An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

its the 'unaffected by fire' part i'm concerned with. KOing the salamence is ok with ne since i don't really care for it other than he's how my guys were going to get around when they needed
its the 'unaffected by fire' part i'm concerned with.

Yeah, I see why. Even if Aerodactyl has a resist to fire, it's defenses are.. well, crap. It should atleast be hurt or phazed by the flamethrower IMO, especially coming from that Manic Salamence.

EDIT: GigaRidley mispelled Zigaram in his recent post.. lol.
Oh... that's really too bad. :( You were a formidable writer, so we'll miss you.

Why was my post quoted in your post? And it's good that you have internet there, Phil. I don't really like controlling two characters, one of which isn't even mine.

And about Vladimir... I kinda agree that he's a bit too strong, even if he's hundreds of years old.
So whats the deal with the battle scene. Storm already kinda took it over, is it to late to edit? Or just have him loosen up from now on?
ok. i see how you guys have a problem with that stuff. ill ease up on the throttle, i was only trying to make it more...idk....whatever i was doing, i admit it was a bit too much, i was just thinking like if you've ever watched the show, particularly the Lt. Surge battle, they found a way to dodge the attack by using the ground to channel the lightning.

plus its coming from an Elekid. Anyway, my plan was anyway in a couple moves to just have Vladmir collapse from all the damage and fatigue catching up with him. I then had thought, since Zigaram was watching the fight, he'd bring Vladmir back to his place and corrupt him against the rebels.,

that was my thoughts, but i can see the godmodding thing, i apologize, it wont happen again. if it does, just let me know a bit sooner through PM or something plz.
Haha don't worry about it. This is the place to discuss the plot, so make sure to check this thread whenever it is updated, just because it might concern your characters. Just make sure that the fights are fair, or as fair as the match up allows.Obviosuly Zigaram against an Oddish won't be fair, but be reasonable. The Elekid was very powerful remember, and the Manic Salamance was supposed to be beastly.
ok...i was trying to make it exciting because obviously Aerodactyl wouldnt beat a Salamence AND an Elekid, and ill check here more often. is it cool if the story proceeds as i stated in my last post?
ok...i was trying to make it exciting because obviously Aerodactyl wouldnt beat a Salamence AND an Elekid, and ill check here more often. is it cool if the story proceeds as i stated in my last post?

Yea it won't do any good to go back and edit now, just tone it waaay down from now on.

I wonder when WMBQ will get back on here.....I want him to see my SU, so I can maybe get on.
OK. I just hope he dosnt break his neck while hes doing it.

Heres some suggestions I have....oh wait, I forgot them. Dang!
well Nick, at least your hearts in the right place. :lol:

"i hope he doesnt break his neck..." good wishes. :lol:
:lol: Well, skiing is a dangerous sport!....if you can even call it a sport. Ive never done it, but it sounds fun.

So, what do you guys think of my character SU? Is it any good?
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