wii, FPS dominator?

T3kNi9e said:
Obivously you idiots dont read ****. Xbox has sold 17.7 million, so yea its "collecting dust"

Anyway for people to act like CoD4 sucks need to shut the hell up and be real. Counter-Strike was the ****, but key word being "was". CoD4 is like CS but better.
Just because the XBox 360 sold 17.7 million consoles doesn't mean somebody out there is not enjoying it, also known as "collecting dust." I agree with you when you say Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a great game...the graphics are amazing and the online play is fantastic.
T3kNi9e said:
Obivously you idiots dont read ****. Xbox has sold 17.7 million, so yea its "collecting dust"

Anyway for people to act like CoD4 sucks need to shut the hell up and be real. Counter-Strike was the ****, but key word being "was". CoD4 is like CS but better.
First and foremost.....Nobody said that it didnt sell...and i believe you were reffering to me...on the "you idiots dont read ****"....i actually went to Fry's, Gamestop and game retailer and saw and full shelf full of 360 sitting there while all the wii's were out of stock and there were a handful of PS3's waiting to get taken....

Another thing, i never said Co4 sucks...matter of fact...IMO, its better than Halo 3....i dont care what anyone say....so before, blaming/assuming somebody is bashing another console.....COME WITH SOME EVIDENCE OF THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENING...:wink:
First and foremost.....Nobody said that it didnt sell...and i believe you were reffering to me...on the "you idiots dont read ****"....i actually went to Fry's, Gamestop and game retailer and saw and full shelf full of 360 sitting there while all the wii's were out of stock and there were a handful of PS3's waiting to get taken....

thats cause wii only has like 100 effing games compared to 360 who has like 500
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amaverick4 said:
First and foremost.....Nobody said that it didnt sell...and i believe you were reffering to me...on the "you idiots dont read ****"....i actually went to Fry's, Gamestop and game retailer and saw and full shelf full of 360 sitting there while all the wii's were out of stock and there were a handful of PS3's waiting to get taken....

thats cause wii only has like 100 effing games compared to 360 who has like 500

forgot to hit the quote button right?

and dude, if you want a 360 so badly, get a job, save up, and buy one.
why not sell your wii if you're in need of cash for a 360?

im 15 dude.. and i dont need to hit the quote button d bag.... u understood it...plus i cant get a 360 my mom wont let me..
Wii has only 1 version of the console. While xbox has 4 different versions. Xbox Arcade and Xbox Elite were both sold out at game stop while the Xbox Pro and Xbox Halo 3 versions were still there.

And I wasn't actually talking to just you. I was speaking in general, which is why I did not quote anyone. Its just that you happened to say it once again in these forums acting as if its not selling. You obviously didnt say "its not selling" but you did insinuate it by your comment. But again, I was speaking in general from overall posts.
seeing as wii and 360 are neck-and-neck...our only logical conclusion is that the ps3 is a big heaping bucket of PHAIL.

*initiate ps3 flaming immediately*
theres no point at all 360 cost less and has better graphics. Wii- is alot more fun and active. So what does ps3 fall under? - the idiot
dammit guyz there isnt one forum when people arent arguing.
nd its always ps3 and 360 vs. the wii just give it a rest guyz. if you like the wii buy it; if u like the ps3 buy it; if u like the 360 buy it; but dont go saying all the crap guyz cum on.
and for the record for those 360 and ps3 fans there are other forums for those this is a Wii forum.
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amaverick4 said:
theres no point at all 360 cost less and has better graphics. Wii- is alot more fun and active. So what does ps3 fall under? - the idiot

ps3 will lose, then un leash it's main gunz and blast away the competition MUHAHAHAHAHA

ya, and now i'm done with other consoles nad to be back on topic, i think the wii would be great for fps and third person shoots aswell
zap'em up said:
dammit guyz there isnt one forum when people arent arguing.
nd its always ps3 and 360 vs. the wii just give it a rest guyz. if you like the wii buy it; if u like the ps3 buy it; if u like the 360 buy it; but dont go saying all the crap guyz cum on.
and for the record for those 360 and ps3 fans there are other forums for those this is a Wii forum.

eh...i'm pretty sure it's safe to flame the ps3 though. sorry excuse for a next-gen console if you ask me.
T3kNi9e said:
And I wasn't actually talking to just you. I was speaking in general, which is why I did not quote anyone. Its just that you happened to say it once again in these forums acting as if its not selling. You obviously didnt say "its not selling" but you did insinuate it by your comment. But again, I was speaking in general from overall posts.
Ooooo...although, i still do stand by what i say...about what i "saw in retail stores"

But yea, the 360 is selling...but has been suddenly going to a halt after halt...i guess b/cuz of the PS3's new lower price $399 in U.S.:scared:

The wii is only $250...
I usually always see 360 vs PS3 when it comes to quality. Then i see Wii vs everyone else when it comes to sales. But I could give 2 shits about sales because the average person who owns a Wii is a casual gamer or a kid.

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