[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

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  • #423
I might be able to. Granted, I was sick on Tuesday and missed school, and of course on that one day there were like a million tests and quizzes and stuff. I spent like an hour and a half after school running around making everything up and I'm still not done :sick:.
Hey volc nice games it was really close on that sewer plus a secret i really like ur gambit lolz have u guys ever thought of making a chat for ur clan? easier communication lolz
Vol the OD clan wants to war us and he wants to talk to u go to their chat idk whats their chat so try to find it or go to GH chat and ask them for the link
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  • #431
Vol the OD clan wants to war us and he wants to talk to u go to their chat idk whats their chat so try to find it or go to GH chat and ask them for the link

Alright, I just went and did that...

We've got a war coming up folks! Next Saturday, at 5 PM EST, 45 cap.
Leave a message on my profile IMMEDIATELY if you are able to join. I will leave several reminders.
Hope to see you all there.
hey vol, well good news and bad news. im back for a lil while so if you need some help with wars im available.
went to the doc today and i have nerve damage in my neck, thats affecting my left arm. so gotta get an mri next week. it may have killed the nerve that goes down my arm into my pinky and half of my ring finger. :(

anyway, i found a guy that does different types of hacks, if your interested, its kinda like anarion on youtube. but you have to register on the site and he will confirm you and all that. he does some mode hacks, i know he does all hats for grenades and unlim ammo games. if you are interested sign up


if im on shoot me an invite, if your not on my fc my sig is at the bottom for some of you newbs to the WC.
Alright, I just went and did that...

We've got a war coming up folks! Next Saturday, at 5 PM EST, 45 cap.
Leave a message on my profile IMMEDIATELY if you are able to join. I will leave several reminders.
Hope to see you all there.

Can't brooo :( This sunday pllleasee??

yeah then it said you unfriend me,what time you going to be on tommorow cause I have off again. maybe you can tell unknown to add me and gh and us can do a little war
goin away not gonna be back till sunday

anyway, i found a guy that does different types of hacks, if your interested, its kinda like anarion on youtube. but you have to register on the site and he will confirm you and all that. he does some mode hacks, i know he does all hats for grenades and unlim ammo games. if you are interested sign up


hackers = :nono:
Hey can i join im a lvl 43 almost lvl 44 i am a run and gun and sniper i really want this to be my first clan so plz can i join i am really good any wapon maybe sigmus and ak. PS: as long as it is ouromov's lol
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  • #435
Can't brooo :( This sunday pllleasee??

goin away not gonna be back till sunday

hackers = :nono:
Herp. Actually, I MEANT Sunday. Damn brain farts... xD. But yeah, if you can make it at 5:00 EST SUNDAY, you should be fine.

And as for Oshawott... I'll PM you with the details tomorrow of joining tomorrow. Nothing too hard, just check your PM box that day.

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