[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

how about you changee it to either today at 5:00 pm or at 5:00 pm next friday?:shocked:

and you you do have me on your roster known, erase me and add my fc again.
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how about you changee it to either today at 5:00 pm or at 5:00 pm next friday?:shocked:
Honestly, the OD schedule is fairly packed, so we decided on the day that worked best for them.Also, just to clarify, the war is on the Sunday of next week, not this Sunday.
have you seen anarions youtube page?? he did a hack that allows you to get the MJR rocket launcher. i was in a game the other day, and he has no name. and i got to shoot it, it is freakin awesome.
Ok sure thing i agree with Kano u guys need a chat make ur own website u can still be wii chat
Guys guess what? I was playing against Anarion in TC for two matches. The game was hacked with infinite ammo and I swear there were fireworks from the MJR :D! Man was I lucky, I got in a game where most of the players were in their LV.10s and early 20s and it was easy farming on them :D! I managed to get to LV.55 by just farming on noobs and doing the objectives for 6 hours straight :), man am I tired from that long farming, you could say I was taking advantage :biggrin:! I swear if you guys come on @ 2:00 PM est. that's when noobs are really active:thumbsup:! Oh and @Yanni, I'm sorry for not joining your invites, I was busy on my BB farming with noobs. I also manage to finish all my combat abilities, and that helped me get more XP! My weapon profs are almost done too, all I need to finish is Gambit,WA2000, and Ivana. :lol:I'm so glad I farmed and finshed my combat abilities+some weapon profs.

Guys guess what? I was playing against Anarion in TC for two matches. The game was hacked with infinite ammo and I swear there were fireworks from the MJR :D! Man was I lucky, I got in a game where most of the players were in their LV.10s and early 20s and it was easy farming on them :D! I managed to get to LV.55 by just farming on noobs and doing the objectives for 6 hours straight :), man am I tired from that long farming, you could say I was taking advantage :biggrin:! I swear if you guys come on @ 2:00 PM est. that's when noobs are really active:thumbsup:! Oh and @Yanni, I'm sorry for not joining your invites, I was busy on my BB farming with noobs. I also manage to finish all my combat abilities, and that helped me get more XP! My weapon profs are almost done too, all I need to finish is Gambit,WA2000, and Ivana. :lol:I'm so glad I farmed and finshed my combat abilities+some weapon profs.
Everyone should BB farm and finish combat abilities+weapon profs if you want more XP. Some ppl say Heroes is best for getting XP, but sometimes you'll get teammates with no common sense and overspawn. That's why I think BB is best for getting a lot of XP!

Friend code -118610855016- Name [Ops] Phantom
What's your Level? If you want to join [WC] PM(Private Message) Volcarona:yesnod:!
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2 orders of business:

1) Alright, I've decided we're doing a get-together. This place has been really freaking quiet.
Anyone who's got some spare time tomorrow (Saturday), hop on the WC chat in my sig. We're gonna do some old-fashioned BB farming, Conflict, and the like for fun.

2) We've got a new member! Please welcome WC/FG-Legacy to the clan!
As usual, the FC and info is in my sig. Please be sure to add him and Legacy, be sure to add everyone back when you have time.
first off yanni, i did add you already, you have to re add my FC,

chino. those games were awesome werent they?? seein that rocket come at you kinda freezes you the first time, like WTF is that?? i wish they had all the weapons online anyway, but it adds a different fun aspect to it.
first off yanni, i did add you already, you have to re add my FC, chino. those games were awesome werent they?? seein that rocket come at you kinda freezes you the first time, like WTF is that?? i wish they had all the weapons online anyway, but it adds a different fun aspect to it.
Those games with Anarion are awesome :D! @first I saw fireworks from the MJR, then some purple smoke from his grenades! I gotta tell you Anarion gotta be one of the most respected hackers! In those two TC matches he was killing himself and giving away MJR rockets! LOL, wouldn't a MJR on BlackBox be bada55:devil:! Hey A C E you should add my FC#:yesnod:, I'll add yours too:)!
Guys guess what? I was playing against Anarion in TC for two matches. The game was hacked with infinite ammo and I swear there were fireworks from the MJR :D! Man was I lucky, I got in a game where most of the players were in their LV.10s and early 20s and it was easy farming on them :D! I managed to get to LV.55 by just farming on noobs and doing the objectives for 6 hours straight :), man am I tired from that long farming, you could say I was taking advantage :biggrin:! I swear if you guys come on @ 2:00 PM est. that's when noobs are really active:thumbsup:! Oh and @Yanni, I'm sorry for not joining your invites, I was busy on my BB farming with noobs. I also manage to finish all my combat abilities, and that helped me get more XP! My weapon profs are almost done too, all I need to finish is Gambit,WA2000, and Ivana. :lol:I'm so glad I farmed and finshed my combat abilities+some weapon profs.
Dis you xp boost?
game name [Ops]Phantom Friend code #118610855016 im a lvl 32 and just want to make a team :wiiconsole::wiimote::nunchuck:

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