Its about that forum with Darkprinny leaving and i have to say something about it

Exactly, this is what I tried to explain to Prinny. I, myself, am not Muslim but I know what it takes to respect a religion, even if it's not your own.

There are fanatics in EVERY group of people. EVERY SINGLE ONE. You will always find those few people who ruin it for everyone else, it's inevitable. It's up to us to make the decision of building up hatred for the entire organization or just the ones who messed it up.

I gave the example of race. Let's say a white man commits a crime against someone else, does that mean all white men are evil and should die? No. There are many more examples I could say but I'm getting ready for work and don't have the time.

My point is that there are millions of Muslims in this world (Yes, Muslim Americans) and even non-Muslim Americans but still evenly as wonderful. There are tons of Muslims in the middle east who are good people that would help you out even if you wouldn't help them. What I'm saying is that just because some people from this group (Who claim to be Muslim) decide to go nuts, it does not mean all Muslims are crazy.

People, if you believe that all Muslims are evil just because a group of them went mad, then I am sorry to tell you but you are thinking the way Hitler did before he started the Holocaust and that makes you no different from him because that's always where it starts, it starts with hate, hate turns to violence, violence turns to death and death turns to tears.

For those who are in the process of this thinking, you will one day see what it feels like to be hated for something you have not done. Wheather it be a nut from your religion killing people, a criminal from your race rampaging or even a member from your culture discriminating, people will turn on you just the same as you have turned on them if you do not change your ways. It's a vicious cycle and one day when someone has done something to slander your name, you will be hated by the same people you once hated. Thus, causing more war and hate in this world and I think we can all agree that the last thing this world needs is that.

It needs love.

Be part of the solution, not the problem.

Thank you.
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~Marisa~ said:
Exactly, this is what I tried to explain to Prinny. I, myself, am not Muslim but I know what it takes to respect a religion, even if it's not your own.

There are fanatics in EVERY group of people. EVERY SINGLE ONE. You will always find those few people who ruin it for everyone else, it's inevitable. It's up to us to make the decision of building up hatred for the entire organization or just the ones who messed it up.

I gave the example of race. Let's say a white man commits a crime against someone else, does that mean all white men are evil and should die? No. There are many more examples I could say but I'm getting ready for work and don't have the time.

My point is that there are millions of Muslims in this world (Yes, Muslim Americans) and even non-Muslim Americans but still evenly as wonderful. There are tons of Muslims in the middle east who are good people that would help you out even if you wouldn't help them. What I'm saying is that just because some people from this group (Who claim to be Muslim) decide to go nuts, it does not mean all Muslims are crazy.

People, if you believe that all Muslims are evil just because a group of them went mad, then I am sorry to tell you but you are thinking the way Hitler did before he started the Holocaust and that makes you no different from him because that's always where it starts, it starts with hate, hate turns to violence, violence turns to death and death turns to tears.

For those who are in the process of this thinking, you will one day see what it feels like to be hated for something you have not done. Wheather it be a nut from your religion killing people, a criminal from your race rampaging or even a member from your culture discriminating, people will turn on you just the same as you have turned on them if you do not change your ways. It's a vicious cycle and one day when someone has done something to slander your name, you will be hated by the same people you once hated. Thus, causing more war and hate in this world and I think we can all agree that the last thing this world needs is that.

It needs love.

Be part of the solution, not the problem.

Thank you.

Thanks so much for this comment, it really proves a lot to people and ultimately sums up the point i was trying to make! i like your statement a lot and fully agree with it; at least there r people who understand reality and choose not to be ignorant and not to judge others based on little or not even factual information...again, thanks a lot for the comment :smilewinkgrin:

Oh and BTW, there r approximately 1.2 billion Muslims in the world :D just thought i should add that in :yesnod:
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Wow I made people post so meny words
lets try and avoid the religon topic or any thing about bombings then I wont go on a rant

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