more fps games

The wii could use more point-and-click adventure games. There's one out, and one rumored to be comingout.

The wii could also use more -true- 2d (maybe 3d) sidescrolling games.

The wii could use more racing games.

But it all depends on the sales of Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 concerning your FPS.

If sales aren't great with it, while FPS's are selling very well as compared to them on the PS3 and 360, then why, from a game making companie's point of view, should they try also?

They could just as easily make a cash-in mini-game collection.

Or better yet, they could make a -good- mini-game collection.
Getting an FPS right is a lot harder on the wii so from a developers perspective it's more of a risk. But I agree, we need more FPS!!
wii's got GREAT potential for fps titles. its controls might make them just as, if not more, fluid than 360 fps titles. the only problem is that developers aren't giving the wii much effort when it comes to developing true next-gen titles.

and don't you dare flame me on the wii having "sh1tty graphics" or anything like that. we ALL know that the wii's graphics are nothing to be laughed at, and that a next-gen title shouldn't rely on just looking pretty.
Wii is capable of having more, controls for games like Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 and Metroid Prime 3 were done brilliantly. Later on down the road I am sure we will be seeing more.
I want to see a RPG Shooter. Where you can level up and upgrade your weapons, armor, helmet, bullets, health, speed, etc. With side quests and a cool main story line. I would buy it in a heart beat.
T3kNi9e said:
I want to see a RPG Shooter. Where you can level up and upgrade your weapons, armor, helmet, bullets, health, speed, etc. With side quests and a cool main story line. I would buy it in a heart beat.
Sounds kind of like an update of Snes Shadowrun, i loved that game. I know there was a new Shadowrun game released a while ago but i heard it wasn't as good and didn't have much in common with the Snes version.
Cool, shadowrun has RPG type elements in it? I didnt know that. I heard people say it was a gg. Never played shadowrun on SNES though, I only had a few games, mainly nintendo games. I was too poor :p
T3kNi9e said:
Cool, shadowrun has RPG type elements in it?
Yes both the Snes and Genesis/Megadrive versions were both cyberpunk RPGs (although i only ever played the Snes version), you gained 'karma' from battles and then could use it to build your skills. It just seemed so different to most RPGs of that time with its futuristic setting.

I would love to see it updated in a FPS (or 3rd person) style, or at least see it on VC.
to bad Metroid Prime series is over i mean they could really make another metroid game taht would kick sum FPS ass.
i mean they can fix up the graphics a tad and add sum online nd it would be similar to halo.
oh well then lets pray that they do cuz i personaly enjoyed metroid prime 3 and it would be even better if it was online. i mean that would kick sum major space ass if it wuz

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