An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

-.- My post was deleted as well, for no reason. The mods are misshooting... Must of clicked something wrong.
....there was a Mod on a Social Group that was editing my posts for fun. I have a strange feeling they did that to me on purpose.

So, I need a Totodile sprite, correct? Ill go get one then.
They just wanted to take away the whole conversation. Haha

Nick you don't need a sprite. We get it for you. and Nick don't count your chickens before they hatch. Wait to see if your accepted before you go though alla that work.
i think the mod was just deleting all traces of him, even our posts telling him off.

@nick: who says your in yet? i think i'm right when i say that WMBQ will call for more stuff
Well, in my most recent post I didn't say much about the entire spam attack.. could of just editted out part, I editted in something important. ..Don't feel like writting it out again, though.
yea...i know i godmodded, but im making amends for it. i already pointed out the bunnying in my post also.
Thanks Shadow but I probly should have mentioned it to everyone before I did it. Again i'm sorry about it.
Name:Siesis WMBQ is an RP god

Physical Description: He is about 2'16 tall, His leaves are about 2in. bigger and longer than a normal Grovyles'. His green strip on his stomach is 1in. bigger than normal. He is more athletic and stronger than other Grovyles not much stronger but enough that it aloud him to beat the other pretty easy. His eyes are Gold-yellow with the same black puipls. The only problem with him is if he uses his speed too much he gets exhausted easy, when it happens he moves at half a normal Grovyles' speed.
History:He is from a nice village in the trees were only the strong can stay all others must leave. He is one of few Grovyles that had fathers that were not a Sceptile. His father was a Zangoose with his left eye missing and an X shaped scar on the right side of his face. He inherited Crush Claw from him and was always traing to be strong like his father. His Mother was ruler of the village the only unique thing about her was her belly was in the shape of a heart. He evolved into a Grovyle when the others did but refusd to evovle into a Sceptile since he didn't like how bulky it was. He trained to prove you don't have to evolve to be strong. The other Sceptiles didn't like the thought so they challenged him to battles and everyone of them lost though they didn't go down easy. He was forced to leave the village when Zigaram attacked it and everyone was badly injured or killed, so his mother had shoved away from the fight and told him to leave the village and to try stopping Zigaram when he gets stronger. He jump down to leave and when he looked up to see his home for the last time a Hyper Beam destroyed the spot he was just at. He has been traveling the forest looking for Zigarams' minions to defeat and to grow stronger so that he can advenge his mother and father.
Other:He is very cocky but wise and he knows when to back out of a fight. He is unique in that he can detect some attacks that others don't notice.(Its a subconcies detect attack another trait he got from his father, and happens very rarely.)
His moves are: Leaf Blade, Energy Ball, Crush Claw and Leer. By the way Maxis's moves are: Aura Sphere, Force Palm, Quick Attack, and Bulk Up. I had planed for Siesis to run into the rebels decent amount into the future. WMBQ can give exact time he should appear if he is excepted.
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Agreed, it's a very good sign up. Precise and sensible, a good job indeed. I don't see why WMBQ wouldn't accept it as your second character.
Thanks it's actually something I just came up with all of a sudden. I was gonna do Combuskin for the evil side but when I thought this up I just had to do it. To tell you the truth didn't think it would be good enough for this.

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