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Chippenham said:
The problem is Terrorists who preach hatred of the west unfortunately associate themselves with the same values as normal Muslims which creates the confusion. Bad people are bad people regardless of sex, religion, colour etc...

I also believe most of these issues are far more complex and we are only touching the edge of the debate.

Up the Wii!!
To be fair, you're placing the blame on terrorists having similar interests to Muslims. However, the problem is that we have no idea how to spot a Muslim terrorist from a non-Muslim terrorist. This is the reason why we're being kept in a perpetual state of panic, as we don't know who is and who isn't. A lot of people see all Muslims as potential terrorists, which is incorrect. It's not the fault of the non-terrorist Muslims, and it's not entirely the fault of the Terrorist aspects try to camoflage themselves into the Muslim persona, but it's completely our fault that we cannot tell the difference and are paranoid because of it.

Although the rest, I agree with.
Squall7 said:
To be fair, you're placing the blame on terrorists having similar interests to Muslims. However, the problem is that we have no idea how to spot a Muslim terrorist from a non-Muslim terrorist. This is the reason why we're being kept in a perpetual state of panic, as we don't know who is and who isn't. A lot of people see all Muslims as potential terrorists, which is incorrect. It's not the fault of the non-terrorist Muslims, and it's not entirely the fault of the Terrorist aspects try to camoflage themselves into the Muslim persona, but it's completely our fault that we cannot tell the difference and are paranoid because of it.

Although the rest, I agree with.

Yeah i know its a big problem for Homeland Security with those Terrorist Sleeper Cells and all which we have been able to detect some thanks to the Patriot Act which causes its own problems taking away some of Americas freedom for the extra security but thats a different topic.....
Wii_Smurf said:
LOL I laugh at SOME Muslims

'Religion only casues agruments' and it does

Agreed... if there wasn't any religion then there would be any hate crimes against them now would there?

:S by simply stating this thread you're already causing arguments and trouble for yourself... fact is: most people don't care about your religion, sexuality or colour (colour spelled the 'proper' English way - it's 'color' for Americans... )... we're all the same blah blah blah...

my main question is... is it you that's bothered about what people think of Muslims or what people think of you? (you meaning only you not the collective)

Because that's what if seems like to me :| - seems like you want people to hate you, like your looking for an argument about who's right and who's right :|

Religions are weird (so is America) they all want the world to be happy and everybody to get along... but as soon as you mention homosexuals...:eek:ut:

:| i'd also prefer it if your imaginary friend didn't guide me, i have G.P.S. ... :cool:

:| also it's different when people die in a war than out on the street.

In a War you die for your country - Which is a great honour (only for people who appreciate their country and love it, of course.).

On the street you die because of an accident or somebody really doesn't like you :|

Dean - Atheist, Psychology student + Nintendo Wii Owner (as of today =D - well pleased)
the_flood502 said:
Agreed... if there wasn't any religion then there would be any hate crimes against them now would there?
Yes there would. There's tonnes of crimes commited against even people o the same religion. Cavemen were bashing each others' brains out well before the concept of religion even came up. It's a difference between us which may cause problems sometimes, but it's not the only difference that causes problems.

:S by simply stating this thread you're already caushing arguments and trouble for yourself... fact is: most people don't care about your religion, sexuality or colour (colour spelled the 'proper' English way - it's 'color' for Americans... )... we're all the same blah blah blah...
So you're saying that ottoman cannot even try and dispell any myths that others' have over Islam? Besides, the reason he started the thread was to start a discussion, not to incite hatred. That comes naturally to the people that have an axe to grind (whether justified or not) with Islam.

my main question is... is it you that's bothered about what people think of Muslims or what people think of you? (you meaning only you not the collective)
Does it invalidate the thread either way? Besides, it started off as a discussion on Islam, not a plea for acceptance.

Because that's what if seems like to me :| - seems like you want people to hate you, like your looking for an argument about who's right and who's right :|
Are you sure you're not actually using projection...

Religions are weird (so is America) they all want the world to be happy and everybody to get along... but as soon as you mention homosexuals...:eek:ut:
It's all down to the individuals beliefs. Some people who believe in religion accept that homosexuality, some stick strictly to scripture. There's extremists on all sides. What about the Christian family in America that goes to soldier's funerals and protest that the US deserves 9/11 because America is too liberal on homosexuals?

:| i'd also prefer it if your imaginary friend didn't guide me, i have G.P.S. ... :cool:
Was that a shot at the Iranian situation? You do realise that G.P.S isn't foolproof. Likewise, it's not good to believe every word of the media.

:| also it's different when people die in a war than out on the street.
What was this meant to insinuate?

In a War you die for your country - Which is a great honour (only for people who appreciate their country and love it, of course.)On the street you die because of an accident or somebody really doesn't like you :|
Or you don't listen too much to the media, and you see that you're more likely to die from a heart attack, cancer, car accidents etc... People who die in either War or on the street are either choosing to be in that position (either going into hostile territory or being inside Gang culture) or are victims of circumstance (a bomb goes off somewhere and you're caught in the blast or you happen to catch a stray bullet or a knifing etc). Sometimes, they aint that different.

Dean - Atheist, Psychology student + Nintendo Wii Owner (as of today =D - well pleased)
What level of psychology? BA/BS hons? A level? AS Level?

Anyways, welcome to the forums!
yea its true their wouldnt be any hat crimes if their wernt any but guess what where here because of religeon hell you think scintests could have found the fine line between salt and normel water NO.they looked in religeon to find it(in the holy books) and then they tested...and how come all the events that have been in the books (the holy books) have occured (ie. hitler wwII,wwI,etc).and dont tell me they added the events after they toook place in to the books hell are family has a quran which goes around 130-140 years back and hell everything in it has occured. DONT insult my god

ie.he made this thread to answer questions about islam not make a fight read the posts
Not too sound ignorant or anything, and I never took a lot of what I hear about muslims from others as truth. But I've heard something about the muslim religion talks about Europeans negatively, as if they're the opressor.

Is any of that true, or are some radical muslims just racist like that?
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En4Neo said:
Not too sound ignorant or anything, and I never took a lot of what I hear about muslims from others as truth. But I've heard something about the muslim religion talks about Europeans negatively, as if they're the opressor.
Well, to be fair, there have been numerous Empires coming from Europe. And yes, we have interfered with the Middle East quite a lot.

Is any of that true, or are some radical muslims just racist like that?
There's radical Christians like that too. Muslims, just like any other societal group cannot be stereotyped in the same way without becoming a incorrect.

Samus101 said:
Is it true that Muslims HATE Christians?
Some may do. Others may just not really have an opinion. Other's may like Christians.

Do Christians HATE Muslims? It's the same either way. It's all down to personal beliefs and opinions.

Heck, some Muslims hate other denominations of Islam. Some Christians hate other denominations of Christianity. Some Jews hate other denominations of Judiasm.

But do not mistake hate for apathy. Whilst some may not have a desire to apologise for mistakes of their brothers, it doesn't mean they condone their actions.
Squall7 said:
Well, to be fair, there have been numerous Empires coming from Europe. And yes, we have interfered with the Middle East quite a lot.

There's radical Christians like that too. Muslims, just like any other societal group cannot be stereotyped in the same way without becoming a incorrect.

Some may do. Others may just not really have an opinion. Other's may like Christians.

Do Christians HATE Muslims? It's the same either way. It's all down to personal beliefs and opinions.

Heck, some Muslims hate other denominations of Islam. Some Christians hate other denominations of Christianity. Some Jews hate other denominations of Judiasm.

But do not mistake hate for apathy. Whilst some may not have a desire to apologise for mistakes of their brothers, it doesn't mean they condone their actions.

Yeah that's what I thought. I'm a Christian and we sorta believe the roman empire in Europe will eventually become the biggest evil power, or something like that.
Samus101 said:
So... is anyone going to answer my question?

I'm pretty sure that most muslims consider Christians their "brothers", as well as Jews. There is a sort of "mother book" or something close to that that is the basis for the Bible and the Torah. The Qu'ran is the only supposed direct translation of the "mother book". All other scriptures "messed it up" a little.
Samus101 said:
Ok, lets put it this way. Are Muslims SUPPOSED to hate Christians?

Not wishing to speak on behalf of others, but didn't that just get answered?

While most belief systems hold that they are the only true belief system (and that includes science) it's not a religious imperative to hate all members of other religions. It is down to personal choice.

But Muslims and Christians getting along just fine doesn't really make headline news. Does it?

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