An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Ok ok guys, you don't have to destroy my post. I realized i hadn't commented in a while so i just wrote something. Im not mad just stop destroying the post, and yes i am no longer in this alternate pokemon plot. But I wish luck with whatever you guys come up with.
Hah, you already pointed out what you where god modding on in your most recent post, Storm. The fact that the Flamethrower didn't really phaze Vladimir was the worst of it. Remember, even if Aerodactyl are typically very strong if they've survived for so long, their defenses are still relatively poor - a simple resistance to fire shouldn't have such an impact on the damage.

And ofcourse, the thunderbolt, a super effective hit barely doing anything. A strong electric move coming from a strong electric type should be doing quite a bit of damage against something with bad defenses and is hit super effective. I'm probably one of the only people who thought this was god modding, though.. it wasn't absolutely terrible god modding, ofcourse. Just.. bad.

Take my NPC fight with one of Zigaram's Machoke and Requiem the Sneasel. That single Karate Chop was effectively, doubly super effective, and came from a fighting type. In other words, another clean hit means almost any Sneasel is down for the count - they have bad physical defense as well.

Mainly the problem was taking so little damage from everything, IMO. Adrenaline supresses pain, not damage to the body, after all. Any life form can buckle under stress, pain or not, right?
@LetItRock: but it wasnt much of a post.....

@Shadow: Ahhh, i gotcha. I really shouldnt have done that, the move should have done much more. Idk, it wont happen again

EDIT: your right CK. Ill make sure to not do so
I was wondering if making Salamance slam Vladmare to the ground was godsomething, but I guess it wasnt.

And Storm, didnt we already go over this? I think its that you were making Vladmare almost invincible to the Elekids attacks....I suppose it was just a misunderstanding, like you said.

Or are you referring to something else?


I have another question. If I do get into this Plot thing, am I allowed to reserve a post so no one can post before me? That way nothing gets screwed up.
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@Nick: no, i was refferring to the question you asked me. And i suppose you could reserve a post, like just post here for no one to post so you can put yours in. But you still need to get accepted first, if im not mistaken.
It's really, really obvious you're offended, Nick. XD Or atleast annoyed. Just report the guy like I did and carry on.

..You know, call me a perfectionist, but I'm sort of annoyed by Inugami's lackluster posts.. Better than LetItRock's, but they're so.. short, and a bit plain. Not that I'm saying Inugami should be removed from the RP, it's just sort of tiring.. If you're reading this, could you put a bit more effort in your posts, dude?
Frankly my posts have been lackluster of late as well. I'll bust out a novel tonight. Longer than any CK post to date!

...prolly shouldn't have made that statement...but I'll do it, you'll see :p
It's really, really obvious you're offended, Nick. XD Or atleast annoyed. Just report the guy like I did and carry on.

..You know, call me a perfectionist, but I'm sort of annoyed by Inugami's lackluster posts.. Better than LetItRock's, but they're so.. short, and a bit plain. Not that I'm saying Inugami should be removed from the RP, it's just sort of tiring.. If you're reading this, could you put a bit more effort in your posts, dude?

Sorry about that its just i get only a half an hour to go on the computer in the morning but this weekend itll be different since i have unlimited acess to a computer, the internet, and the wii By the way Nick don't worry he will add you when he gets a chance.
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What? My post was deleted too! of the Mods must have something against me.

So anyways, I was hoping WMBQ would get me added on here pretty soon, cause Im getting a little impatient.

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