[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

thanks ai. I also use the vargen as much as the terrilite. Also, can you add me on ge?
Vargen FH-7 is rubbish IMO(InMyOpinion) and it take's 4 seconds to reload.The gun's great and all, but it's hip-fire spread is HUGE without putting on snapshot+laser.Go use the Terralite III or Stauger UA-1 since their hip-fire spread is close/compact, not to mention the Stauger's reload can be glitched and it only takes under a second to reload:D.Just to let you know, don't camp if your gonna use my "Rush" loadout.

congrats on the strata Chino, now here's a loadout you should tryPrimary: TorosSecondary:strataGadget 1:RTMGadget 2: heavey hitterGadget 3: multi-taskattachment: thermal Scopethis is amazing on docks, and when you hit lv 47 switch to the WA2000. Although it does take getting used to running around with no health boost. Shoot me an invite and we'll get some games in.
I have a similar loadout like that except with Distraction(Smoke Grenades to take advantage of Thermal Scope+Flash Grenades to use in the Boat Room when doing a "breach":devil: ) and I use Lightfoot(Helps back me up when clearing out a room with campers+I'm more of a mobile Sniper:D)!
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The heck is wrong with you people? Put the Strata/Ivana/Anova/whatever FIRST (silenced), then put the Toros SECOND. Ninja around all over the place with the silenced automatic weapon, then whenever you reach a sniper point, switch weapons, pick someone off, and run before people show up to investigate.
Strata SV-400=Pure Awesomeness

The Strata SV-400(KRISS Super V) is a sweet gun:yesnod:!I wanna know what you guys use for the attachments.LOL, I've been leveling up pretty quick with the Strata SV-400 and I managed to unlocked the WA2000 in under just a week:D!

Check this video out!It shows why the Strata SV-400 is beast and explains what makes it powerful,accurate,the awesome fast rate-of-fire and the reason why there's barely any recoil:)!LOL:lol:, I have Reflex Sight on my Strata SV-400 and you can probaly tell why:biggrin:!The Strata SV-400 is an Ultimate Weapon for sure:thumbsup:!

P.S. What's a good Sniper loadout with the WA2000?
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I have to admit Vol.Your loadout suggestion works:)!I got a great score on Docks TC with 21-3:].I use a Silenced Anova DP3(Primary) and a Toros AV-400(Secondary) in my loadout:biggrin:!
you guys didnt accept a player named WC-Sea-Horse did ya? i just played him and he is horrible, he likes to run around and hide in corners and just sit there, and then toob at ya when you run by. he went like 3 -14. otherwise its another imposter.
The Strata SV-400(KRISS Super V) is a sweet gun:yesnod:!I wanna know what you guys use for the attachments.LOL, I've been leveling up pretty quick with the Strata SV-400 and I managed to unlocked the WA2000 in under just a week:D!

Check this video out!It shows why the Strata SV-400 is beast and explains what makes it powerful,accurate,the awesome fast rate-of-fire and the reason why there's barely any recoil:)!LOL:lol:, I have Reflex Sight on my Strata SV-400 and you can probaly tell why:biggrin:!The Strata SV-400 is an Ultimate Weapon for sure:thumbsup:!
No no no Volc and Chino seriously you guys need a good loadout. Especially Volc. Chino I could see why you use Sniper+Multi, but Volc...YOU HAVE THE BEST PISTOL EVERY. I use my sniper class but end up Wolfing more than sniping lmao.

Ok Strata classes:
Wolfe ofc
Hi Cap

or for archives
wolfe (dont use it in archives)
BB is ESSENTIAL so you can last 2 shotgun hits

I personally am not much for a reflex or an acog, but these 2 are kicking butt for me especially my archives one. I've gone 50+ kills with that thang.

I'd say for the WA2000 I have been in a dilemma but I think I found the answer.
For unsilenced I'd always go Toros+Thermal everyday all day.
WA2000 thermal is iffy with all the recoil.
But on the contrary, i'd use WA2000 with a silcener. Now I'm more or a let-me-run-around-find-you-in-a-sec-kill-you-run-more-noscope-you-die type guy. So It did take me a long time to get used to the WA2000 with a silencer, but eventually I figured it out. Now of all the things to take from this post would be the snipers, cause I snipe the most and I really am probably one of the best snipers out there. I know what I'm talking about.

In my opinion if you're a good enough sniper Multi-task really is useless. For me I just run around melee+wolfe. The only thing I possibly could use multi-task for is a controversial docks loadout Toros/thermal+Drumhead. Credit to Zan on that loadout. I personally don't find it all that useful.

The heck is wrong with you people? Put the Strata/Ivana/Anova/whatever FIRST (silenced), then put the Toros SECOND. Ninja around all over the place with the silenced automatic weapon, then whenever you reach a sniper point, switch weapons, pick someone off, and run before people show up to investigate.
My problem with this is that if you're going to go to the trouble of making yourself all volurable, you might as well just use your assult rifle and take them out. That's why I say Strata over Ivana. The Ivana has wayyyy too much Recoil. It doesn't seem like it, but it stacks up.

I also don't like the idea of Auto gun + Sniper. If you're going to snipe someone, why not just snipe everyone. If you're going to shoot someone with your strata, why change it up? If you have a strata, theres no need to snipe them...YOU HAVE A STRATA! GOSH DARN RUSH THEM!

sorry yanni, i did forget, but im only back temporarily, while in north dakota working i got rearended by some jackoff, we were both running 627F scrapers, and i was stopped and the cock slammed into me, my neck got ****ed. the docs think i blew out a disc in my neck.

n e way, yanni, i see you joined a game the other day and then left right away, i was against cujo. and some other 56. good match i went like 39-19.
sorry yanni, i did forget, but im only back temporarily, while in north dakota working i got rearended by some jackoff, we were both running 627F scrapers, and i was stopped and the cock slammed into me, my neck got ****ed. the docs think i blew out a disc in my neck.

n e way, yanni, i see you joined a game the other day and then left right away, i was against cujo. and some other 56. good match i went like 39-19.
wow that was U!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw ace i remebered u and i missed playing with u besides im leveling up the weakest gun ever the sigmus so im gonna suck for a while anyways ADD ME 4887-1474-7429
he posts on facebook a lot, but i havent really heard too much from him, from what i ve seen in passing he is workin like 60 hrs a week.
hell when i was in ND i was workin 7, 12hr shifts that ended up bein about 14 hr days on the clock.

yanni il try to get on tonight and il finally re add ya

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