wii, FPS dominator?

ehhh i never was much of a blizzard fan. starcraft 2 does look like a bucket of jesus though, i'll give it that.
T3kNi9e said:
Yup thats what I played too. I never got into Age of Empires though, I didnt like the resource gathering, too many different kinds of resources and you had make farms over and over non stop. I played StarCraft, WarCraft 2/3 and Diablo 1/2.

There aren't that many resources in the AOE games--just four or so instead of two or three. They changed the farm thing in Age of Mythology so that they were permanent.

Starcraft is without a doubt one of the best games ever made, though. I've invested more in that game (as well as Counterstrike) than any other game. I would LOVE if the Wii would port over the original Starcraft with online play. I don't even care if it has the same outdated graphics and everything. Just give me some awesoem SC online gameplay!
Lol they did it on N64, but the framerate was really bad and graphics were bad. Plus using a remote instead of mouse and no online was pretty bad. But I still bought it and played it alot, despite having SC on my PC.
well Call of Duty 5 was announced not too long ago, which is being made by the same developers as Call of Duty 3, so i don't see why they wouldnt make the 5th one for the wii also. and i guess this game has some potential, as its the sequel to cod 4. Hopefully there will be online play in this one, as well as 4-player splitscreen. But i heard its going back to the WWII genre, supposedly set in the pacific theatre, and i think that's pretty stupid. Why are there so many WWII games, and very few modern ones? Im pretty sick of WWII now.
Phillysoul said:
I would really like a Counter strike ( in my opinion the best fps ever) for the wii....

yes please. that would be a dream come true. doesn't even have to have source graphics. i'd settle for condition zero, or even 1.6.
Im not sure about CS:S or CS:CZ as I only played classic CS. But isnt it just like CoD4? CS was basically T's vs CT's, T's plant bomb or killed all CT's, CT's disarmed bomb or killed all Ts before they plant bomb, or both.

CoD4 has that, one team plants bomb, while the other disarms. So when I first played CoD4, that really caught my eye and I loved the fact that they had it, thats when I first realized to myself that CoD4 surpassed CS. It was prettier and had ranks, levels, customizable weapons, perks, etc.

I wish instead of Activision paying Treyarch to make CoD5, they pay them to port CoD4 to Wii. Even though im getting it on the 360 in like a week, it would be good for the Wii gamers. CoD4 is just good, no one should miss out on it.
of course i'd like to see a wii version of cod4 over a cs remake. but i'm not saying no to some ct on t action ;)

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