What's your pokemon team?

It was a justification used to link UO to UU.
PZ in UUs would never happen without BL and as for the NU thing, that tier is needed. Swellow and Sunflora do not belong in the same tier...EVER!
Flygon belongs in BL
Ambipom belongs in BL (UU!? C'mon...)
Kingdra belongs in BL (But as high as it gets in BL)
etc etc...
This is a mockery of class and a prudent fail. Battle rules (including tier info) are getting shaky. I CAN FEEL IT!

Sunflora has every right to be in the same tier as Swellow given it can hold it's own weight for it's purpose.

Anyways, stronger contenders in UU will balance each other out. Ambipom staying in UU will prevent x from being overpowered. Just as Kingdra being UU will prevent y from being overpowered. Unless they truly are broken in UU, than they should be bumped up.

But there really shouldn't be a BL tier, as it's not even a tier. BL, along with OU is just a banlist of UU. Just like Ubers is a banlist to OU.
Somehow, I think we already danced this dance before....

Also...why is "Class Structure" and Tier structure running through my mind as the same thing...dear god, its french literature with Pokemon.....
les misrables + gallade =
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  • #140
Good old, fat ass Blissey.. God I hate her. :p

Either way, here's a moveset taken by memory - I'm not a Blissey user, but it's what I remember.

Blissey @ leftover(lol duh), Natural Cure
Ice Beam/Thunderbolt
Thunderwave/Stealth rock(
Seismic Toss

Ya, classic and annoying moveset for the Oprah wannabe. Ice Beam or T-bolt is for the respective targets, dragons or Gyarados. Thunderwave is simply for paralysis support, which Blissey does excellently - especially with Garchomp gone from OU. Seismic toss is there for standard damage, and helps beat up things in combination with Softboiled. Using a nuetral or worse, not very effective T-bolt or Ice Beam certainly doesn't measure up to a Seismic toss.

That's a really old moveset though, and has lost some popularity I believe. Old standard though. There are many new versions of a Blissey, such as the diverse attacker(to hammer both dragons and Gyara)or the odd but effective wishing Blissey. If you just want a standard special wall, that's the route to go though.

As for Zapdos, depends on what you want, physical or special tank.
@Wuddle&Strype- BL was a listed tier for some time, and although there are some pokes that are there to be better than others, pokemon that are just abysmally god awefull (IE Sunflora/Mightyena/Wormadam/etc) belong in an NU catagory. Some of the lower tier OU and higher tier UU are either too bad or too good for their tier and belong in a middle class, usable by both tiers in terms of legality and practicality.
I know what you're saying Wuddle, but the only 2 tiers that havs a definate line between them is OU/Uber.
I'm an outraged/impatient battler with an opinion is what I'm getting at.

@Bowser- Lousy. I'm working on Mareep ATM. Then I have a commision from CK that will remain unnamed.

Bliss can do a lot but her vest job is being a special wall, but note, she requires Siesmic Toss to be effective and that requires a move tutor from Emerald (if I'm not mistaken) or you can beg Strype for a clone of his.
Zapdos is a toss in the air. I want one but can't be arsed to try and get one with a decent HP.
You'll find decent Zapdos spreads here, as I am on my Wii and are tab-less...

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  • #143
Hm.. I specifically remember you asking for a Zapdos on your team before, yeah? As Fox mentioned he can't be arsed to find a Zapdos with a good HP, it'l be rough for you as well.

I particularly remembered you wanting a dual screen Zapdos set, if I'm correct.. Something along the lines of:

Zapdos @ ?
Light Screen

..Something like that. But with Platinum, you'll have the impressive option of using Heat Wave for Zapdos. You could use something more along the lines of...

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Heat Wave
Light Screen/Reflect

If you're satisifed with that, there are plenty of reasons to choose either Light Screen or Reflect. With Reflect, Zapdos gives the team general support to the common physical sweeper, which can synergize with Blissey in case it gets trapped by a Pursuit user and let it survive another day to wall. This also would let Zapdos(sort of)wall something like a CB TTar much better, as when using Roost not only does Zapdos lose a rock weakness, but reflect boosts it's defenses heftily so EQ or Stone Edge won't cause massive damage either way.

..Not that T-bolt would be doing a lot of damage to Tyranitar anyways, but you get the point, with reflect he has huge physical defenses and becomes an amazing wall as well as team supporter.

As for Light Screen, ..well, not much to say for it. This let's Zapdos pose as a mixed wall, but you already have Blissey for that, and Reflect might have a bit more synergy. And remember, with Roost and Reflect, Zapdos is nearly unstoppable in terms of a physical tank.
Roost/T-bolt/HP-Ice/Roar is one of the defensive Zapdos sets.
@CK: that top one i think is the same from before the apocalypse. but i like the Heat Wave option. and i'm taking reflect

@fox: HP-ice? oh...hidden power. i've never understood. how can you tell what element hp is?
Serebii has an IV and HP calculator, but you need to know the EVs ov your poke unless it's untouched and for HP, it should be Lv.100 to be completely accurate.
Trying to explaine HP to somebody who doesnt understand EVs and IVs is pointless though, no offense.
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  • #147
Reflect? Alright, I jotted that down in a notepad. 1 down, 5 to go..

Either one, you need a hidden power calculator, which is used by putting in your poke's Individual Values for each stat:


Or two, find out manually. Luckily Psypoke is a real good site and tells how to do so. Just follow the instructions right below the Hidden Power Calculator.
On Electivire, my Electivire is considered the standard:
EQ/IcePunch/ThunderPunch/CrossChop @LifeOrb/C.Scarf(Adamant)/C.Band(Jolly)

Try to get a motor boost as often as you can if you use a life orb.

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