Wii Troubleshooting

kurimori said:
ok, ok but what are the resync buttons?:sad:

wiimote one) take off the battery cover thingy and its the red circle

wii console one) were you put the sd cards in the slot there is a big red button there too
2 Problems

For some reason last night my Wii froze and it was spinning out of control. I had to remove the plug from the Wii itself and everything was finst afterwards, anyone know why it would do that?

I can't get my Mii's to have a parade.
stevez0r said:
For some reason last night my Wii froze and it was spinning out of control. I had to remove the plug from the Wii itself and everything was finst afterwards, anyone know why it would do that?

I can't get my Mii's to have a parade.

ok, when it freezes, most of the time it means its overheated, and that loud sound was probably the fan... make sure you have the wii in a open space, not in a close area, specially out of a drawer (just in case) and make sure you are using the stand that comes with the wii.

about the parade, you need to add friends to be able to have a mii on a parade. you can do that here : http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-online/25377-share-friend-codes-here.html
stevez0r said:
For some reason last night my Wii froze and it was spinning out of control. I had to remove the plug from the Wii itself and everything was finst afterwards, anyone know why it would do that?

I can't get my Mii's to have a parade.

1) I have absoloutley no idea why that happened, but i'll try and find out for you

2) a, have you got an internet connection?
b, have you got any freinds listed in the adress book?

thats all i can say for now
im having a problem with my wii.. The fan isnt spinning/working... and everytime let say i play a game for 2-4 hrs itll.. shut down automatically because its too hot. >_<
Helo wii gamers i need help please my problem is about my wirless internet my wii finds the modem and the 1st internet check workes then i try and go on wii shop and all the others but it says i need to press agree on something called wii network service agreement but i've looked everywhere for it but i can't find it help it is so frustrated :mad2:
Crick said:
im having a problem with my wii.. The fan isnt spinning/working... and everytime let say i play a game for 2-4 hrs itll.. shut down automatically because its too hot. >_<

call nintendo, DO NOT open the wii, it will void the warranty.
help please

ok so my wii has been working fine for a while.
then one day i turn it on and theres no cursor on the screen.
i checked the remote and its fine. so i tried re-syncing the remote
nothing happened
but all the buttons work
i can still press home and everything.
theres just not a cursor so i cant choose anything or do anything
anyone has a solution to this????
That happens to me sometimes. I usually can get it to work eventually by syncing or turning the power on and off.
Kumoriken said:
((Well, since my previous post in here has been deleted since the thread is now a sticky, here it is again. xP))

Well, I've started up my Wii, and it's a-****in'-mazing! But three things are kinda' buggin' me.
One, when I moved the Wiimote around, it seems to be fine, but after a bit, I noticed it'd get kinda jittery and go off-track for a fraction of a second occasionally.
Two, I've noticed that when I'm moving around the Wiimote, it's kind of... I dunno, off. It doesn't feel like it's in the right place, sometimes. Bugs me a bit...
Three, I was playing Wii Sports, and with the baseball game, when I first held the "bat," it was working totally fine, and then I switched to pitching. When I went back to the batting position, the exact way I held the Wiimote the last time was doing something different. Instead of being over the Mii's shoulder, the tip was facing the camera angle.

Anyone else having these problems? Any suggestions on how to fix or cope with them?

Thanks! ^_^
1.Check that there is no light around you that may interfere. eg sun through a window etc
2.Check that there is no light around you that may interfere. eg sun through a window etc
3.Im not sure if i quite understand wot u mean...
hope this helps mate:aureola:

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