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Griever said:
The History Channel is quite an unbiased channel in all honesty. Besides, even some modern Islamic nations are very hostile towards those who are non Islamic;

"The penalty for apostasy, in Islamic law, is death. Islam is conceived as a polity, not just as a religious community. It follows therefore that apostasy is treason. It is a withdrawal, a denial of allegiance as well as of religious belief and loyalty. Any sustained and principled opposition to the existing regime or order almost inevitably involves such a withdrawal"

Or, for a case of such a thing happening;

"The recent case of Afghan Abdul Rahman has achieved particular notoriety. In early 2006, Rahman was arrested and held by Afghan authorities on charges that he converted from Islam to Christianity, a capital offense in Afghanistan. Many Muslim clerics in the country pushed for a death sentence, but after international pressure (including a public statement by U.S. Secretary of State at the time Condoleezza Rice) he was released and secretly given asylum in Italy."

Maybe you should take your head out of the Quran and read some OBJECTIVE media rather than relying on the one, single source... :).

yes i will not lie the penelty for raping or killing someone is death but let me ask you



in saudia arabia this rule is strict to kill the person who does these things.And guess what in Saudia arabia they was only one death in 2005 after that there have been none
and to brawny im not mocking the history channel im mocking media that lie about religeon
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I didn't change the subject - I was merely writing that post when you posted your's and so it looks like I did. Equally, the post I've written for you is a lot longer and, so, took a little longer to write than that reply to Zeon did. Just for you I'll put @<name> on everything from now on so you know when what I post is to do with you kk?

Anyway, was that so hard to do? If you had done that in the first place you could have saved a lot of time. Anyway, here we go;

1st Source

This source describes a national trend of conversion to Islam which happens to include a prominent academic. It makes no note of any other converts who are scientists and instead notes one convert who converted 9 years ago and another who also has nothing to do with science. Since this source only takes into account one scientist I think it is safe to say it is one of the "handful of scienists" I allowed for in my earlier posts.

That and the source makes no mention of what scientific study the "scientist" came from but I'm sure it's a viable one.

2nd Source

This source states that;

"34,000 Americans have converted to Islam following the events of September 11"

The population of America is 295,734,134 meaning that 0.01149681287720409034690598144% of the population converted since 9/11. 9/11 was in 2001 so you should be able to realise how small a proportion of the population that is despite it being the "highest rate of converstion in American history".

Equally, though, this figure takes into account ALL conversions over America and not just conversions made by academics. The percentage of the population who are academics is very small and, taking this into consideration, the statistic given would make for even grimmer reading. And if you take that figure and reduce it to just academics within the field of Physical Sciences then you are going to get an even smaller figure. Because of this I fail to see how your stats manage to back up your claim.

Also, in 2000 alone 41,340 Doctorates were awarded. That means more Doctorates were awarded in a single year than there were people converting from Islam in six (source:

Source 3

Again, another single person. This does not represent a "lot of scientists" converting and is actually one of the sources I came across in my own search.

Source 4

According to this source "100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam." This CONTRADICTS YOUR 2ND SOURCE. Even if this source is the correct one then 100,000 people out of 295,734,134 is still going to be a ridiclously small percentage of the population and - from that - a ridculously small percentage of scientists.

Source 5

Another single case. Yawn.

Source 6

This source has nothing to do with scientists converting but does have some interesting figures such as "Islam being the dominant UK religion in 2020". The fact, however, is that they are using stats such as "Mosque attendance" as a value rather than the census which is a far more accurate value and this basically means that their method of measurement is unofficial.

Still, though, even with this version of measurement being used, 50,000 out of the UK population of over 60,000,000 is stil a ridiculously small amount of the population; just like the stat quoted for France is small (50,000 in the last 50 years, which is only 1,000 a year).


Basically - your sources don't really prove you right. They do show that there is conversion occuring but I said myself that there will always be people converting from one religion to another. Hell, nearly all thesites you quoted are run by Muslims and are biased anyway, but even then the stats I got out of it only proved me right.

Anyway - you can continue to think you are correct if you want - I don't think I care anymore. You've shown me that what I believed to be true is right and that's good enough for me.



I didn't make a mention to rape and such crimes - although I am absolutely against the death penalty. I believe that killing a killer not only gives them an easy way out from having to face their own inner demons for the rest of their lives/having to face prison for the rest of their lives but also makes the society using the death sentence completely hypocritical. Murder and Rape are crimes which shouldn't be punished with life in jail, and by life I mean LIFE, but I don't think societies should contradict themselves by murdering murderers.

Also, you say that there have been no deaths (I assume you mean by murder) in S.A but in the U.S states which employ the death penalty there is still a lot of murders per year. The death penalty does not stop murders from occuring...

Anyway, that's a little off-topic. My point was that Islamic societies can still be very, very violent when it comes to people not obeying their religion and I think that is one of the fatal flaws of Islam - the inability of some corners of the faith to accept that other points of view do exist. I might criticise Muslims or Jews or whatever but at least I don't run around beheading them!
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zeon9881 said:
ok, so instaed of going and reading the quran you belive in a tv

I don't need to, the bible pretty much has everything the qur'an does cept that jesus = muhammad. Besides, you would be surprised how much you can learn on television and the internet. I do my research, thats why nobody is asking me to prove anything, I dont have a 'FK U MANG" attitude lawl. Im liberal in my arguments.
my godd greiver

when it said 34 000 it meant in that month not in these passed 6-7 years

Im gonna let OTTO take care of this cause he better with words
Spiritshotgun said:
I don't need to, the bible pretty much has everything the qur'an does cept that jesus = muhammad. Besides, you would be surprised how much you can learn on television and the internet. I do my research, thats why nobody is asking me to prove anything, I dont have a 'FK U MANG" attitude lawl. Im liberal in my arguments.

Ok let me ask you something then

hoe come in the bible it says "god shall never perish (as in die)" but then in ANOTHER part it says "When god pershies hes son (jesus) will take his crown"

Trust me i bet you didnt even read the bible if you did you would be asking alot of questions to your priest who would inturn change the subject

trust me read the bible carefully and look at each sentence
ottoman said:
View attachment 2643

The Christians and The Jews Pray to Allah, without knowing that they do. They believe in the ame God, as the Muslims, but their religion differes slightly in some ways. which i why Islam is the one true religion.

Didn't Judaism and Christiaity come before Islam, so wouldnt it be the other way round, Muslims are praying to a Jewish and Christian God...
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jesus = muhammad.

dang dude. You should take a world religions class or something. They are two separate people in completly different time periods. Those kind of generalizations will get you owned. Even in the atheist community.

please, take off that "I do my research"
Brawny said:
jesus = muhammad.

dang dude. You should take a world religions class or something. They are two separate people in completly different time periods. Those kind of generalizations will get you owned. Even in the atheist community.

please, take off that "I do my research"

No...they're both prophets...
Scrup said:
Didn't Judaism and Christiaity come before Islam, so wouldnt it be the other way round, Muslims are praying to a Jewish and Christian God...

No, Islam came when the 1st 2 people set foot on earth
you are thinking about the quran which came alittle ltr

and brawny are you muslim?

if so REP me IF not then still rep me
Spiritshotgun said:
No...they're both prophets...

by cause their both prophets their the same?

ok let me ask you something did mohammed(pbuh) have parents when he was old and jesus nevr had a dad

YOU know you should really go research before you post

by the way that isnt my only point i have tons of more but you should research it YOURSELF
Zeon said:
my godd greiver

when it said 34 000 it meant in that month not in these passed 6-7 years

Im gonna let OTTO take care of this cause he better with words

The source quite clearly says "since 9/11" in very large, very red and very bold text. Besides, even if it did mean to say per month that would be 408,000 per year which still contradicts the other source and - equally - still barely dents the total population and - via proxy - the academic/scientific communities.

@Brawny - Was that aimed at me because I've not mentioned either of those two figures. I know very little about either of them in all honesty which is why I have purposefully avoided mentioning them o.o;
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and the "times" are relative.

Completely atheist

Jews: Abraham 1500? BC Please check...
Christians: Jesus 4-ish AD
Muslims: 500-ish AD

We would say that we started with Adam & Eve though. Islam might go back to Ishmael.

Edit: no, I must have missed the quote. it was someone else.
At least you admit not knowing anything in that respect.
I agree with Griever, hes right your wrong, so stop trying to make up all this bs Zeon, and wtf do you mean by, "Islam came when the 1st 2 people set foot on earth"
Griever said:
The source quite clearly says "since 9/11" in very large, very red and very bold text. Besides, even if it did mean to say per month that would be 408,000 per year which still contradicts the other source and - equally - still barely dents the total population and - via proxy - the academic/scientific communities.

@Brawny - Was that aimed at me because I've not mentioned either of those two figures. I know very little about either of them in all honesty which is why I have purposefully avoided mentioning them o.o;

hh my friend your forgetting the term "things go up, number go higher":prrr:

as in their could have been 34,000 in that month but then the next month been like 40,000

maybe you should go research this up?
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