An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Oh shoot.....whatever. Might as well take a look at my SU......


* Reads last part*

......I should get started.

*Reads post of Twilight who so annoyingly posted before him*
If I cant make a good enough SU, than Ill consider this if possible.....
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  • #137
I have to resign Solar from the RP. I'm very sorry. I am having personal issues and I will be unable to post for a long time. There are lots of other people who want to RP so it is only fair that I tell you this now. You guys better make it good because I'll be reading. ;] Until next time...

This is Solar, checking out.

Oh... that's really too bad. :( You were a formidable writer, so we'll miss you.

*Listens to WMBQs cough*

Oh, right. Yeah Twilight, Ill have to admit you were a very good writer, and Im going to miss you and Solar....someone should give Solar some kind of leaving scene, if it hasnt already been done.

So, any comments on my SU?
I have to resign Solar from the RP. I'm very sorry. I am having personal issues and I will be unable to post for a long time. There are lots of other people who want to RP so it is only fair that I tell you this now. You guys better make it good because I'll be reading. ;] Until next time...

This is Solar, checking out.

Ah, sorry to see you go, Twi.. Especially due to personal reasons.. and this early on in the RP. Good luck with all that personal stuff, dude.
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  • #140
Grammatically, there are errors all over the place, though I do really like the physical description. One of your main issues is redundancy, for example:

His height is around 2 feet

You just need "he's around 2 feet tall". The height bit is unnecessary, since you're talking about his height in that sentence.

However, I can't say I like your history section at all. "Not much is known" is the mark of laziness... To be accepted at this point in the RP, you'd need to fix up the grammar in the SU, as well as mention how he's involved with the Rebel Group/Zigaram, and you need to reread the rules. I know that you haven't; as there's a specific rule which you didn't obey in your SU. (I love that rule...)

Also, your history should be really in-depth. Because the RP is already somewhat far in, and that we already have practically twenty characters, a new character will be graded really hard. I'd like to see 20 coherent, non-repeating lines of history at least, separated into paragraphs at different parts in Nak's life.
OK, Ive edited Naks history quite a lot. I like it now.

.....and Ive added that one part that you like quite a lot.......
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Not really, I might have to re-read it. WMBQ, when you get on here, check out my SU thing again.

Edit: Yes, I do see it. Its really not that big a deal, and Shadow seems OK with it.
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Ya.. I think Vladimir is getting away with a bit too much. Mainly that super effective thunderbolt doing.. well, barely anything. A pokemon that's grounded is still going to get shocked pretty badly, yeah?

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