What's your pokemon team?

i would like that. Thanks. i didnt like Drapion that much anyway, but ill lay out some movesets i already have for you.


Swords Dance
Night Slash
Iron Head


Nasty Plot

im not sure what to give the rest...also, should i drop Drapion, Gliscor, or both?
Drapion should be droped for sure.

On Scizor, he needs Technician
~ Swords Dance
~ Bullet Punch
~ Brick Break / Superpower
~ X-Scissor / Roost / Quick Attack

Milotic is easy:

Gliscore is one of the best physical walls I've ever used.

Typhlosion is best with a choice scarf.
~ Eruption
~ Focus Punch
~ Overheat / Will-O-Wisp
~ Earthquake / Hidden Power Ice

He's a classic starter who is hard to stop. Just remember you need Speed Boost for him to be effective.

The ones with "~" next to them are straight from Smogon. The ones that don't have them are the ones I use.
I could give you sets for your 6th man, but I gotta know who you want.
I could give you sets for your 6th man, but I gotta know who you want.

Ah...Earthquake. Dur. :lol:

that sounds great...im thinking on it...it has to be bulky, like a wall, but not Bronzong, i hate that thing...

what about Rampardos? if not, who would you recommend?
lol! Rampy is NOT bulky at all.
Either Spiritomb or something that either resists Ground or is immune to it.
SuckerPunch/Pursuit/PainSplit/Will-O-Wisp is a decent set if you fancy a Spiritomb, but I'm sure there is a much better option.
I like Gengar in this situation due to his great spe/sp.atk and levitate.
In your case his set could be: EnergyBall/ShadowBall/FocusBlast/Thunderbolt
Not sure that's the best option yet though. Maybe Ck has something to add but he's not here...
yea...Gengar sounds good. I gotta pretty good Garchomp, if you have any suggestions for that?

PS, no to spiritomb. i find him to widely used, due to his resist to everything.
He isnt overused due to his lack of HP stat.
Using Garchomp would bump your team into uber battles, resulting in you getting slaughtered in every battle.
If you want a dragon, Use Salamence. There are a lot of options for him to utilize. Or if fancy a Dragonite more, he has even more options than mence, but is still kinda outclassed by him.
i already have a DD DNight, very very very good. i wasnt neccessarily looking for a dragon, just maybe another good Tank or wall.
Your team is rather tanky as is but if you still want one there is always Blissey, but you don't have to use a standard Bliss set. CMBliss is fun as hell, but as soon as somebody sees Bliss, they're going to run for their Infernapes and Lucarios to shut her down, so using her will take some strategy. Make sure you know all of your oponents team before showing her and only bring her out if you feel safe in knowing your oponent doesnt have anything fighting-related, as CMBliss will take a few CMs in order to attempt a sweep.
IMO, you already have a couple walls and you need a trump card. Something really strong who can keep the "tanky" theme of your team going.
Swampert is a decent option.
Oooooo, Swampert sounds good...but i already got water and ground covered. but i like your ideas....not very much towards Blissey, but the trump card thing....any other ideas?

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