Longest Thread Ever

what about chuck norris?, i tivod walker texas ranger the other day as a spur of the moment thing haha my grandma used to love this show
Sorry for the double post but I cant be bothered editing. Yeh anyway so we are expected to beat the 1300 posts of the Share Friend Codes Here? Impossible.
komio said:
what about chuck norris?, i tivod walker texas ranger the other day as a spur of the moment thing haha my grandma used to love this show
chuck norris uses a nightlight. not because he is afraid of the dark, because the dark is afraid of chuck norris.

and btw chuck norris' calendar goes from march 31st to april 2nd. nobody fools chuck norris.

(p.s, if chuck norris fought himself, chuck norris would win. period.)
wait if chuck norris fought himself, wouldnt it be a tie?
no chuck norris always wins, i heard that when chuck norris does push ups, he isnt pushing himself up but rather pushing the earth down

COKE or PEPSI?:ee5k:
well i just drank dr pepper, but ya know what it's 3:20AM here... so i should get to bed.... LOOOONG day tomorrow.... ACK come on people lets get this thread longer!!!
Sovieto said:
Hmm, this has probably been done else where, but I thought it would be cool to try out. Basicly, we talk about stuff, fight, debate, post funny stuff, and try to make this thread hella long! I'll try to start off with a good topic.

Religion, I think the world would be better without it. All major religions are based around peace and not killing and being kind. Yet all they do is cause war! The most deaths in wars are from wars about Religion in the world, what does that tell us?? Nowadays we really don't even need a god since we understand a lot, but for someone for guidance, sure go to God or whomever, just don't ***** about yours being better, first, or the right one!
yet you probably celebrate Christmas (many people do even though they don't believe anything). which is stupid.
MetroidZ said:
yet you probably celebrate Christmas (many people do even though they don't believe anything). which is stupid.

Christmas was originally a pagan festival, you know. Christians just used the date 'cos they didn't know when Jesus was born. Besides, it's not like us non-Christians have much of choice about celebrating it, since most places are shut on December 25th.

EDIT: I just noticed this is my 666th post. :devil:
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awww more politics,go on ahead ill be back when there's something worth running my mouth at.

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