Connection Help

yea i know but know how do i enable wiiconnect 24 if it wont let me agree to the terms?? i was thinking maybe router firewall is causing this, anyone know anything?
never mind its not router firewall cause connected it straight to internet and still not working. wtf this sucks lol. please help
i81u812 & resolve

cant you edit posts? don't you understand that people don't like double/triple posters.
I know this is a known issue and theres many threads about it already but i've read over all the proposed solutions extensively and none seem to fix my problem.

I have a PAL Wii, and i've got it online through my wireless AP (WAP54g) in the Seychelles Islands through a 128k connection. Although I'm in Seychelles (which is not on the Country list in the settings), I have selected UK.

Test connection works fine. I updated the system fine with all the latest Wii updates. Weather channel works fine and opens UK, London per default. News channel works fine.

But when I try open the Shop channel it starts connecting and then sits endlessly on "Connecting. Please wait". I have tried waiting for nearly 24hrs and nothing moved.

I tried changing, country settings to Italy, France, Australia etc etc and the same problem persists. I've upgraded my wireless access point firmware to the latest from the Linksys website. I have tried changing Wireless channels to 1, 11, 6 and many more. Still no joy.

I figured that maybe Nintendo's shop server is doing IP to Country lookups and dropping my connection out because my IP shows up as originating from Seychelles and not UK (or even Europe). So I asked a friend in UK to set up a proxy for me. I set the proxy in the Wii settings so that I would look like i'm connecting from the UK. Unfortunately this resulted in the same endless "Connecting, please wait" screen. I checked the proxy logs during the process of opening the Wii shop and it shows that my Wii makes a http post request to the shop server url and it actually starts transfering some data via HTTPS but eventually the bytes count goes to 0 and the proxy shows no active connections. In this time the Wii is still displaying the endless Connecting... screen.

Anyone have any ideas? Its really frustrating not being able to get access to download the Internet Channel and all the VC games!

How big is the Shop channel as a download? Could it be that 128k is not enough to download it in a reasonable amount of time? Surely the Shop is just a web page and the download should be way less than the Wii update.

I've even spoken to Nintendo support (UK), and they basically had nothing productive to tell me!

Any help would be much appreciated!
i keep getting error 50133 everything is set up properly including WEP etc but it jost wont connect. i have a wanadoo live bov
Error: 52040 I tried everything, read everything on the forums and nintendo but no luck, maybe I got a messed up WiFi Connector AGAIN!!! Any help would be nice.
I am trying to use the wf-fi usb thing, installed everything on my computer, my console name shows up, I allow the internet to run on it or whatever, it goes to do the test for connection and fails. I have gotten the code 51340 and many others around that, help would be greatly appreciated.
Error Code 52230

I bought a Wii for as a Christmas present for my kids, and I'm testing it out to make sure it works with our Internet connection. I have a Linksys Wireless Access Point (WAP55AG v.1) running the latest firmware (1.7.1). My Wii is configured with a static IP address, and the Linksys has been tried at channel 1 and 11. Range isn't an issue, as it's about a foot away from the Linksys. Now a twist that I have not seen so far in the forums.....I don't use a router to connect to the Internet, I use a PC running a proxy server (Winproxy). That has been working swell for years for our PCs and XBox 360, but the Wii gives me error 52230 when I test the connection. I'm pretty sure that the Linksys isn't the issue, since I can see the Wii's address appear briefly in the Winproxy window (so it's obviously getting past the Linksys). I have opened up the firewall inside of Winproxy wide open, and the result is the same. The Wii has not touched the Internet yet, so it shouldn't be a corrupting update. I hope someone here has experience with proxies. Thanks in advance!

Solution Edit!::::
Another post has provided the answer! In the Winproxy settings, go into the Cache settings, into Advanced, and tell Winproxy NOT to cache "". I actually had to do pretty much the same thing recently to get my Windows Updates to run through Winproxy....

Anyway, I'm ONLINE! Everybody have a great day!
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i also have error code 51030, and i have also tried everything. NO i do not use dsl and i have have NO security on my linksys connection. i need help.
Devilxier said:
Raze are you possibly using DSL???

cause DSL requires a login/Pass when you connect and you can't put that in your Wii... you have to manually put that info into your router.

that might be your problem (it was mine for about 20 minutes lol)

How do you enter that information into your router?

I am using DSL.