What's your pokemon team?

To be honest, Strype is much smarter than me and CK.
Bulbapedia can help with the abreviations.
Also, there are existing sets for a couple of those pokes on the previous pages.[/lazy/tired]

Major second on the lazy tired....I've been stepping and fetching all day. Blood Work, Drug Test, Finger Printing, Diving and driving...

Thanks for the minor ego boost their foxyboy, and yes, getting into lucario is getting into the world that I know best.
I'm still getting alot of mileage out of my hybrid-cario, and it's unique build.

IF I use abbreviation, slang, and other shorthand, its realy me not being arsed enough to write a full opinion of what it is I mean, and just going for the jist of the situation.

One example, with a poke rocking with a choice item, you always aim for diversity and coverage for sake of being stuck with one solid move....With out a choice item, you can scale back to one to two utility moves....

I really wish my team building thread had survived the forum purge...that was a well written piece I had done.

Have a female Salamence/Bagon/Shelgon SEX a male Gyarados who has Hydro Pump.

It almost sounds kinky.....worth filming doesn't it?
You can aim to try again after some rest.
I'll definately read it/pass it on.
I might, if anything I do need to write again, too many games to keep up, books to read, ect...

Side Note: Reading the Dresden Series, Hard core good. Modern Chicago, Professional Wizard, its like a crime novel, Fantasy, with that harsh biting dry wit. Its possibly a Noirgasam.

Side Note Version 2: My favorite trainer class in all the Pokemon games, was the gambler class. Mainly because it turned into the "PI" Class, a bad ass that made gambling references, wore trencher and fedora, flipping a coin....to bad (to my knowledge) there is only ONE in DP

Side Note Mach 3: I got a pair of shaymin, I stopped SR'ing one of them, to just use it, in game, It hit modest, not sure of it's IVs. I still have one, untouched, to SR on all day.
Between Veilstone and the Lake, in the odd grassy fenced area. I remember that he is one of the trainers worth vs seaker'ing
Thought about adding Parasect to an Uber trick room team.
Uber Trick room is hesterical any ways.....

Could be fun, parasect is a freakin monster
My first real team, was a trick room monstrosity, and it was insanely fun.
I have switched my team up a little.
I have switched my team up a little.

By including Giratina, your officially bumped into the ubers tier. Which means your swimming with the big sharks, more specifically Garchomp, Mewtwo, Palkia, Kyogre, Groudon, etc. That basically means your going to have a hard time if that's what you intend to bring to the table. Nothings really stopping a Kyogre from spamming Water Spout/Hydro Pump aside from Giratina or Empoleon, the latter who you can't really use until you know what item it has (Choice Scarf/Specs) as it gets dented (quite hard) with Thunder. Same applies to Mewtwo, who will just have a lovely day pretty much smacking almost everything on your team supereffective with just Ice Beam and Aura Sphere.

I would personally just say toss out the Giratina, but then again your probably just playing for fun, in which case have fun. :sleep:
Rrrr, was looking through Smogon's new sets and was kinda surprised to see Flygon bumped into OU...
The only use I'd ever have for him is an annoying CB U-Turner.
Also, where is the BL tier!? (And when are we getting an NU tier dammit?)
Unless I'm mistaken, the OU tier and BL tier are pretty much the same thing. The name of OU, as it implies, is based on the usage of Pokemon. The need of a BL tier is really unnecessary as it's still composed of top tier Pokemon.

But I wouldn't be surprised if the NU tier takes forever. The UU tier will still take 8 months... most likely a year and a half + with all the various testing. And even from there, they would then need to retest for NU, which could take another 4/6+ months. To be honest, I'm somewhat talking out of my ass since I really don't know how testing tiers works, but I know it won't happen anytime soon.
Thank you wuddle my man.

And yea fox, flygon got into OU, since he is a watered down chompy chomp.
BL is never officaly a teir, its more of a oddity, but yes, it is still my favorites
It was a justification used to link UO to UU.
PZ in UUs would never happen without BL and as for the NU thing, that tier is needed. Swellow and Sunflora do not belong in the same tier...EVER!
Flygon belongs in BL
Ambipom belongs in BL (UU!? C'mon...)
Kingdra belongs in BL (But as high as it gets in BL)
etc etc...
This is a mockery of class and a prudent fail. Battle rules (including tier info) are getting shaky. I CAN FEEL IT!
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