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no of course we don hat christeans why would we.other then the reason of religeon but then why would we hat you just cause your in another religeon.the answers no we don hat we hate people that act negatvly (that applys to all and of course us to) what i mean by that is people who act baddly (as in sexualy harrase,rape, etc...)
Zeon (or any other muslim reading this first):

Is my understanding of the Islam relationship with Christianity correct?
I have problems with no religion EXCEPT Scientology. It's weird, fake, and is a huge scam.
zeon9881 said:
^ was that sarcasim cause i do have some facts
no that wasn't sarcasim, i was being serious. Would you be so kind as to tell me what the Dajjal is? BTW I am curious what you believe those facts are.
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im my religeon dajjal is

he going to be a man born with 1 eye and gods going to give him all these powers and then people are going to start worshiping him thinking hes god and then theirs goin to be the last war....sry ill go get more info on this OK
but i would suggest askin ottoman or RPGMASTER since they knoe more then me =)

edit i meant to say war but im not sure if its last or not ill get more info
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zeon9881 said:
im my religeon dajjal is

he going to be a man born with 1 eye and gods going to give him all these powers and then people are going to start worshiping him thinking hes god and then theirs goin to be the last war....sry ill go get more info on this OK
but i would suggest askin ottoman or RPGMASTER since they knoe more then me =)

Actually, I myself have little knoweledge about this area as well...
At a metamophical stance, a dajjal is an extremely bad person who has committed mass murder and was responsible for committing such horrible acts and not forgived for it. For example, Hitler could be one. However, the major one (as a prophecy) will have one eye. According to the prophecy (most of the prophecies have come true already BTW), people will worship him as a God. A war will start due to this evil person's reign, along with his followers. However, i refer this post to Ottoman, as he may refurbish this one so...don't confirm all of this information as "100% correct" because i said it might not all be. I will also have to do research.
Samus101 said:
Is it true that Muslims HATE Christians?

This question doesn't make sense. I can ask...Is it true that Christians and Jews HATE Muslims? What will you expect to hear? There are Jews and Christians who despise Muslims...and vice versa. A Muslim does not hate a Christian for who they are, but rather believe their beliefs are off and wrong, and vice versa. It's a debate, and the Christian propoganda gets people to believe that Muslims hate Christians and Jews, based on current occurences, all presented by the Jewish-influenced media. They take words out of context and get people to believe what they want you to believe, but don't speak of the logic within it. I can quote any book and quote i want, and not tell you what was said before or after, and expect you to judge the religion from there. It's ignorance that drives this question, as most untrue accusations are made in the same way. For example, some quotes from the Qu'ran are taken out of context. Sure, when someone reads it for the first time they would think "Wow, its true what they all say. Islam really is a violent, lethal religion!" BUT!! They are given little to work with. They have no idea what was written before and after the quote, so they accept what they read instantly as truth, without considering what it actually does mean. For example, I could claim that Christianity is a violent, deathly religion by stating the quote "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34.
Now if I left you with only that information, you could make that judgement all by yourself. However, it is not stated what this quote really means, and chances are, it is not a violent quote. However, racist non-Muslims try to convince that out-of-context quotes from the Qu'ran are praised and followed daily. WRONG! Now you don't see Muslims doing that to Christians, do you? After all, was it not Jesus (PBUH) who taught to treat those as you want to be treated?
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islamic anti chriest....if u mean dajjal your mistaken dajjal will probably go to hell(it for god to decide) since he gonna kill people
RPGMasterTurk91 said:
lol i know what you mean by that, in perspective of Christian views. The dejjal is to Islam as Anti-Christ is to Christianity. I guess you can say it like that, as this person would be considered an enemy to Islam as a whole.

ugggg my brains hurting care to explain
zeon9881 said:
ugggg my brains hurting care to explain

care to explain what i just said? or care to explain why your brains hurting? or neither? or was it just that you wanted 17 green toothbrushes with 4 orange canaries sitting on top of a snowy mountain in Japan? I thought you said something along those lines...:devil:
RPGMasterTurk91 said:
care to explain what i just said? or care to explain why your brains hurting? or neither? or was it just that you wanted 17 green toothbrushes with 4 orange canaries sitting on top of a snowy mountain in Japan? I thought you said something along those lines...:devil:

XD my GOD now i cant say what you said and then what i said uggggg see look what you did now theirs smoke coming out of my old are WTF why the hell am i askin that OMG somethings wrong you like bananas?i like bananas OMG
zeon9881 said:
XD my GOD now i cant say what you said and then what i said uggggg see look what you did now theirs smoke coming out of my old are WTF why the hell am i askin that OMG somethings wrong you like bananas?i like bananas OMG

whoa you really had it :ee5k: take a deep breath...but don't die.:thumbsup: wtf is that supposed to mean lol i can't tell what mood you're really in, due to the fact that writing through text provides no system of expression and you didn't even use any smilies to expres yourself well enough :sleep:
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