wii, FPS dominator?

T3kNi9e said:
I want to say the AoWFraggit is the stupidiest idiot in these forums so far. But im just going to say he's extremely misinformed on just about everything his Wii fanboyism mind can think of.

Just so ironic how many people in these forums get mad for anything that talks down the Wii, even when its true. Then so many people talk down 360/PS3 with things that are completely false.

Whoever said 360 is almost only FPS is also completely stupid. Then another says that they're not all fps, then he makes a false statement when he says all the games worth playing are FPS (lol, I have 2 FPS 360 games out of 8. If your gonna talk about another system, then atleast use wikipedia to learn some info. Especially when your talking down something.

And another thing, why the hell is console sales bought up so much? Who the hell cares about sales except the actual companies? PS3 is in last place and I like their games better than Wii's.
I agree. There was a Wii owner who made a thread about how their friend had said that Bioshock deserved game of the year because it had great graphics, and the Wii owner was furious and went on a massive rant about gameplay and whatnot.

But they are just as bad. Just because a game has good graphics they assume it automatically has bad gameplay and is not fun.

I hate these people
truth is, most games with awesome graphics have great gameplay. i cant think of a game with awesome graphics that had horrible gameplay, im sure there are, but they are far in between. when a developer knows they have a great idea for a game, they show this core gameplay concept and get the funding they need which allows them to make great graphics and what not.
Sovieto said:
truth is, most games with awesome graphics have great gameplay. i cant think of a game with awesome graphics that had horrible gameplay, im sure there are, but they are far in between. when a developer knows they have a great idea for a game, they show this core gameplay concept and get the funding they need which allows them to make great graphics and what not.
Exactly. Halo 3, Gears of War, Bioshock all had great gameplay aswell.

I used to enjoy my Wii more, but lately I've been pouring much more effort into my Xbox. My Wii isn't even plugged in...
Sure, that's why the games of the 90's were all crap, I mean, just look at them they're soo ugly they can't have good gameplay!

It's only logical, because as you probably know, a development of a game actually costs millions of dollars, having years of development and only focussing on the graphics will most likely lead to a game that looks great, but makes simply no fun to play. In the result the game will fail, no one will buy it and the Developers have to close the studio.
The problem then, how ever, is that most developers that create good games with stunning graphics try not to put in too many innovations. It's better not to risc anything when there are millions of dollars involved.
They will try to make it as mainstreamish as possible with adding only few own ideas to it.

Problem on the Wii, how ever, is that developers try the same thing here, too, without adding innovations. This leads to uninspired mediocre titles that have nothing to make them superior to other games on other consoles. The only company that does add innovations AND satisfies most gamers on the Wii is Nintendo.
and the developers that make games with insane graphics and bad gameplay are the games that bomb... Believe it or not Xbox players are very critical on games. When assassins creed came out people read the reviews and saw 8's and like two 7's and everyone went hysterical saying the game bombed and said they werent going to buy it. You see a game that gets 7's and 8's on the Wii and everyone will say go out and buy it. So if a game sells alot on xbox you can be sure its actually a good game. So when people say "ohh, gears of war is so overrated, that game sucks" you can be sure, that ITS JUST YOU. Because everyone else agrees its a good game. There's too many people that seem to have animosity towards 360 and PS3 because of its graphics and try to justify why Wii is soo great because of new controls. Its not like anyone is dissing Wii yet people like to jump up and say "ohh, but they're all full of graphical FPS that are crappy and all the same" Seriously if you dont own the console you should not even say anything about it because then it just becomes hear-say instead of actual facts. I can say something because I actually play all my consoles and I know whats what.

Btw, this was not directed towards you Secumfex, im speaking in general. I agree somewhat with what you said. Its true some developers try to disguise their games with great graphics and shitty gameplay. But thats when I come in, I dont buy a game without researching it to make sure its actually good and not just dressed up well. For example, TimeShift, which seemed pretty and had a new innovative gameplay, but overall sucked.
Secumfex said:
Sure, that's why the games of the 90's were all crap, I mean, just look at them they're soo ugly they can't have good gameplay!

It's only logical, because as you probably know, a development of a game actually costs millions of dollars, having years of development and only focussing on the graphics will most likely lead to a game that looks great, but makes simply no fun to play. In the result the game will fail, no one will buy it and the Developers have to close the studio.
The problem then, how ever, is that most developers that create good games with stunning graphics try not to put in too many innovations. It's better not to risc anything when there are millions of dollars involved.
They will try to make it as mainstreamish as possible with adding only few own ideas to it.

Problem on the Wii, how ever, is that developers try the same thing here, too, without adding innovations. This leads to uninspired mediocre titles that have nothing to make them superior to other games on other consoles. The only company that does add innovations AND satisfies most gamers on the Wii is Nintendo.
what are you talking about? no one is saying the games in the 90's had bad graphics. those were just the graphic capabilities at the time. i see what youre saying though with developers only making the graphics better and few added ideas, such as most sports games, and some of your favorite nintendo franchises. but heres the thing, if a game has great gameplay, and then they only reamp the graphics and a few ideas, it still has that same great gameplay. you might not feel you need to purchase that game since its so much alike, but it has that gameplay nonetheless.

T3kNi9e said:
and the developers that make games with insane graphics and bad gameplay are the games that bomb... Believe it or not Xbox players are very critical on games. When assassins creed came out people read the reviews and saw 8's and like two 7's and everyone went hysterical saying the game bombed and said they werent going to buy it. You see a game that gets 7's and 8's on the Wii and everyone will say go out and buy it. So if a game sells alot on xbox you can be sure its actually a good game. So when people say "ohh, gears of war is so overrated, that game sucks" you can be sure, that ITS JUST YOU. Because everyone else agrees its a good game. There's too many people that seem to have animosity towards 360 and PS3 because of its graphics and try to justify why Wii is soo great because of new controls. Its not like anyone is dissing Wii yet people like to jump up and say "ohh, but they're all full of graphical FPS that are crappy and all the same" Seriously if you dont own the console you should not even say anything about it because then it just becomes hear-say instead of actual facts. I can say something because I actually play all my consoles and I know whats what.

Btw, this was not directed towards you Secumfex, im speaking in general. I agree somewhat with what you said. Its true some developers try to disguise their games with great graphics and shitty gameplay. But thats when I come in, I dont buy a game without researching it to make sure its actually good and not just dressed up well. For example, TimeShift, which seemed pretty and had a new innovative gameplay, but overall sucked.
wow QFT. First half of the first paragraph was awesome.
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skiped the last 5 posts...the wii has ot sold 360 look about it true..

and tbh the wii wouldt suit a frantic game imo you dont turn as good as you do with an extra stick (360, ps3) but i can see good fps's coming to wii but nothing like halo or tp..

i love tp but i cant see it
i think the OP was referring to consoles. but yeah, nothing beats some good old-fashioned counter-strike.
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CyanRussel said:
Naw....PC stands as the FPS dominator...

Nothing can dominate Mouse and Keyboard..

too true, too true.

but the wii would still own the pc more lol
i think the OP was referring to consoles. but yeah, nothing beats some good old-fashioned counter-strike.
Yea i knew that....just felt like putting it out there....next best one in future will be THE WII...cause of how the controls look and how they behave:lol:

too true, too true.

but the wii would still own the pc more lol
I dont know about "Owing" but i do know that the wii is selling its ass-off while the PS3 and 360 sit there looking stupid with dust flying on it
Obivously you idiots dont read ****. Xbox has sold 17.7 million, so yea its "collecting dust"

Anyway for people to act like CoD4 sucks need to shut the hell up and be real. Counter-Strike was the ****, but key word being "was". CoD4 is like CS but better.
I feel that MoHH2 is a solid fps,
the only flaws it has are the sniping controls and no split screen multiplayer...other then that though great game
mohh2 was a step in the right direction, but it leaves you with kind of an empty feeling...it shows that the wii IS, without a doubt, capable of delivering a solid fps title. mohh2 has a number of flaws (including online graphics, lack of split-screen, poor in-game communications, etc), but it's a start.

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