HUGE wii troubleshooting problem


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2011
Some place Awesome
hey guy, i guess the title gives it away, yea i'm having wii troubleshooting problems. whats happening is on december 2010 after christmas it just started rattling and making werid sounds when you put a disc in, and every now and then a gamecube disc will work. most wii and gamecube discs will not work. i'm scared to buy any new games and play them on it because its also scratching up all the discs i put in! i think somethings wrong inside near the laser reading area. i'm only 12 so its not like i can take it appart fix it and put it back together. please help i don't wanna pay another 150 dollars. thanks all help is great! :yesnod:
have nintendo repair it.

^ This

Especially if your wii is under the warranty...... however the alternative is, to take it to your local game repair shop. (if your wii is out of warranty)

You'd be right not to put any new discs in for fear in making them unusable...
however the alternative is, to take it to your local game repair shop. (if your wii is out of warranty)

An alternative indeed, but there's some serious risks involved with having a 3rd party fixing your Wii. I do know some people who've had their Wii repaired by unofficial sources i.e gamestop or something of the sort, but you never know who you're sending your Wii to, or if the person/company has enough experience, or is trustworthy not to just do a hack job intentionally, so you come back in a few months to do another repair.

If you want a guaranteed repair, even if your warranty no longer covers your Wii, you should definitely have your parents give Nintendo a call for an official repair. It costs a bit more than the unofficial repairs I mentioned, but Nintendo will always give you a better quality repair. The extra cash is worth it, if ya ask me.
I'm not entirely sure what the price is, but it probably varies. I've heard certain Wii errors can be repaired for free, warranty or not. I've heard it go as high as $90 before as well (including the shipping costs and all that). It's best for your parents to call Nintendo about your Wii's issues so they can give you a price estimate.

And considering it's not even a year old, odds are it should still be under warranty, and of course, free. =)
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ok thanks everyone but too bad for me my family is going through a tough time with money...... but maybe we can get some for the wii U....... :frown5:

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