Wii Troubleshooting

i need a suggestion, occasionally when i turn my wii on or when i switch games and error message appears, data storage is corrupt. this happens about 1/5th of the time. Should i return it or live with it. if return, i bought it from best buy, should i return it their or should i send it back to nintendo?
u can turn off wii Connect 24 its just easier because it updates itself, my wii doesnt seem to have any problems yet, i guess cuz i keep it away from other things and make sure it doesnt get hit or smashed or whatever
ewhitey718 said:
i need a suggestion, occasionally when i turn my wii on or when i switch games and error message appears, data storage is corrupt. this happens about 1/5th of the time. Should i return it or live with it. if return, i bought it from best buy, should i return it their or should i send it back to nintendo?

Call Nintendo, they are very helpful and will tell you what to do.
If you turn off wii connect 24 does that mean that u will not be able to recieve messages?
And that the ones that would have sent to your 24 online console wont send?
Hi this isn't really a problem i'm just kind of confused. Right now, i'm trying to access the Wii Shop Channel. But it's just saying "Connecting. Please wait..." and i've been waiting for more then an hour now. Is this normal? Can anyone help?:confused:
The shop channel is so annoying. It just freezes on "Connecting..." and stays there forever. It is currently like this. Do you think it's just because everyone's trying to get on this? Or is something wrong with my wii??? Any ideas?:confused:
zelda4ever26 said:
The shop channel is so annoying. It just freezes on "Connecting..." and stays there forever. It is currently like this. Do you think it's just because everyone's trying to get on this? Or is something wrong with my wii??? Any ideas?:confused:

The only time I've had that problem is usually due to wireless interference or signal strength and it was intermittent depending on microwave usage phone usage or etc. So you may try to eliminate interference or wait until later.
spoorman said:
It started with boxing. The boxer's remote hand froze pointing up. The nunchuk hand worked fine, but its hard to box with only one hand. So I tried tennis. When I press A to serve, the ball is tossed in the air, but I can't swing the racket. So I tried baseball. This is where it gets weird. The batter would swing the bat constantly without any movement of the remote. So I tried bowling. Hold the B button and release to throw ball, but my mii would turn and throw the ball at the crowd behind the lane! Makes them all jump.

I've tried to resync the remote several times, I've reset the sensitivity, everything suggested in the users manual to fix problems. Even changed the new batteries with newer batteries. Nothing has worked so far.

Any suggestions, or did I just get a bad remote.
PS, it worked fine out of the box for about a day, then all this started.
How many wireless and Bluetooth devices do you have in the room you're playing with? As noted on IGN's site about Wireless interference. They're actually having trouble with people's Wi-Fi connection interfering with the Bluetooth built into the Wii. Which the Wii-motes use bluetooth. So if You have a Motorola Razr, or a Sidekick 3 in your pocket it'll mess with the Wii-mote's signal. Just a thought.
Some one please help :( the Wiis Breaking my TVs

Hi everyone.
This is my first post so please bear with me. I red all 12 pages of the troubleshooting and i thought that all you guys were really helpful so i thought i would ask.
I noticed there were no problems like this so here goes.
Before Christmas i had a 21 inch TV, a PS2, a Video player and gamecube all connected.
I got the Wii on christmas day. I was so happy i forget all other presents and plugged it in downstairs. The TV downstairs has sky and is 30 or so inchs. I played all day and all boxing day. I was then forced to take it up to my room. I got the Cube out the way and in the Wii. I played it for a day and i loved it. The next day i turned it on and ... I had these like ripples going up the screen. it starts at the bottom and works it way up. I checked wire and all connected properly. so i phoned the electricions. they said disconnect all appliences and then look. so i did and it was still there. There you go. It was the TV... so i thought. I went and bought a BRAND new TV £90. plugged everything in and yay no lines! next day got up played wii sports. Fine. Played Marvel ultimate allience. Fine. went back about 2-3 hours later and... LINES AND RIPPLES. the longer the wii is in the worst it gets! What the heck is wrong.
I tried it on a 15inch and it was fine. is it just 21 inch or is it a wire defect of defect console. if i send it back i lose all saves and have to wait weeks for it...or...Every tv breaks.
PLEASE i'm begging all of you! Please help me! I need my wii without lines and ripples

bluejetdude said:
Hi everyone.
This is my first post so please bear with me. I red all 12 pages of the troubleshooting and i thought that all you guys were really helpful so i thought i would ask.
I noticed there were no problems like this so here goes.
Before Christmas i had a 21 inch TV, a PS2, a Video player and gamecube all connected.
I got the Wii on christmas day. I was so happy i forget all other presents and plugged it in downstairs. The TV downstairs has sky and is 30 or so inchs. I played all day and all boxing day. I was then forced to take it up to my room. I got the Cube out the way and in the Wii. I played it for a day and i loved it. The next day i turned it on and ... I had these like ripples going up the screen. it starts at the bottom and works it way up. I checked wire and all connected properly. so i phoned the electricions. they said disconnect all appliences and then look. so i did and it was still there. There you go. It was the TV... so i thought. I went and bought a BRAND new TV £90. plugged everything in and yay no lines! next day got up played wii sports. Fine. Played Marvel ultimate allience. Fine. went back about 2-3 hours later and... LINES AND RIPPLES. the longer the wii is in the worst it gets! What the heck is wrong.
I tried it on a 15inch and it was fine. is it just 21 inch or is it a wire defect of defect console. if i send it back i lose all saves and have to wait weeks for it...or...Every tv breaks.
PLEASE i'm begging all of you! Please help me! I need my wii without lines and ripples

Get an SD card, backup your saves on it (requires internet connection to get the update) and send you Wii in. I'd say somethin's wrong with you video cables. Not the Wii itself though.
El Jefe said:
Get an SD card, backup your saves on it (requires internet connection to get the update) and send you Wii in. I'd say somethin's wrong with you video cables. Not the Wii itself though.

thanks for the quick reply!
so do i send it into nintendo? and why do i need the internet on it
bluejetdude said:
thanks for the quick reply!
so do i send it into nintendo? and why do i need the internet on it
Well, if you want to be able to transfer your save games to an SD card you have to get the newest firmware update when your Wii connects to the internet. The ability to transfer files to the SD card isn't on the Wii until you update it. That kinda sux for people without the internet. I'd call Nintendo tech support and find out exactly where you should send it.
i also forgot to add that even when a i disconnect the wii the lines stay on the TV. I moved the broken one into the conservatory. Its no where near the wii and it still has the lines and now my new TV is getting them
Call Nintendo. They have the best customer support so you can call them, not to be ignorant of the fact that nintendo knows the most about their own console...

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