wii, FPS dominator?

AoWFraggit said:
nintendo is still having a hard time shipping enough wii's to satisfy the public. after the rush is over is when game developers are really going to kick into gear to make quality titles for the wii.

why make great titles when there aren't enough wii-owners to enjoy them?

and last i checked, the wii outsold the 360 by a LONG SHOT. and what's this? it's still SOLD OUT NATIONWIDE? funny, huh?
last time you checked? not really, recent articles such as this
show nintendo hasnt outsold microsoft yet but may soon.
for you fail once.
the other thing, wii shortages have NOTHING to do with game developing, how do you see these related????
you fail again.

id just take a seat and be quiet before you make yourself look like even more of a fool.
manufan15 said:
No. Basically all the 360 games are FPS's. Halo, Gears, etc.

No way will the Wii surpass them if a game like Halo doesn't come to it. (It probably won't happen.)

gears is tps much...>_<
It will have some more FPS I have no doubt, but the FPS dominator? No, it won't even come close to having the amount, and quality of FPS that the other console/PC's have. And it's because of one reason, the audience isn't and won't be demanding them.
No really, the PC is the FPS King of Queens.
Secumfex said:
No really, the PC is the FPS King of Queens.

AoWFraggit said:
defnitely. it's got great controls, and the graphics are nothing to laugh at (despite what 360 and ps3 dorks have to say). i'd say we can expect at least a few great looking fps titles this year. mohh2 had its flaws, but it shows that the wii IS capable of delivering a solid fps.
Agreed, pressing buttons is nothing compared to actually aiming and stuff with the wii zapper, or just with the wiimote and nunchuk.
Lmao not even close. 360 is miles ahead of the Wii. Yes the Wii definitely has the potential as we've seen with Medal of Honor Heroes 2. But its just not the same with the inferior graphics. Playing on the 360 gives you much more of a realistic feel, the visuals are just stunning, adding so much to the gameplay. Not to mention the amazing gameplay. Unfortunately the Wii will never be at that level but definitely potential to improve and expand on its unique controls.
Atomheart said:

The controls are there, but there are no notable FPS in the works and all of the FPS games that have been released have been crap.


On another note, no developer cares enough to make a great FPS for wii, cept free radical (time splitters ) and the peeps who made medal of honor.
no, right now its the 360, and soon it will be the ps3 HANDS DOWN.

the wii has the potential, but its not gonna happen

I love how noone here has mentioned Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii. That game is an awesome FPS, and the graphics are sweet. Instead of everything looking like it's freakin plastic(aka rocks providing a reflective glare from the sun in Gears), everything looks as it should. The human flesh looks like it would be flesh from the lighting.

The controls for the game are awesome, as well, and simple. Don't count the Wii out.
VampiricLugia said:
I love how noone here has mentioned Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii. That game is an awesome FPS, and the graphics are sweet. Instead of everything looking like it's freakin plastic(aka rocks providing a reflective glare from the sun in Gears), everything looks as it should. The human flesh looks like it would be flesh from the lighting.

The controls for the game are awesome, as well, and simple. Don't count the Wii out.
Yes but it doesn't really count.

Thats an OTR shooter
Well I guess the wii will never make as good an experience, but games like metriod prime 3 are perfect for the wii, and wouldn't work as well on other consoles.
Sovieto said:
last time you checked? not really, recent articles such as this
show nintendo hasnt outsold microsoft yet but may soon.
for you fail once.
the other thing, wii shortages have NOTHING to do with game developing, how do you see these related????
you fail again.

uh. i meant globally. because, amazing as it may seem, the u.s. isn't the only country that is in HUGE demand for wii's.


and uh. i'd say my logic is pretty accurate when it comes to the issue of console shortages and game development. like i said, the wii is THE hottest buyer's console at the moment, so game developers see no rush to make any stellar games. just yet anyway. once the wii craze dies down and they become widely available, nintendo will need another way to lure customers into continuing to buy wii's. how? they convince game developers to create uber sexy games to show off what this console can do.

like i said. wait. and wii will shut you up.
AoWFraggit said:
uh. i meant globally. because, amazing as it may seem, the u.s. isn't the only country that is in HUGE demand for wii's.


and uh. i'd say my logic is pretty accurate when it comes to the issue of console shortages and game development. like i said, the wii is THE hottest buyer's console at the moment, so game developers see no rush to make any stellar games. just yet anyway. once the wii craze dies down and they become widely available, nintendo will need another way to lure customers into continuing to buy wii's. how? they convince game developers to create uber sexy games to show off what this console can do.

like i said. wait. and wii will shut you up.
omg, are you serious.
you try to counter with nexgenwars, the WORST place to go to to find "accurate sells numbers". No, read the article.
According to the Reuters newsagency, Nintendo had shipped 13.2m Wiis worldwide by the end of September 2007, just under the 13.4m Xbox 360s sold to date at that point.
World wide... right there.
again you just made yourself look like a fool twice in a row, lets continue to read your post, shall we?

you do know, you sound exactly what people sounded like 1 year before. "give it time! it'll be good!" how much damn time does it need? the fact of the matter is there are no good FPS games right now, and no promising future for them in the near future, so define "time" for me, please.

from your book i'd say its: An excuse for poor software on the Wii.
I could be wrong though. For your own good don't go by any site that shows the sells of all 3, they are always false. I'm done with you, i've wasted too much effort.
I want to say the AoWFraggit is the stupidiest idiot in these forums so far. But im just going to say he's extremely misinformed on just about everything his Wii fanboyism mind can think of.

Just so ironic how many people in these forums get mad for anything that talks down the Wii, even when its true. Then so many people talk down 360/PS3 with things that are completely false.

Whoever said 360 is almost only FPS is also completely stupid. Then another says that they're not all fps, then he makes a false statement when he says all the games worth playing are FPS (lol, I have 2 FPS 360 games out of 8. If your gonna talk about another system, then atleast use wikipedia to learn some info. Especially when your talking down something.

And another thing, why the hell is console sales bought up so much? Who the hell cares about sales except the actual companies? PS3 is in last place and I like their games better than Wii's.

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