The Scrubbiest of Hunters
Hey fellow RPers, WMBQ asked me to join the AP awhile ago.. I was stupid enough to decline though. :lol: He's been nice enough to give me a chance even though I'm late, lucky me.
Albeit rusty, but I'll try to keep with the high posting standards, be posting later today if I get accepted. :thumbsup: Anyhow, here's the SU.
Pokemon Species: Sneasel
Name: Requiem
Age: 27 WMBQ is an RP God(and a good friend)
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Requiem is far from a normal Sneasel in terms of looks. Requiem's crimson red colors(ears, tail, etc.) are replacd by a piercing persian blue, a dark shade of blue. At the very tips, Requiem's claws have a small black edging to them.
The two crests on his chest and forehead have also also changed color to an evanescent black. His eyes also seem to hold a somewhat sombre feeling to them, rather than looking cunning and sleek like the average Sneasel. His eyes could be described as cold and perhaps even desolate.
Requiem's claws are slightly longer and more slender than the average Sneasel. His size is virtually average in every other aspect, however.
History: Requiem was born into a small pack of Weavile and Sneasel in the snow covered, moutainous forest region of Sinnoh, both his parents being Weavile. However, due to his highly abnormal colorings, he was highly looked down apon and constantly treated as trash, perhaps for being the "runt" of the litter. Requiem withdrew from his pack of fellow Sneasel and Weavile immediatly, due to all the harsh treatment. Thus, he made no friends, and was always left alone.
That is, until one day, his parents returned from the hunt early. They were ashamed of their child and simply fed up with a Sneasel like Requiem. They took action and battled the poor Sneasel, fainting it and traversing their pack away from the Sneasel they left behind. This happened at an extremely young age of just 2, this leads Sneasel to hate any Weavile, and even refuse to evolve into one himself. Waking up battered and alone, requiem had to survive on his own for some time.
Some time after this, he met Zigaram and became one of his henchmen. Many things happened throughout this time, until a heart-wrenching disaster occured, which lead to his betrayal of Zigaram and leaving the group. After hiding out for nearly a year, he catches wind of the rebel group and searches desperatly for them.
Other: It seems like Requiem grows darker and colder every day, due to his rough past. Requiem often speaks about "her", whatever he means by that. Occasionally, he also has insane fits of range, powering up his attacks amazingly, but can also result in attacking both friend and foe as his distinguation abilities seem to disappear. The name "Requiem" is also not his true name, after being abandoned by his pack he labeled himself with the cold nickname.
Yep.. a long SU. I'm known for gigantic posts in the DP and Brawl forums, and I hope to have the chance for gigantic(but not too big)posts here. :lol:
Pokemon Species: Sneasel
Name: Requiem
Age: 27 WMBQ is an RP God(and a good friend)
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Requiem is far from a normal Sneasel in terms of looks. Requiem's crimson red colors(ears, tail, etc.) are replacd by a piercing persian blue, a dark shade of blue. At the very tips, Requiem's claws have a small black edging to them.
The two crests on his chest and forehead have also also changed color to an evanescent black. His eyes also seem to hold a somewhat sombre feeling to them, rather than looking cunning and sleek like the average Sneasel. His eyes could be described as cold and perhaps even desolate.
Requiem's claws are slightly longer and more slender than the average Sneasel. His size is virtually average in every other aspect, however.
History: Requiem was born into a small pack of Weavile and Sneasel in the snow covered, moutainous forest region of Sinnoh, both his parents being Weavile. However, due to his highly abnormal colorings, he was highly looked down apon and constantly treated as trash, perhaps for being the "runt" of the litter. Requiem withdrew from his pack of fellow Sneasel and Weavile immediatly, due to all the harsh treatment. Thus, he made no friends, and was always left alone.
That is, until one day, his parents returned from the hunt early. They were ashamed of their child and simply fed up with a Sneasel like Requiem. They took action and battled the poor Sneasel, fainting it and traversing their pack away from the Sneasel they left behind. This happened at an extremely young age of just 2, this leads Sneasel to hate any Weavile, and even refuse to evolve into one himself. Waking up battered and alone, requiem had to survive on his own for some time.
Some time after this, he met Zigaram and became one of his henchmen. Many things happened throughout this time, until a heart-wrenching disaster occured, which lead to his betrayal of Zigaram and leaving the group. After hiding out for nearly a year, he catches wind of the rebel group and searches desperatly for them.
Other: It seems like Requiem grows darker and colder every day, due to his rough past. Requiem often speaks about "her", whatever he means by that. Occasionally, he also has insane fits of range, powering up his attacks amazingly, but can also result in attacking both friend and foe as his distinguation abilities seem to disappear. The name "Requiem" is also not his true name, after being abandoned by his pack he labeled himself with the cold nickname.
Yep.. a long SU. I'm known for gigantic posts in the DP and Brawl forums, and I hope to have the chance for gigantic(but not too big)posts here. :lol: