[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.


The Sun Pokemon
Apr 11, 2011
The great state of Texas!
Wii Online Code
Well, seeing as I'm now leader, I'm changing this post to information about the clan.

Anyhoo... Welcome to the WC clan! We're a fairly new clan, but already we've got several great members, most of which are level 40+ and very skilled.

If you'd like to join our humble little clan, PM me about joining. Qualifications include that you must be at least level 35, and have a KDR no lower than 1.00. Upon PM'ing me, I'll give you the password to our chat room and my Friend Code, and we will set up a trial match to make sure you are skilled.

NO TOOBING (unless you've unlocked it at level 54) and NO HACKING.

If you'd like information on our members, I've got a list of them below, along with all their FC's. Keep in mind that this info is just at time-of-writing, so the levels may not be completely accurate.

Volcarona/WC (lv. 56) 1512-1772-5792
HQ [WC] (lv. 55) 1858-7219-2781
WC-Zanapher (lv. 43) 4845-6236-5153
WC/Known (lv. 51) 0071-2502-7383
{WC/GH}YanniMB (lv. 45) 4887-1474-7429
[WC] R Y N O (lv. 44) 2927-0587-1926
[WC] AI (lv. 38) 1023-0034-2418
[WC] UNKNOWN (lv. 56) 1328-2546-1378
CUJO (lv. 56) 2474-2027-5470
[WC] HOOT (lv. 42) 2871-3279-0214
[WC]MKFAN20 (lv, 38) 2968-7254-5546
Roast (lv. 46) 5428-7308-8720
[WC]Jason (lv. 37) 1608-5457-1634
[WC/FG]-Legacy (lv. 56) I don't have his friend code at this point

To visit our OLD thread (this contains REALLY OLD info about the clan along with random posts that we don't even remember what they were about anymore), click the happy face below.


Oh yeah, and I'm keeping the aardvark picture from earlier.


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Auuuggghhhh! I'd never imagined I'd see the day Wiichat would have it's own clan! FOR ANYTHING! I could cry manly tears over this horrid irony... ... ...

No trolling intended, by the way. =P I'm only in a state of traumatized ruin (quite possibly exaggerated...), since Wiichat once had a rule entirely forbidding clans. But it seems the droves wouldn't be warded off forever, since some Admins aren't created equally stubborn. x)

Point in case, best of luck with the clan. Don't put this brilliant forum to shame now by using it's name, eh? =)
Auuuggghhhh! I'd never imagined I'd see the day Wiichat would have it's own clan! FOR ANYTHING! I could cry manly tears over this horrid irony... ... ...No trolling intended, by the way. =P I'm only in a state of traumatized ruin (quite possibly exaggerated...), since Wiichat once had a rule entirely forbidding clans. But it seems the droves wouldn't be warded off forever, since some Admins aren't created equally stubborn. x)Point in case, best of luck with the clan. Don't put this brilliant forum to shame now by using it's name, eh? =)
Where have you been? We've been a team since about April. Have have been frequenting this site for even much longer.Don't put the forum to shame, by using it's name? If anything we are bringing more people to join cause as our name gets out there and we play more guys/girls are curious as to whom the [WC] is. If anything we are recruting new WiiChat.com members.
i believe i started a new thread like a month ago and pretty much got snubbed on that one. i even tried updating the original post that john put up. o well.
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Zan, hold off on Multi Task (except for sniping loadouts) until you get the Masterton. Slap it on a loadout with your Strata and let the fun begin!
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HQ, can you clear the Chatzy room? I think the reason it's lagging so much is because it's saving all the old messages. It's worth a shot.
Where have you been? We've been a team since about April. Have have been frequenting this site for even much longer.Don't put the forum to shame, by using it's name? If anything we are bringing more people to join cause as our name gets out there and we play more guys/girls are curious as to whom the [WC] is. If anything we are recruting new WiiChat.com members.

And I've been here since '08, friend. =P Rules change over time, for better or worse, lol. My join date is a year wrong because of a data loss on Wiichat, and I'm still an older member than you. Clans were once outright banned, and I sure as hell supported that movement, lol.

Quality, over quantity, bro. I'd rather have a medium sized community with intellectuals and dedicated posters, than an endless stream of morons who can't read the rules before spamming ten times, cluttering up sub forums, and then promptly leaving after getting friend codes.

You can't deny that most of the people who play CoD are whiny, snob-nosed children who flame someone for being better than them at a game, eh? I'm most certainly not grouping you or anyone in your clan to this notorious group of scoundrels, but they're out there. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get their facts straightened out. :lol: And, to say the least, I don't want those bigots on this forum. Few people would.

Oh, and what I meant by "putting the forum's name to shame", was essentially "don't suck", lol. Give Wiichat a foothold in the competitive CoD community is what I meant, nothing offensive or insulting was intended. =)
Oh, and what I meant by "putting the forum's name to shame", was essentially "don't suck", lol. Give Wiichat a foothold in the competitive CoD community is what I meant, nothing offensive or insulting was intended. =)

What the heck is CoD?
Ive decided on using the anova and reflex sight with extended mags, heavey hitter, and multi-task with my secondary being a terrilite. I've notices that when i used this i died two or three times more than usuall in a games but I really like using the anova for close to mid range fighting and the terrilite for those players farther away, this also works in my favor so that if im playing solo I dont have to worry about running low on ammo because most of the people i play with will still be using the terrilite. The only real downside i've noticed is that enemy grenades are a real pain.
Welcome to the Wii Chat [WC] Thread.

This is for Member Joining and just shooting the ****. Only members of WC can post off topic. If you want to Join our Clan....

Qualifications: Level 56 to level 30 is welcome. Only taking new members from level 45 and up now.

No toobers!

No Hackers! or Modders!

No Host Quitting, if you are host.

No Rage Quitting, if you are upset due to game play.

You will have trial games with one of us or maybe as a whole team to see how you can cope in the heat of battle before you can join us. Not just anyone can join.

Post your FC# with your KDR and I John011 will add you to play a few games. My FC# is in my Signature. If you want to become a member of the WC clan. These are our current members add them to your Friends list and make sure to post your FC# so we all can add you.

If you want to be a new recruit and it takes a while for me to initiate you in don't be upset or worried. I can be busy at times and can't always get around to it asap.

Current Members.

[WC] HQ - FC# 1858-7219-2781
[WC] A C E - FC# 1050-9986-2265
WC-Zanapher - FC# 4845-6236-5153
Volcarona/WC - FC# 1512-1772-5792
[WC] Bolrae - FC# 3676-7207-8347
[WC] Patrick - FC# 0868-2424-7761
WC-HOOT - FC# 2871-3279-0214
[WC] Ryno - FC# 2927 0587 1926
{WC} YO MAMA - FC# 0868-2424-7761
BlackEcho/WC- FC# 0689-0434-9393
[WC] UNKNOWN - FC# 1328-2546-1378
[WC] Known - FC# 0071-2502-7383
[WC] Cerberus - FC# 4347-1398-9303
CUJO - FC# 2474-2027-5470
[WC] ANDY - FC# 5490-1208-2932
{WC} Yanni M - FC# 4887-1474-7429
And more are in progress.
hopefully we get new members i dont want to be the last recruit