An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Skiing.. ahh, terrible but funny memories. I remember the first time I tried skiing, t'was still a kid. I was a douche and after just a few minutes of learning, went atop the smallest, but still big hill. Skiing downwards, gaining speed, and no way to stop. So, what happens? I go flying into some random person. So I go flipping through the air and smash into a rusty metal drug. A little rolling down the hill, and a sudden halt.

To be honest, I thought it was awesome and funny at the time - and I still do. Mainly because I didn't break anything, even if I flew into a metal drum. ..Good thing that other person didn't have any hard feelings after that. :lol: Never tried skiing again, it just isn't my sport. :lol: I'll stick to baseball. Yeah I know this is off topic.. but you've gotta admit that it's funny, yeah?

OK. I just hope he dosnt break his neck while hes doing it.


About your SU, Nick.. It's good, but I wouldn't say it's great.. Could of used a bit more detail, and those "unknown" parts in history are the main killers of the SU, IMO. That's just my opinion, though.
Theres only one unknown part I think, and that is to be revealed later. However, if you can consider the information I gave about Naks friend, you may be able to figure out what Pokemon it is. Ill give you a hint- its 2nd generation.
A little advice, Nick.

In terms of things remaining "mysterious", take a look at my SU. I only left one thing partially unnamed -

"Some time after this, he met Zigaram and became one of his henchmen. Many things happened throughout this time, until a heart-wrenching disaster occured, which lead to his betrayal of Zigaram and leaving the group."

The reason I left that a slight mystery is basically for building the plot and Requiem the Sneasel's personality more. Also, I'd say the only reason I can get away with leaving something with a vague description is because the rest of my SU's history is very detailed. Your history is ok, so I think you shouldn't have much that's labeled as "unknown". You don't have to reveal everything 100%, but adding some key details would be better, yeah?
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You're not going to be accepted unless everything is explained. EDIT: I suppose CK is right... but only leave one tiny thing unknown, and make it interesting, and at least explain a little bit.

Sorry for not being on today; I was pretty busy. It looks like Storm has been godmodding (not to be rude, but I completely expected that after your work in the Quest), but I've yet to see it for myself. That's a bad habit, Storm, and you've really got to break it.

I suppose I should apologize for not sugarcoating anything, but I'm just saying it as it is. Heed my warnings, please.
Errr....I edited them to make them more informing, but still didnt give the whole story. The first one about the parents, I simply couldent come up with anything good.....wait, nevermind, I just got an idea. The other two I need to leave secret, because they will be very important later in the story.

So can I join?
Name: Nak
WMBQ is the God of all RP! All hail the great WMBQ......for RPs at least!
Species: Totodile
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Nak is mostly an ordinary Totodile, looking similar to a small alligator. They are blue with scales all over, and big eyes. He has, like all members of his species, incredibly powerful jaws, which leads to a strong biting attack. They have sharp claws, which can be useful in slicing-and-dicing foes. He had red spines running down his back, and moving on to his tail. He and all Totadile are always looking cheerful and happy. He is two feet tall, and weighs 24 pounds, which is a bit overweight for a Totodile, probably due to being a glutton. However, his fangs are about twice as long as any Totodile, and apparently is excellent in combat with them. His tail is about 1/3 longer, so he can whip opponents with it easier, making moves like Aqua Tail a good choice. Everything else seems ordinary.

During the early periods of his life, Naks parents were killed by a rampaging Gyrados, leaving him to struggle for survival. He soon met a friend, who at this point is unknown, who helped him survive.

Naks friend lived in a swamp or lake-lake like area. He taught Nak survival skills, and how to fight. Because of him, Nak became a very skilled fighter.

Besides in fighting and survival, Naks friend was very dumb, and often bored him. Nak tried to entertain himself when he was bored, and became very curious in his surroundings, leading him to observe and think about everything he saw. He would often take a very long walk around the woods to see if he could find anything that wasnt there the last day. Because of all his studying, Nak became very intelligent.

Naks friend, after a few years, left to go for an apparent "mission". This left Nak heartbroken and lonely, and eventually drove him to mild insanity. He became very lazy, and only left his home to get food or play a childish prank on anyone wandering by.

Eventually, Nak finds the rebel group. Trying to do something with his life, and possibly get some kind of reward for doing it, he helps them defeat Alakazam.
Is that good enough?

here, i quoted it for easier reach.

and this "friend"...still needs more
I actually gave a good amount of info on this friend. I say where he lives, how smart he is, and the fact that he leaves for a dangerous mission. Not to mention a useful hint I gave on my previous post. Any more and Id spoil too much.

BTW, would Shadows last post on the thread be considered god-whatever?

Edit: Also looks like we have some kind of idiot as this Gligar.
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to some yes
to others no

the only thing i can see that would raise problems is the "wing partially heals" but i said only good enough to fly. its still hurting.

and it needs more info all around the history. mostly the friend but the history in general still needs lots of work.
BTW, would Shadows last post on the thread be considered god-whatever?

Ofcourse it wouldn't.. Not sure why you'd say that, Nick.


Glio the gligar:


All of a sudden out of nowhere Glio came out of the forest and slashed Kensai for he disliked electric pokemon.

^^^ ..Why is someone not accepted as an RPer posting? It's obvious to ignore him, but.. really. Where'd he come from? ..Or am I forgetting something? And if he is accepted, then he shouldn't be.. what a terrible post.
Right, right.. as I thought. I can't remember him though bar one post, and I didn't even know if it was official. I can see why he was removed from the list for innactivity. :lol:
wasn't the gligar the zigaram spy?

either way a horrible post that if it was to be counted then it was gonna be dodge, salamence slams it to the ground.
guys, i know i did a wrong thing with godmodding, but could one of you please point out where that was so i can remember not to due so?

Also, WMBQ, i wasnt godmodding in the Quest, everyone i interacted with i had already PMed and we worked out the stuff through that, then posted it. i didnt think it was godmodding if it was planned and agreed upon.

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