[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

hell no im probably one of the smartest kids in my entire school, considering most of them are stupid.

and you never heard of the ny state tests
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we do the state tests but for our school its no biggie every1 gets a 4/4 on it....i live in a offskirt of nyc
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  • #395
Sorry I haven't been on in a while. It looks like the end of GE for me. My house was flooded and we will be tearing it down, had to cancel my wedding and my Wii has drowned. I only needed a little more for the strata. Here is a link to see what my house looked like last thursday. It's the one with only roof showing. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...327.401858.539261326.564001552&type=1&theater

:frown5: Oh good lord... Sorry to hear about that Meth. Hope everything gets sorted out for you...
Although, this is just a thought, but I had a friend who dropped his cell phone in the pool. What he did was unscrew everything to show the circuit boards inside, then he left them out in the sun to dry. When he put it back together, it worked again.

On a lighter note... We have a brand new member. Please welcome [WC]Jason to the clan!

As usual, I'll be putting his info on the first post of this thread. Please be sure to add him, and Jason be sure to add everyone else.
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what level?
sorry to hear that meth, if you get your wii back, i can get baller to boost you
Sorry if [WC]Underdog went M.I.A. , I was busy XP grinding:).I now have a Strata SV-400 in my arsenal :biggrin:!LOL,I'll still use my Anova DP3 against ppl under LV.41:lol:!

Here's a loadout you should try yor your level.This was my main loadout when I was below LV.41,I gotta say I won't use this loadout anymore since I got a Strata SV-400 and Anova DP3:D!

Primary:Terralite III
Secondary:Kunara V
Gadget 1:Remote Trigger Mines
Gadget 2:Lightfoot(Which I use the most :))
Gadget 3:Bio Booster
Primary Attachment:ACOG Scope
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congrats on the strata Chino, now here's a loadout you should try
Primary: Toros
Gadget 1:RTM
Gadget 2: heavey hitter
Gadget 3: multi-task
attachment: thermal Scope
this is amazing on docks, and when you hit lv 47 switch to the WA2000. Although it does take getting used to running around with no health boost. Shoot me an invite and we'll get some games in.
My loadout:
Primary: I don't care
Secondary: WOLFE.44
Gadget 1:doesnt matter
Gadget 2: heavey hitter
Gadget 3: dont care
attachment: ugh i wish i could have an acog on the .44 just like cod lol
sorry i havent been on my high school is awesome but the homework is intense 10 hard homework everyday ill try to play soonner meth sorry about wedding and new member jason add me 4887-1474-7429

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