Wii Troubleshooting

no the blue light only flashes when you turn on the wii, insert a disc into the wii or if you have connect24 on then when u recieve a message, once u read the message the light goes off until u recieve another message. So no it doesnt stay on, if u would like the blue light, I sugeest the cooling stand it has the same blue light and it stays on. :)
Hello! I've had a wii problem myself, when i got my wii i played my games like twice, then the third time i went to put a brand new wii game in and it would take the game but only halfway and spit it back out, i know i put it in there right and for good measure i tried my other games as well for assurance, nope still not working, so now i'm waiting on my replacement wii via mail.:nonod:
mr_wii said:
hello did anyone even See this? or aM i talking to my self?:incazzato: :incazzato:
Just be patient, in the meantime I guess you could try to PM him for more help.
hey, iv had a problem with the power recently and wondered if anyone had any ideas. i try to switch it on but the power led dosent light up and nothing happened. all the cables are in good cond and my lamp works in the wall socket. whats goin on???
Check that all your cables, particularly the power one, are good and hold on the power button for a bit longer as it doesn't switch on immediately if you just press it quickly.
I havent even got my wii yet and im reading all of this and im wondering isit really worth it?
I mean do these problems happen 2 the majortiy of users (cos im usually the lucky one ;).........

Seriously though.... and also is overheating a problem? Should i get that cooling stand?

Feedbak appreciated sfe
As to whether it's worth it or not, thats up to you. If you do get a faulty wii, nintendo will replace it for free so there's no worries about not having one that works right eventually. I have noticed that while in standby mode mine gets pretty warm, and laying it on its side does help the cooling during gameplay. That is, unless you have a cooling stand. I have noticed that the majority of users do not have problems, it only seems that way since those with problems are more likely to come to the forums. As for waiting for a later gen wii, i don't see what they couldn't fix through Wiiconnect24
sfe for that.
Can u turn wii connect 24 off? Would that be a good idea?
I have noticed about a 10C difference in temp between standby on and off. i have a problem with graphic artifacts, and i noticed that with the standby connection off it reduces these problems by half. as of now, i am going to leave it off until nintendo tells the wii to leave the fan on during standby. i should get my new wii tomorow though
wii sports problems

It started with boxing. The boxer's remote hand froze pointing up. The nunchuk hand worked fine, but its hard to box with only one hand. So I tried tennis. When I press A to serve, the ball is tossed in the air, but I can't swing the racket. So I tried baseball. This is where it gets weird. The batter would swing the bat constantly without any movement of the remote. So I tried bowling. Hold the B button and release to throw ball, but my mii would turn and throw the ball at the crowd behind the lane! Makes them all jump.

I've tried to resync the remote several times, I've reset the sensitivity, everything suggested in the users manual to fix problems. Even changed the new batteries with newer batteries. Nothing has worked so far.

Any suggestions, or did I just get a bad remote.
PS, it worked fine out of the box for about a day, then all this started.
Wii Freezing

I was playing Zelda, I kept playing the part where you need to escort the carriage to Kakariko village and boom!!! my Wii just froze on me and was making a distinct loud noise like a subwoofer makes when plugged in the wrong way, very loud, I thought it might go away but it didn't I waited for 10 minutes and it kept going, I had to hold the power button down on the console and it finnaly shutdown and it was fine after that, I could understand if I had been playing for 24 hours straight or something but it was more like 4-6 hours. I hope this doesn't happen again otherwise I fill have to trade it in for a new one. Has anyone else had this happen?
spoorman said:
It started with boxing. The boxer's remote hand froze pointing up. The nunchuk hand worked fine, but its hard to box with only one hand. So I tried tennis. When I press A to serve, the ball is tossed in the air, but I can't swing the racket. So I tried baseball. This is where it gets weird. The batter would swing the bat constantly without any movement of the remote. So I tried bowling. Hold the B button and release to throw ball, but my mii would turn and throw the ball at the crowd behind the lane! Makes them all jump.

I've tried to resync the remote several times, I've reset the sensitivity, everything suggested in the users manual to fix problems. Even changed the new batteries with newer batteries. Nothing has worked so far.

Any suggestions, or did I just get a bad remote.
PS, it worked fine out of the box for about a day, then all this started.

What does the led lights on your remote do?
If the led shows it is functioning properly then i think ur remote is faulty.
Only explanation i can imagine

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