wii, FPS dominator?

manufan15 said:
No. Basically all the 360 games are FPS's. Halo, Gears, etc.

No way will the Wii surpass them if a game like Halo doesn't come to it. (It probably won't happen.)
keep going on with this list. you say basically all the 360 games are FPSs, you name 2, keep going!

AoWFraggit said:
chill out and give it time. the wii has been out for only a year. my guess is that nintendo is waiting til the insane public demand for wii's dies down to release truly breathtaking titles. the theory is: why bother spending so much effort to make high quality games when ppl want wii's just for wiisports?

i'm guessing sometime this year, wii owners will be getting the games we've been waiting for.
gears of war was out by 360's first year.
not all 360 games are fps titles...just the ones worth playing.

Sovieto said:
gears of war was out by 360's first year.

well there wasn't a year-long shortage of consoles, was there? and the wii's already got some great non-fps titles, like smg and mp3:c.
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ok, the 360's best game is halo, halo is an fps, that doesn't make the 360 the only console to have fps games.
AoWFraggit said:
well there wasn't a year-long shortage of consoles, was there? and the wii's already got some great non-fps titles, like smg and mp3:c.
what the hell does wii shortages have to do with the games being made?!
AoWFraggit said:
well there wasn't a year-long shortage of consoles, was there? and the wii's already got some great non-fps titles, like smg and mp3:c.
Actually, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is a FPS game. It is one of the few exclusive FPS games for the Wii that is good (to most people including myself).
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The thing I like best about FPS games is the "oh my god" graphics.

That's why Halo 3 is so fantastic. It has fantastic game play and fantastic graphics.
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FRuMMaGe said:
Halo 3, Bioshock, Resistance.

Need I say more?
are you including ps3 titles aswell?
Sovieto said:
so youre giving the wii 2 years to accomplish something the 360 did in 1 year?

nintendo is still having a hard time shipping enough wii's to satisfy the public. after the rush is over is when game developers are really going to kick into gear to make quality titles for the wii.

why make great titles when there aren't enough wii-owners to enjoy them?

and last i checked, the wii outsold the 360 by a LONG SHOT. and what's this? it's still SOLD OUT NATIONWIDE? funny, huh?
AoWFraggit said:
wait a year. THEN let's hear that again.
You are basing this statement on the assumption that there will be NO other great FPS' out for any other console

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