(WC) vs [DS] Clan War Official Thread!

Wait, next week?
Well crap, then I can't be in the war. I'm gonna be on vacation in the UK for 10 days on the 19th, so looks like I'm out :sick:.

Oh crap Zach, now look at what you did.... Tisk Tisk.

Better luck next Battle buddy.
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Hey! GGs last nite guys.

I was reading a bit and now, to completely doing this War in a clean no cheating enviroment, I request the following:

1) John and Bolrae cant play. Why? Because of this:

Originally Posted by riordan_85
seriously?? who was the host? and what mode were you on.
the only time i was in a hacked game i was a lvl 20 something and i quit. now the grind of the 40's is takin its toll

Originally Posted by John011

you all are a bunch of dicks in a basket. lol
my new name is WC-HackrsSuk and it was some level 51er in Conflict. I played two games and went from 40 to 43. Figured that was enough cheating and left. It takes to damn long to level up anymore.

Originally Posted by riordan_85
hey john, hate to burst your bubble, but i think your the lowest ranked, yesterday bolrae played marathon session and is now a lvl 46.

lol john, the marathon was about 5 games.

I dont want to sound like a party pooper, but we at [DS] wont accept or endorse staying in a hacked game on purpose, never. Player to do so, player banned. 8)

I hope this doesn't prevent the battle for taking place as planned :)
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fg, i would completely understand your concern, but what difference does it make if there is a weapons cap. it wasnt like he jumped from 35 to 50. john jumped 2 levels from 40 to 42. and bolrae was from 43 to 46. we have been playing together for awhile and i know how they play and after last night you know how we play.

does it have anything to do with last night?? i thought we played some good games, and it doesnt matter that we won. we just wanna have a match, and it would be fair.
lmao.....so i cant play because i was in an xp lobby? so tell me what advantages do i have over you especially if u are choosing the guns we use and stuff? are u kidding me get the **** outta here this is a video game.....get a life....have fun with it... oh and by the way my skills got me to where i am not levels... check the stats
lmao.....so i cant play because i was in an xp lobby? so tell me what advantages do i have over you especially if u are choosing the guns we use and stuff? are u kidding me get the **** outta here this is a video game.....get a life....have fun with it... oh and by the way my skills got me to where i am not levels... check the stats

Yeah check my stats to. Does 2 XP Lobby games get you a 2.11 KDR? No. Skills do.
This is bullshit.

Now, I wasn't witness to the whole thing, but apparantly some overconfident, arrogant DS member came and talked **** to our team, and then challenged us spontaneously to a best of 7 TC game when we naturally got angry. (which they later changed to "best of 5" and claimed we agreed on it, which we didn't)
We went onto their chat site to try and discuss things such as a weapons cap and all that, and we discovered that that wasn't the only freakin snob in the clan. For about 45 minutes, the clan berated our clan, pretended like we didn't exist, refused to wait 15 minutes while a clan member was doing something important, and worst of all, failed to follow the weapon cap once the fight actually started.
Now, I'm sorry, but if your clan is going to cheat, belittle, and perform acts of outright faggotry, then I don't see the point of doing this war, since your team obviously needs to cheat to win.
Now remember, I'm not gonna be in the war. I really don't have a say-so in this, and the war is still probably gonna happen anyway. But at this point, even if I was able to partake in the battle, I would downright refuse to enter.
Keep your damn clan straight.

-Volcarona, a pi**ed off WC member.
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clan war

This is bullshit.

Now, I wasn't witness to the whole thing, but apparantly some overconfident, arrogant DS member came and talked **** to our team, and then challenged us spontaneously to a best of 7 TC game when we naturally got angry.
We went onto their chat site to try and discuss things such as a weapons cap and all that, and we discovered that that wasn't the only freakin snob in the clan. For about 45 minutes, the clan berated our clan, pretended like we didn't exist, refused to wait 15 minutes while a clan member was doing something important, and worst of all, failed to follow the weapon cap once the fight actually started.
Now, I'm sorry, but if your clan is going to cheat, belittle, and perform acts of outright faggotry, then I don't see the point of doing this war, since your team obviously needs to cheat to win.
Now remember, I'm not gonna be in the war. I really don't have a say-so in this, and the war is still probably gonna happen anyway. But at this point, even if I was able to partake in the battle, I would downright refuse to enter.
Keep your damn clan straight.

-Volcarona, a pi**ed off WC member.

thank u volcarona, it all true, i was on ur site
Oh yeah, and I searched the leaderboards. One of the members we fought, [DS]Hamburger, had participated in XP lobbys. Good job setting a rule and then not following it, ****ing hypocrites.
yep ok ds members this is all b.s. you claim you dont tolerate cheaters in your clan. DS-hamburger. on overall performance, rank 300. lvl 56 xp 1764043. XP only goes in 0's and 5;s

Ds Tomek
rank 421 lvl 56 xp 1504832.

you claim to run a tight ship. but this proves you dont. and you ***** and moan about this.

ok Ds 21. you were setting this up. then your gonna be in the match. i see there were 3 56ers and a 54. where are you in this. why dont we do this right.
and your guy can say he wasnt throwin proxies all he wants but when i spawn and am blown up when i take a step id say someone is plantin some ****.

you can call it a win. but just like barry bonds better put that ole * up there next to it.
XP Lobbiers...

Members of the DS that have at one point Entered and Finished an XP lobby game. Weather it was 1 or 100 games, we cant tell that but proof shows in the Leaderboard that you have cheats on your team that lied to you.

Stats from the Overall Performance. XP works in 5's and 0's if anyone else has otherwise that means they played in XP lobby Matches.

Level 37 <{D$}G}{Ost> XP 400,958
Level 56 DS-Hamburger XP 1,764,043
Level 56 [DS]Tomek XP 1,504,832
Level 52 [DS]zodiac XP 1,163,022
Level 42 [DS]JPL XP 605,234
Level 51 [DS]Nate XP 1,113,388

Thats all I could find, How can DS say that Bolrae and I cant play when we were in XP matches but your guys can?????? They probably wont admit to the XP Games but stats dont lie!!! So check your facts before you say that DS dosen't tollerate cheaters/hackers. You should eliminate those players cause they broke the rules of your Clan.

I'll be honest there are 6 people in the WC that were in XP lobby games at one point, but it's a damn video game. XP Lobby's have nothing to do with gamers skill only Level.

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