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callme.nasty said:
i thought it was funny. wrong, but funny. people need to lighten up. its just a website, who cares.

if i knew the person like for instance had you said it i wouldnt of cared nor would anyone else since we know what type of person you are on this site

this member however is an assh*le, an ignorant assh*e
The_Loose_Cannon said:
if i knew the person like for instance had you said it i wouldnt of cared nor would anyone else since we know what type of person you are on this site

this member however is an assh*le, an ignorant assh*e

thats true. maybe he wasn't joking...

anyway, i will agree to leave this thread and respect your religion if any muslims in here agree to leave this thread and respect my religion. I will not come back to this thread, nothing good will come out of it. pm me if you have any further questions.
callme.nasty said:
thats true. maybe he wasn't joking...

anyway, i will agree to leave this thread and respect your religion if any muslims in here agree to leave this thread and respect my religion. I will not come back to this thread, nothing good will come out of it. pm me if you have any further questions.

so goes for keeping my mouth shut huh?

i tried to say the least ;)
i kno its against christianity and them religions but not alot of people belive in it where i live, thats y they do it cos they are nt under a religion, bt the muslims that openly admit to being muslim,yea i dont have a problem with muslims at all, but when they say "o yea im a muslim" n then 10 minutes later they go out and start taking drugs, it jus baffles me, because all the muslims that stick to the religion are fighting hard to give them a gd name, n then the others supposed muslims who do drugs and drink r whats causing the bad name to muslims

Although this can happen to anyone--not everyone does everything in the name of their religion. For some reason, whenever a Muslim does something, he or she is associated with their religion immediately. When Muslims take part in non-Islamic activities (actions that are forbidden by Islam), you cannot judge the religion based on what they do. They are Muslim and they drink--that doesn't mean that Muslims are allowed to drink, it just means he or she is a bad follower of their religion/faith. You can always be Muslim but do things that are against the religion--thats called sinning. Everyone does it. Therefore, at this perspective, your post doesn't even make sense. You can be a Muslim and sin, in other words. You cAN'T, however, call yourself a Muslim the minute you believe some things but not the other. For example, you are not a Muslim if you do not accept Jesus (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) as a major prophet of God. Since this is a difference in BELIEF, this person cannot be considered Muslim. Also, honestly, do you think it is more common to find any given Muslim sinning according to their religion, or a Christian? There are people of ALL faiths who have sinned. So just because you saw some Muslims doing drugs doesn't mean all Muslims do so. When you see a white person sinning, he or she is almost never associated with their religion. But when a Muslim sins, it is big news and it is made known to everyone, and Islam is emphasized and the Media or the teller makes it seem as though most or all Muslims do such things. Why is this..?
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callme.nasty said:
i didn't go wrong there. i was stating mere facts and you confirmed them. As for Pope Constantine, yes, he may have decided which letters went into the bible 400 years later, but that doesn't mean thats when they were written. Letters in the bible, and others including the letters of Philip which are not in the bible, were not all written after Jesus death. Many of them were written as Jesus was alive. Some of the letters that were written after Jesus death were still written by people who lived at the time of Jesus, were disciples of Jesus, or knew Jesus.

I feel i have one of the better outlooks here than most of you. I was not born Catholic, but i saw the truth and converted. Most of you, especially the muslims, were probably born your faith. I truthfully cannot see anyone born non-muslim converting to that faith. If you look at it from a non-muslim point of view, and an open mind, its just doesn't make sense.

Well, your last sentence there is so simple, yet true...but not in the way you implied it. Simplifying that last sentence further in my own words, looking at any religion with a non-(insert religion) viewpoint is the reason why we cannot accept it as it is, and why we remain our own religion. However, I realized what you meant by that sentence--that when you're a non-Muslim, you look at those things in such a way, like "who would convert to Islam", while Muslims would not know that feeling due to that fact that they are not NON-MUSLIM (yes, double negative). However, when you said you couldn't imagine a Non-Muslim converting to Islam, you are completely wrong. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, with over 20,000 converts annually. What does this mean? In other words, more people realize that Islam is the most logical, pure and true religion than any other religion--and by far. When Christians claim that "C'mon now, TWO billion people can't be wrong, the largest minority of religions in the world." But what this simply means is that conquest in the past occured more and Christianity spread as one of the only available religions of the time. It did not necessarily spread because "it was the most convincing above all, and two billion people today saw the logic of it." It just means it was spread more in the past. I bet if Hindus conquered the Americas hundreds of years ago...Hinduism would be the dominant religion above all in present-day America. This is just pure logic, negating that excuse. It doesn't mean that 6 billion people all saw many different religions and chose them accordingly after reading their holy books and what not, and more people chose Christianity than any other religion cause they realized it was better in comparison to every other religion and was the true religion. Nope, thats not how it was.

Let me know if it got confusing anywhere up there...
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to callmenasty,

what u mean theirs no eveidense....let me ask you in the holy books (quran,bible,if forgot what you call jews book)why dose it say adam and eve were the 1st people..the books couldnt have been made through each other (as in copied one to the other) i mean they were made in diffrent regions

2. prophet mohammed didnt make the quran he was taught it...
blogman54 said:
Wii_Smurf you are one of those that understand what we have to put up with. Why should I have to understand their culture? They don't care about Jesus why should I care about Aladdin or Ali the Great what ever that guys name is. Speaking of illegals we have a HUGE problem in America with Illegal Mexicans and Cubans. Terrorists are mainly Muslims. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

OMG XD yes we do care about jesus, we care about mosas we care about most of the gods u belive in but in our religeon their propets PLEASE study before posting

and what you mean terrists are mainly muslim....go to pakistan i swear their if u see any1 being called names or something else i swear the person whose commiting the creime a mob will crowd around him and take him to the police station Trust me mogarity of the muslims follow ules its just the minorty who havnt been taught anything havn,t

also see this video
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zeon9881 said:
to callmenasty,

what u mean theirs no eveidense....let me ask you in the holy books (quran,bible,if forgot what you call jews book)why dose it say adam and eve were the 1st people..the books couldnt have been made through each other (as in copied one to the other) i mean they were made in diffrent regions

2. prophet mohammed didnt make the quran he was taught it...

Right. Just to clear things up with people, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) did NOT write the Qu'ran, we as Muslims believe it is the word of God and was sent down BY God. Otherwise, there would have been many inconsistincies found in it long ago. Scientific facts that were discovered in the 20th century (1900s that means) were revealed in the Qu'ran already. Here, I have another video for people to watch, its really interesting...if you are interested. :thumbsup:

First Video: Explains ignorance of Islam and the media very well. Short and entertaining video, if you have less than 7 minutes to spare.

Second Video: That other interesting video I wanted you (the reader) to watch that explains why someone converted to Islam, and there reasoning behind it--he was an aethiest.

Ok, i'm gonna speak day and 4 (of my super huge) pages and many many flame battles later:

zeon said:
to callmenasty,

what u mean theirs no eveidense....let me ask you in the holy books (quran,bible,if forgot what you call jews book)why dose it say adam and eve were the 1st people..the books couldnt have been made through each other (as in copied one to the other) i mean they were made in diffrent regions

2. prophet mohammed didnt make the quran he was taught it...

Now I'm Protestant Christian and have taken a couple World Religion I feel that I am pretty versed in Islam.

First, the Bible's OT is a slightly altered Torah (in the middling sense. greater than pentatuech, less than talmud) Thusly, the account of creation would have originated from Judaism.

Different regions (not really) maybe, but HUGELY different time periods. Fully unbiased, Judaism would have started with Abraham, A looooong time ago, Christianity with Jesus at around 100 AD or so and Islam maybe a 700 years or so later. Muhammed may have easily stolen the Bible/Torah. Plagarism was easy back then too.....

2. Where the heck did you get your information? Correct me if I'm wrong, he was met by the Arcangel Gabriel (which I believe really happened) and was told the contents of the qu'ran. Since he was illiterate, he transcribed it through his close friends.
no your worng islam did not start 700 years after if you read the quran islam started when the 1st man and women (adam and eve) were alive. when adam and eve were alive god (allah) told then what to do...and if you real all 3 books in all 3 it says the story about Cain and Able.....please i will try to answer every1s question and if i dont please tell me or otto or others on this thread

and RPGmaster you muslim?you sound muslim =)
Sillyhat said:
They're all terrorists.

Lol i don't even know if this post is a joke...if its just put there for the writer to see how many people respond and what they say or what? Otherwise, this is some sick joke. Judging all by misguided few? This is very wrong. :nono: Christians take it for granted that non-Christians don't base Christianity on Adolf Hitler's horrible schemes and actions. Think this over (that was just an example, nothing against Christians...nor am I implying that you're Christian yourself) :O
zeon9881 said:
no your worng islam did not start 700 years after if you read the quran islam started when the 1st man and women (adam and eve) were alive. when adam and eve were alive god (allah) told then what to do...and if you real all 3 books in all 3 it says the story about Cain and Able.....please i will try to answer every1s question and if i dont please tell me or otto or others on this thread

and RPGmaster you muslim?you sound muslim =)

Oh goodness..... I said that from a completely atheist view..... I myself am Christian.. I would also say that Judaism and Christianity and Islam started with A & E... Actually Islam would be Ishmeal.......but you know what I mean.
zeon9881 said:
no your worng islam did not start 700 years after if you read the quran islam started when the 1st man and women (adam and eve) were alive. when adam and eve were alive god (allah) told then what to do...and if you real all 3 books in all 3 it says the story about Cain and Able.....please i will try to answer every1s question and if i dont please tell me or otto or others on this thread

and RPGmaster you muslim?you sound muslim =)

Elhamdulilah I am Muslim :yesnod: . Even if I wasn't, i would still be in support of true justice and would loathe ignorance and racism. However, maybe being a Muslim drove me to be that way. But I don't think so.:crazy: In other words, I'm not just defending Muslims in this thread...I'm defending the very nature of an attacked religion, mostly attacked by ignorance.

According to Islam, Islam is the true religion, of course, and therefore has been around since the beginning of mankind--the true and purest religion was always there; it wasn't like it was picked randomly--theres only one true religion and utmost way of life, not several (faith-wise). Just adding to what you said :)
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