What's your pokemon team?

PZ uses boltbeam most of the time.
I'd say something lik this if you ran a choice set:
Dark Pulse

If you ran an agility set, just forego D.Pulse for agility. If PZ had the defenses of P2, this set would be very appealing.
PZ can also run a surprise mix set w/Return that can 2HKO Blissey. A very nasty surprise indeed.
Nasty Plot/SubSalac/Tric/Specs are other choices (the first two going together)

SubSalac means substituting untill your HP is low enough to activate Salac Berry (upping speed) (nasty ploting when you get the chance) then fire away with +1 speed and hopefully +2 s.atk if you got a plot in. Priority screws this set and your HP must be devisable by 4 for it to work.
Nasty Plot
Tri Attack

Trick and specs are essentially the same thing too since PZ with specs is generally a bad idea due to his sub-par speed, but with trick you can come in on a switch and ruin his would-be counter Blissey by tricking a choice item on to her. Any Blissey (barring the odd specs Bliss) HATES getting choiced.
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But, Hyper Beam faints the opponent 97% of the time in one hit. Because it's Normal type which doubles it's Power to 300 because of Porygon-Z's Special Ability. Plus it's the same type so it also increases damage dealt by 1.5%. And his Sp. Atk is 393 so it does a Lot of Damage. Plus if I make him hold a, Silk Scarf another 1.5% more damage.

Now how about Dragonite.
I'm pretty much done with his moves so I need new ones.
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I tend to frown upon Hyper Beam because when you send out PZ, your oponent is gonna run for his Bliss. You beam her and it does roughly 39% and she's free to softboil/twave/stealthrock/toxic etc
Any of which would be a bad thing and IF your oponent doesnt bring bliss, Hyper Beam is basically suicide. Metagross blocks it all together. Zong absorbs it and explodes in your face, but if you wanted it, it would be a viable 50/50 choice between IceBeam/HyperBeam on a choice specs set.

As for Dragonite:
DragonDance/EQ/Outrage/FirePUnch is the standard.
Don't feel like getting deeper into dnite without CK, this seems like his territory. Also Strypes hlal is effective so I'm not the guy for it.
You got water-typed pokes, we'll talk. =p
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i got a Porygon Z

i very much like it.

Porygon Z:
Modest Nature
Download ability
Ice Beam
Shadow Ball

thats my supa special sweeper, and im putting it back in my team
Forego Download for Adaptability
Shadow Ball for Tri Attack
and Psychic for Dark Pulse
and modest for timid nature and you got a winner.

Looking for a battle. Any takers?
Forego Download for Adaptability
Shadow Ball for Tri Attack
and Psychic for Dark Pulse
and modest for timid nature and you got a winner.

Looking for a battle. Any takers?

...but i love download...
i was wanting to replace shadow ball anyway, but id like to keep psychic. cant make much use of dark pulse without speed priority.

How would we battle? i feel like the stupidest person here for asking this, but i havent battled long distance yet
Look in your key items.
Find your pal pad
Regester my FC (4210 0807 0259) and name.
Your FC will be in there too
Post it
Go downstairs to any pokemon center
Talk to the women at the desk
If we both regestered eachother's FCs and I'm in wifi, you'll see me.

I'll set up the battle. lv.100 singles (Don't worry, it temporarily levels your pokes to lv 100 for the battle)

Wifi settings are at the main menu I think.
To Storm:
What!? You took Porygon-Z out of your party?
Oh and here's my Porygon-Z:
Lv. 100
Moves: Tri Attack, Hyper Beam, Recover, Ice Beam.
Health: 301
Attack: 189
Defense: 152
Sp. Atk: 393
Sp. Def: 179
Speed: 269
Other Information:
Nature: Mild
Likes: Likes to run.
Likes: Dry Food
I wish it had more Defense and Sp. Defense,
He's normally taken out in two hits!
I used all my EV's on Sp. Atk and Speed.

To Fox:
But what about Dragonite?
I already posted about Dragonite.
Mega Luigi; thats why i took Recover out, its not useful enough. Mine hits hard, and fast, and bc of download, i can usually take out the first poke in one hit.

@Fox, ill register you now, thanks. ill post my info in a minute.
Download just doesnt provide reliable boosts. If you download atk instead, you're boned.
FunFact: Porygon-Z's STAB Tri attack with adaptability hits a base power of 160. That's stronger than Hyper Beam
His STAB Hyper Beam hits a scary BP of 300. That spells overkill.
true...im tryin to hook up wifi right now

also, mega luigi, i have a nasty Dnite if you need help
Return on the mixed set also claims a massive boost from adaptability, giving it a bp of 195 (I'm not sure on this one)
hey Fox, i cant connect right now. my wireless routers on lockdown. i can try again tomorrow though, sry.

also, if anyone needs help, feel free to ask. im not as in depth as Fox CK or Strype, but ill help as much as i can.
Alright then.
A shower, then It's back to chaining.

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