[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

Dis you xp boost?

Nope, I actually reseted my weapon proficiencies and combat abilities+solo farming on GE mode.Luckily I played against some weak competion until the host quited. My KDR and Accuracy have decreased :( but I think that's the drawback for reseting.

game name [Ops]Phantom Friend code #118610855016 im a lvl 32 and just want to make a team :wiiconsole::wiimote::nunchuck:

Do you want to make a team or join a clan?
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Nope, I actually reseted my weapon proficiencies and combat abilities+solo farming on GE mode.Luckily I played against some weak competion until the host quited. My KDR and Accuracy have decreased :( but I think that's the drawback for reseting.
how do you reset your proficiences? also, can you add me? ive been asking you for ever.
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  • #453
how do you reset your proficiences? also, can you add me? ive been asking you for ever.
Basically, swap your controller to something that uses the Wiimote (not CC or CCP) if you weren't already. Join a match, and while it's loading, mash the 1 button.
There ya go.
how do you reset your proficiences? also, can you add me? ive been asking you for ever.

Are you sure your willing to reset your proficiencies? The drawbacks from doing that is getting lower accuracy and KDR, but really it depends on what weapon your leveling up. For me I got some mutual kills trying to level up the lower-tier guns like the Sigmus+AK 47.You should wait till after you get your Strata SV-400 or finish it's proficiencies.I'd finish all my combat abilities before I reset, if I were you :yesnod:!

*Cool Fact: Did you know Speed Loader affects the reloading of Grenade Launchers?It only takes 2-3 seconds to reload each shell:D!
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Are you sure your willing to reset your proficiencies? The drawbacks from doing that is getting lower accuracy and KDR, but really it depends on what weapon your leveling up. For me I got some mutual kills trying to level up the lower-tier guns like the Sigmus+AK 47.You should wait till after you get your Strata SV-400 or finish it's proficiencies.I'd finish all my combat abilities before I reset, if I were you :yesnod:!

*Cool Fact: Did you know Speed Loader affects the reloading of Grenade Launchers?It only takes 2-3 seconds to reload each shell:D!
just answer me, how do you reset your proficiences?

just answer me, how do you reset your proficiences?
and I think I finished my strata proficiences.
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  • #459

The war with [OD] is NEXT SUNDAY at 5:00 PM, EST. If you can participate, PLEASE leave a visitor message stating so on my profile.

Guys, so far NO ONE has left a visitor message saying they can participate in the war this week. I'm tired of no one ever showing up fo anything; if you're going to actually show up, leave a visitor message on my profile.
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yeah, so My wii was toasted actually mudified. I got a new one so I will be back in service soon. (been over a month) I just have to buy a new GE game.(my old one floated away) I'm not sure if I want to buy it because of one reason. I hate cheaters and I have hated on them since the day I started in WC forum. But, I will be damned If I spend another 12 days to get to lvl 44 just to be flooded out of my house a few points before I get the friggen Strata. Anyone have any suggestions on how to "inherit" my old profile on a new wii? I know it can't be done but their must be a hack that lets me get my old profile back without hacking right? lol. Anyway, I still want to play with yall WC=men if I get up and running again. cheers!
yeah, so My wii was toasted actually mudified. I got a new one so I will be back in service soon. (been over a month) I just have to buy a new GE game.(my old one floated away) I'm not sure if I want to buy it because of one reason. I hate cheaters and I have hated on them since the day I started in WC forum. But, I will be damned If I spend another 12 days to get to lvl 44 just to be flooded out of my house a few points before I get the friggen Strata. Anyone have any suggestions on how to "inherit" my old profile on a new wii? I know it can't be done but their must be a hack that lets me get my old profile back without hacking right? lol. Anyway, I still want to play with yall WC=men if I get up and running again. cheers!
hahahaha floated away my ge game floated away hahahahaahhahhahhaah LMAO

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