New Goldeneye 007 Wii Clan (Oct 2013)


WiiChat Member
Oct 7, 2013
Want to join a fun, non-hacking clan? Well then, FoX would be your choice! (Fighters of eXcellance)
Born on October 7, 2013, it will consist of high-level players. This clan does NOT allow hacking or cheating, only to people willing to play fair and make the game enjoyable to others.
I know there are already many clans out there who have a lot of skilled members, but I just want to make a clan for people who have skill but are not there yet (56)
To Apply:
1 - You must agree and respect our Code of ethics
2 - You must pass one/several test(s) provided by one of our recruiters.
3 - You must be agreed by the Leader.
Go to for more information.
Please join! This will be a great clan!
Clan Tag is [FoX] 299821_141470659285758_1753286685_a.jpg
can i join im on 17 my name is hydroidman but im good. my wii chat name hackers but i dont hack can i join if so pm me ill be on ge all day plzz dude really need a clan
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Yeah sure! :) You can join! come to fighterofexcellance(DOT)webs(DOT)com to register and I'll add you too!
Create a gamefaqs account too :)
my fc: 2926-4781-3597 U sure you don't hack?
nope dont hack i say i do so people will add me i will register tomarro and ill add u asap

o yeah fc 4541-1893-6172 add me
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