lol:

EDIT: Spiritomb broken? Lol no. Very good disrupter though, I'll say that much. Sadly it can't do too much against certain, rare teams. But hey, it's still a good poke.

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