wii, FPS dominator?

Dkw0101 said:
ps3 will lose, then un leash it's main gunz and blast away the competition MUHAHAHAHAHA

ya, and now i'm done with other consoles nad to be back on topic, i think the wii would be great for fps and third person shoots aswell

i completely agree so the wii should make new nintendo games and fps game.. along with some new sports games like fight night boxing.
who said the wii isn't quality just becuz it duznt have the same graphics as 360 and the ps3 thats shyt. that like judging a person cuz of his race or if their retarded. its still a console so judge it with the other two even if its just gonna get rejected because people need graphics nd another hd player. and that was nintendo's game plan to have the wii apply to casual gamers. and so just because casual gamers buy it duznt mean the wii still shouldnt be looked at for its sales. it deserves the same respect as the 360 and ps3.
there i think i made my point
oh whoops fergot to quote what t3kni9e said
like i've said time and time again...

the wii is the ONLY real next-gen console. the ps3 and 360 are both just last-gen consoles with hd players shoved up their asses.
lol i agree with you but they also have graphics but yea same ol style of gaming just more life like. the wii makes up for all the years of sittin on your butt playing games. i mean the 360 nd ps3 are not original the wii is just like the DS all original.
zap'em up said:
dammit guyz there isnt one forum when people arent arguing.

This isn't arguing, this is discussing, and it's one of the forum's major usage. It's a good thing, really.

@ T3kNi9e's take on my earlier post

I wouldn't say Wii gamers are less picky than Xbox360 gamers. It's just that there is no other option than picking (seen from the press's perspective) mediocre titles, since there aren't that many very good and hyped titles. (Please Take note that I said Wii Gamers, not Wii Owners [ sorry, Grandma, but I think you'd pick Chicken Shoot anyways])

Assassins Creed was hyped a lot ( Jade's hawt <3 ) so it's totally normal that many will dislike the game and disapprove with the press' reviews, saying it's not as good as it was promised.

On the Wii how ever, gamer's can't really say "the game is worse than they promised, so I won't buy it" since the developers and the hype never promised anything. In the end gamers may say "I own it and it's ok, just like the reviews say".

Those games that receive hype how ever, will suffer from the same problems as hyped games on other consoles. SMG, as well as Zelda TP or MP3, is an AAA Title that got very high ratings from the press, but many gamers disagreed, stating that it's still too much of the same and did not deserve that high ratings.

Another example is the GotY award given to Halo3 from Gametrailers.com. The game was Hyped like crazy, got high ratings, many lovers, many haters. But when Gametrailers decided to give it the Best Game of The Year Award 2007, the majority of viewers disagreed, stating that Halo3 was the worst nominee to pick for the award. Those who agreed with Gametrailers got bad ratings in the comments and the video itself was given a score of about 5/10.
I really don't think they are all just Xbox haters that try to be different, since most of them played the game themselves and realized that it's really not that special. So even though it sold very well on the Xbox360, it doesn't seem that all think that it's that great.

Sales don't say anything, especially about the Wii, since it was designed for casual gamers, and a good percentage of Wii owners can't even spell Halo and have never heard anything about a website called metacritics, hence crappyish games will continue to sell well, so developers won't have to change their strategy.
AoWFraggit said:
seeing as wii and 360 are neck-and-neck...our only logical conclusion is that the ps3 is a big heaping bucket of PHAIL.

*initiate ps3 flaming immediately*
Only problem is that the XBox 360 came out 1 whole year before the PS3 did. I'm not denying that the Wii is selling better than the PS3, because it is.

Also, have you ever played a PS3, or are you just a fanboy against it?
Secumfex said:
This isn't arguing, this is discussing, and it's one of the forum's major usage. It's a good thing, really.

@ T3kNi9e's take on my earlier post

I wouldn't say Wii gamers are less picky than Xbox360 gamers. It's just that there is no other option than picking (seen from the press's perspective) mediocre titles, since there aren't that many very good and hyped titles. (Please Take note that I said Wii Gamers, not Wii Owners [ sorry, Grandma, but I think you'd pick Chicken Shoot anyways])

Assassins Creed was hyped a lot ( Jade's hawt <3 ) so it's totally normal that many will dislike the game and disapprove with the press' reviews, saying it's not as good as it was promised.

On the Wii how ever, gamer's can't really say "the game is worse than they promised, so I won't buy it" since the developers and the hype never promised anything. In the end gamers may say "I own it and it's ok, just like the reviews say".

Those games that receive hype how ever, will suffer from the same problems as hyped games on other consoles. SMG, as well as Zelda TP or MP3, is an AAA Title that got very high ratings from the press, but many gamers disagreed, stating that it's still too much of the same and did not deserve that high ratings.

Another example is the GotY award given to Halo3 from Gametrailers.com. The game was Hyped like crazy, got high ratings, many lovers, many haters. But when Gametrailers decided to give it the Best Game of The Year Award 2007, the majority of viewers disagreed, stating that Halo3 was the worst nominee to pick for the award. Those who agreed with Gametrailers got bad ratings in the comments and the video itself was given a score of about 5/10.
I really don't think they are all just Xbox haters that try to be different, since most of them played the game themselves and realized that it's really not that special. So even though it sold very well on the Xbox360, it doesn't seem that all think that it's that great.

Sales don't say anything, especially about the Wii, since it was designed for casual gamers, and a good percentage of Wii owners can't even spell Halo and have never heard anything about a website called metacritics, hence crappyish games will continue to sell well, so developers won't have to change their strategy.

First of all, yes Jade was fine :)

2nd, I agree with your post. This is exactly what I meant. Halo 3 sold 8.1 million and yet people really dont want it to be GOTY. Not because its sucks, but because they know it was overhyped. It was without a doubt a good game, but not GOTY. Even people who owned Halo 3 didnt think it was GOTY except for the hardcore Halo lovers.

Which makes a point about the Wii sales, just like you said. Even though Wii has sold a shitload does not make it the god of the consoles like people are acting. Especially when most of them like you said are casual gamers who know almost nothing about gaming. By casual gamers I dont just mean people who buy it for themselves but dont play a whole lot, but also parents who walk into a store, look at the box art and buy the game. They see, "Oh look, Sponge Bob, little Kevin would love this game". Also another reason is the fact that the Wii is cheap, so for a person who barely plays, obviously they're not going to get the more expensive game or the prettiest so they get the Wii. Once again, for parents who buy games for their kids, they get the console who has more "family friendly" games and grab the Wii for its abundance E-rated games.

So when people go GAH-GAH about the Wii saying "Wii has outsold any other console, blah blah blah." I go: "Who the hell cares, most of the people who bought it were casual gamers who parents for their kids" Hell even my little cousin wants a Wii. He asked me if I had a Wii and he goes to his sister "Mira Kristel, Mike dijo que el tiene un Nintendo Wii!" Which means "Look, Kristel, Mike said he has a Nintendo Wii!" Why? Because like all of us, Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong were our childhood friends.

Now im not going to sit here says "Xbox/PS3 is the best console" because its not a fact, its an opinion. But even if I were a Wii lover and it was my favorite console im not going to sit around saying "Wii has outsold all the other consoles" Especially knowing that the average buyer was a casual gamer or parent who bought it for their kids"

Btw, I wasn't saying that Wii players were less critical on games than the average Xbox player, because a gamer is a gamer. But the average Wii player settles for less because they are used to it. When you can count the amount of good games on your two hands for the Wii, then you really dont have much to choose from. While Xbox (not ps3 just yet, til later this year) has so many different titles that even when a game like Assassins Creed was released people still said "oh hell, im not getting it anymore" Since I own all consoles, I do not settle for less. Which is why their is a good chance im not getting No More Heroes anymore, unless it gets good reviews because I dont settle for less. Why spend $50 on something that ends up being Mediocre when I have a PS3 and Xbox to choose games from?

AoWFraggit said:
like i've said time and time again...

the wii is the ONLY real next-gen console. the ps3 and 360 are both just last-gen consoles with hd players shoved up their asses.

How many times you have to say this? You already admitted you're a fanboy so why even put in your 2 cents? This "logic" that you speak with can be applied to almost anything. I could say that the Wii is just last-gen consoles with new controls shoved up its ass. A serious poster should really just disregard anything you say because you speak without logic.

Btw, on your other comment "or a you"

Did you not read that I said the AVERAGE Wii owner? I bought Wii because I love games, so therefore I see a cheap Nintendo Wii thats going to have Nintendo franchise games, im going to buy it for those games.
AoWFraggit said:
timesplitters 4 please.
I would love this if it came to the Wii. I played 2 and 3 on the PS2, my cousins and I always seem to have a really great time.
I've played FPS's on the PC, the Playstationsand the Xbox's and I've played a few FPS's on the Wii, Red Steels being a good examples...

The best FPS platform will always be the PC, hands down, nothing is more accurate that a mouse with decent dpi, for sniping and generally shooting people in the face.

But, with the release of things like the WiiZapper, turning the remotes into essentially light guns.... I can see wii being a very good platform for shoot 'em ups...

I'm waiting for the WiiBFG, or the WiiSniper w/ Nightscope and Laser sight... That should make Ghost Recon fun... :yesnod:
cod4 better for pc than ps360..its a lot cheaper and there will be mods and last longer as when a new fps comes out the other one seems out of date.

i need to see moh:h2 to justify my thoughts on fps's on wii
wii has POTENTIAL for great fps titles. it just...hasn't quite kicked off yet.

and pc's may be ideal for fps games, but it needs WAY too much modding. just not worth having to update pc hardware constantly to keep up with games. may as well get an actual console.
thats the reason I quit playing games on my PC, I got tired of upgrading it. Its annoyng and costs money. I just started console gaming again about feb 2007 ever since N64. I played some PS2 and Gamecube but barely.
the last console i owned was the psone. after that, i stuck with counter-strike, age of empires, and day of defeat on my steam-powered (pun intended) computer. then i saw the wii. and i fell in love.
Yup thats what I played too. I never got into Age of Empires though, I didnt like the resource gathering, too many different kinds of resources and you had make farms over and over non stop. I played StarCraft, WarCraft 2/3 and Diablo 1/2.

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